Sad Truths About Mary Kay
Written by Raisinberry
Look, I am nobody… I was never one of your Seminar Stars. I was just a trudge-thru-the-murk “Premier Club” director, of which, there are hundreds! Maybe thousands. There is absolutely no reason for you to listen to me, especially since you have already been warned that I was either a 1) Loser, 2) Negative, or 3) Lazy Sales Director.
But, knowing all that, could I ask you to just stay with me for a second? Could I ask you to evaluate your Mary Kay experience against mine, to see if perhaps, you see what is tragic about this experience? Are you willing to embrace the idea that you have not been told the truth?
You think the NSD stories are true, right? It never occurred to you that their I-Stories are false, or embellished. Yet, what do they tell YOU about coming up with your I- Story at skin care classes? Are you not supposed to exaggerate your results and or story? Sell it for its best possible influence? Borrow someone else’s till your story is ready?
That’s what I was told . So you are told to say “I am in my first year” as a consultant… presumably to teach your new potential targets that you are “knowledgeable” and also to set the stage for your recruitment status. After all, nobody wants to recruit in, under a rookie.
This is Mary Kay Ash’s own wisdom.
But when you join, you rationalize that this is okay. You know it is a manipulation of the facts, but the the founder gets a “pass.” She’s a hero! She is an icon! Surely you are just not as business savvy as She was, so stuff your ethical radar and move on.
I have mentioned how little white lies give birth to true deception. You can pretty much believe that any income earnings from your director are hogwash. First, you won’t get any picture of her costs and expenses, PLUS, you wont ever really learn what she has sold, her commissions, and here’s the big one, her DEBT.
No secret on this site, but let me reiterate: Directors add in whatever shortfall for the minimum production ($4,500 per month) your unit did not produce. Not like they want to. It’s more like they HAVE to. To keep their unit! THAT’S why she bugs you monthly for your “order”! She’s tracking to hit the magical number or above. Either YOU pay it, or she has to! And for your lovely unit pride contribution you’ll get a locket or a pencil or a charm.
Up to now, you thought this was all innocent. Sorry to tell you it is not. Mary Kay is a heavily contrived MLM that is the master of sales manipulation and financial abuse. Yes, it masquerades as all sorts of positive women’s movement ideals, but ladies, it is none of them. All the domestic abuse grants will never compensate for the financial abuse of hundreds of thousands of women who trusted Mary Kay to be the support of their businesses, and the remedy of their economic struggle…and in fact, became the worst abuser of them all.
These are the sad truths about Mary Kay.
And those “high checks” that they tout at every opportunity? Ask the director of your choosing–when did she get that check (10 years ago??), and how often has she repeated that check or come close? Why aren’t we talking about an average month’s commission check? If the opportunity was all they claim it is, that would be even more impressive than the outlier months because that would be what you could more or less count on every month. Unfortunately, minimum wage for maximum time and effort just doesn’t “sell the sizzle.”
“She’s a hero! She is an icon!” She was a liar! She lied by omission and she lied by exaggeration.
That’s what I was told . So you are told to say “I am in my first year” as a consultant… presumably to teach your new potential targets that you are “knowledgeable” and also to set the stage for your recruitment status. After all, nobody wants to recruit in, under a rookie.
I’m not sure that I’d want to be a recruit under a neophyte. And some-one who is “in their first year” reeks of novice levels not experience.