A Mary Kay Bashing Website
I am a Mary Kay consultant myself and have read enough of the comments on your website to realize that this is just a Mary Kay bashing website.
Let me explain to you that I work a “real” job and work my Mary Kay part time. My real job is at a top two in the world printing company and that job really sux. I am simple a number to them, there is no recognition, no reward for doing a good job, only points added to my record when I have to be absent- and with 4 children there are times when a mother cannnot simple be there.
Why don’t you post Mary Kay policies of God first, family second, and career third. What about the positiveness of this company?
If I never reqruited anyone into Mary Kay, which I have, nobody brow beats me, this is my business and I can run how I please as to say I can build it at my own pace. If you and some of these other bashers would get a real job, sweat your ass off for 12 hours a day with little recognititon and even worse pay you would realize that Mary Kay is a Wonderful company to be a part of.
There is no secrets in Mary Kay. Get a real job and then see how you feel about Mary Kay.
“Get a real job”
at least she recognizes MKult is not a “real” job
::cues up Bob Seger’s “I Feel Like a Number”::
The thing is, Mary Korp cares even less about you than Big Huge Publisher does. If you’re sick, hurt on the job, or disabled, there are laws to protect you. If you’re fired, you can collect unemployment. If you retire, you get a pension. The fact that you still have the job with BHP means you know that it’s what’s putting food on the table and providing shelter, clothes, and medical care for your kids. Most importantly, you get money out of it without having to put any in.
However, you do NOT own your MK business. You are a contracted reseller of their products, and only allowed to sell and advertised in ways they permit. You will get zero support from them in an emergency. They can terminate your contract at any time for any reason and leave you with nothing. There are no pension plans, no unemployment. Most of all, you get no money out of it – you have to put money into it.
I totally get that when you’re stuck in a situation you hate with no clear way out, it’s so easy to feel like you have no control over your own life. I’ve been there. Breaking out of that rut isn’t easy. I get the feeling that that’s the point you’re at now, since you mention having “control” over your MK business. You don’t, but the illusion of control over ANYTHING is very appealing in that situation. Again, I’ve been there.
My advice to you is to channel that need for control into a more productive plan: take the money you’d spend on MK and put it into an interest-bearing savings account. Do this for a few months and you’ll build up a cushion against an emergency. Take the time you’d spend on MK and look for a new job. There are resources available both online and off that will help you write a resume and get through interviews.
I sincerely hope you find yourself in a better place, both jobwise and mentally, in a year or two.
Perfect response P!
I am a Mary Kay consultant myself and have read enough of the comments on your website to realize that this is just a Mary Kay bashing website.
Welcome. I hope you read more posts and comments to realise that this is NOT a Mary Kay bashing website. It is one that points out the lies and manipulations used by directors to encourage their downline to go into unwanted debt to further the uplines supposed status.
Let me explain to you that I work a “real” job and work my Mary Kay part time.
So, the “real job” supports the “fauxotunity” of Mary Kay, got it!
My real job is at a top two in the world printing company and that job really sux(sic). I am simple a number to them, there is no recognition, no reward for doing a good job, only points added to my record when I have to be absent- and with 4 children there are times when a mother cannnot(sic) simple(sic) be there.
From an outsiders point of view, it sounds more like the fact that American laws do not support the workers as much as it should. That and the joys of late stage capitalisation.
Why don’t you post Mary Kay policies of God first, family second, and career third.
We do and how those are routinely abused by the women at the Tippy-Top to further extort money out of the lower levels.
What about the positiveness(sic) of this company?
Yes, I’m sure that the Australian and New Zealand IBCs were rolling in the positivity when Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company closed down those branches without telling them in advance.
If I never reqruited(sic) anyone into Mary Kay, which I have, nobody brow beats me, this is my business and I can run how I please as to say I can build it at my own pace.
Sure Jan. You are that rare IBC who minds her own business and never puts her head above the parapet. But do you really run your own business? Can you order what you want when you want? Can you change suppliers if you don’t like part of the company’s products? Do you use your own advertisements or do you have to parrot the MKBot lines?
If you and some of these other bashers would get a real job, sweat your ass off for 12 hours a day with little recognititon (sic) and even worse pay you would realize that Mary Kay is a Wonderful company to be a part of.
According to this more than 98% of MKBots earn less than an average $24, 084 in commission per annum or $463.13 a week or $11.58 per hour for a 40 hour workweek. Not stellar base pay.
