Why doesn’t Mary Kay just admit that they’re multi-level marketing? They continue this “dual marketing” charade as if the world at large doesn’t know that they are MLM and any other term is just meant to distract and confuse. No Read more…
Mary Kay Cosmetics was founded on our belief in the Golden Rule. We strive to provide opportunities for women to achieve their maximum potential. And we tell all our consultants and directors that God and their families come before our Read more…
Maybe you think I am one of the Kaybots. And that’s fine. And maybe I shouldn’t even take the time to respond. But I feel I should. I became a consultant in May. I know what you’re thinking, oh you Read more…
Written by SuzyQ I secretly love it when directors have a “good” month. In my former wannabe area, we competed for silly little prizes from the dollar tree in contests for highest monthly production and most recruits. It was terribly Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose One of the most annoying claims made by MKers is that Mary Kay is the top-selling brand of skincare and color cosmetics in the world. The infamous Linda Toupin would predictably claim from the stage at Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Heartbreak is the only word that comes to mind, as we who have de-pinked, watch the parade of our friends going over the cliff, pursuing the Mary Kay “dream.” For a long time, I actively cared about Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose While researching Mary Kay’s repeated claim of being the Bestest Best Makeup in the Whole Wide World, I fell into a (surprisingly interesting) internet rabbit hole. Euromonitor International, which did the most recent “partnership” study confirming Read more…
Another critic of Mary Kay who knows all the catch phrases… There is a reason that Mary Kay Cosmetics has been the #1 selling cosmetics in the U.S for years! I am very offended by your comments, and of your Read more…
Written by Diana I wanted to write and share a little of my quitting experience. I am mourning my MK business. I thought it was my ticket to financial freedom. I thought I had found a business that was faith Read more…
Written by SuzyQ When we are in the Pink Bubble, we are taught to avoid negativity, with Pink Truth being cited directly as a huge bad thing, or at least alluded to as being poison. It is not. Negativity as Read more…
my thoughts exactly!
Ok, so the while supplies last part is for the samples ::facepalm::. Ryan is still getting rich off the consultomers…
I just noticed the "while supplies last" part in the small print. I'm 100% convinced that they're fixing to unload…
Ryan DOES look terrible! At least compared to the last pictures I saw of him. At any rate: Is this…
"This is your chance to set yourself up for success by attracting new customers who could become valuable team members,…