But Destiny..what about the 50% profit on sales? How many times do we see such icons as Priceless Chels have 50/60% off sales? Far too often, I’m afraid.
There is no secrets in Mary Kay.
Oh, there are, you just don’t know them. How didn’t Mary Kay know about Ms. Anthony’s crimes until Pink Truth exposed them? Oh, it appears they did, they just didn’t bother to do anything about it.
Get a real job and then see how you feel about Mary Kay.
I think I’m one of a handful of the commentariat who does not work, so your whispering to the choir about having a real job.
“Get a real job and then see how you feel about Mary Kay.”
Is nursing NOT a real job? For the 21st year in a row, nurses have been ranked the most honest and ethical professionals out there. (Medical doctors were 17 points behind nurses.) Can you say that about ANY direct sales/MLM?
I HAVE a real job where I help a lot of people and get to do a lot of amazing things. I have benefits, amazing pay (I had to work my way up with education and experience to get there, and no, someone didn’t have to die or retire for me to get here), ELEVEN paid federal holidays, and a decent retirement plan. MK and every other MLM out there doesn’t offer this.
Popinki is right — take the money you would “invest” in your MK “business” and put it into savings. Build up that savings account for you and your family.
Methinks this Friday Critic would not be able to obtain the degrees needed to do your J.O.B.
Typical MKbot. They skip the articles and go straight to the comments and “beelieve” they have all the facts.
It’s also clear why this person doesn’t get any gold stars at their real job. I think Mary Kay should add a spelling and grammar class to Career Conference and Seminar. This would make their “training” claim more true and people would actually be learning something new for a change.
Mary Kay’s slogan of God first – I don’t see God anywhere in MK. Saying it doesn’t make it so. From the seminars to business practices…how is God glorified? MK has become their own god and sadly misuses God’s holy name for their own gain and purposes. How about the misleading advertising of starting your own business for $30 only to find out “later” that you have to order $225 to even become active and receive the 50% discount (which you really don’t with all the ad discounts). Then to keep that status, you have to order $225 of product every three months. On top of that, it’s all about recruit, recruit, recruit. Once I saw MK for what they truly were, I got out quickly. No regrets. Sadly, the one who recruited me was my daughter. Praying for her eyes, along with others, to be opened.
How old are you OP like 5?
Do you need a slow clap and called a good girl every time you flush the toilet ?
Your point about “recognition” is ridiculous.
Back when I was managing “real” brick and mortar retail stores, I so WISH I could have drawn peak performance out of my staff by dangling some lousy dollar store trinkets in front of them as “recognition” prizes. We had to motivate them with actual money.
Ever see Netflix American Factory?
They say Americans need to be told constantly they are doing a good job?? I know all Americans aren’t like that but this OP proves their point. The so called recognition, spending $1,000’s of dollars on product for them dollar store trinkets and to be praised in front of lots of people is baffling to me.
“I am simple a number to (my real job), there is no recognition, no reward for doing a good job…”
That’s because real jobs pay you in actual money, whereas cults pay you mostly in lovebombing and fake appreciation.
Ma’am we do talk about the whole “God first family second career third” thing. Because it’s bullsh!t. Thanks for stopping by, have a nice day!
That whole God First thing can be considered religious harassment in some corps they should be careful with that. I have nothing against religious people either. Just mentioning it because I think MK manipulates religious people.
Would love to know how much money she makes with her “part time” Mary Kay “business”. Obviously not enough to quit her real job. Once again, I ask the hater of this website how much they are making with their Mary Kay “business” and about how many hours per week do you spend at this “part time” endeavor? If you don’t like sharing your financial information may I remind you that nobody knows who you are here. I will once again bet the farm that I get zero response to this question, as has always been the case with anyone else who posts here claiming to be a Mary Kay consultant and liking their “business”.
Silly, Charles, she out earns Bezos, Musk and Gates every day. We know this because Mary Kay ensures that each and every IBC has their net earnings published monthly.. /major league sarcasm alert!!
oh, well then, guess we all should go out and become Mary Kay beauty consultants tomorrow… sign me right up.
Interesting article I am reading now from 1979 Texas Monthly
I refrained from adding that the Mary Kay set had made my face break out
I’m dying laughing
Women come to me all Vogue on the outside and vague on the inside. When one of our girls has a good week, we pat her on the back, put a ribbon on her, sing her a song, anything to give her recognition.”
“What about the positiveness of this company?” Um, ma’am…there is none.