If I had to boil down my beef with Mary Kay Cosmetics into one word, it would be LIES. I can’t stand all the lies that consultants and directors tell. Corporate actively encourages telling the lies and blatantly misleading others, Read more…
Written by SuzyQ I’m just sayin’… that it would be incredibly difficult to be a director in Mary Kay during the winter holidays. Those who are “working their businesses” have scheduled open houses to show their holiday gift packages. Lots Read more…
A Mary Kay sales director talking to her sister directors about how blessed they are. How they should trust that God has put them there. Does this convince you that being a director is fabulous? Even though the vast majority Read more…
Written by SuzyQ The truth is that can’t stay at home with your children and make a living at Mary Kay. It takes lots and lots of time away, no matter what they tell you when they’re trying to recruit Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Many years ago, I was advised to send the third letter. Not the first or second one I wrote, but the third one I wrote, I could send. I have expanded that wisdom to include the third Read more…
Mary Kay ladies never pass up an opportunity to make up fake statistics. This one came from a Facebook thread on which the original poster was asking for strategies to do an “individual close” with each person who attends a Read more…
Yesterday Mary Kay Inc. announced a big sale to consultants. Instead of the normal 50% off suggested retail pricing, consultants can buy certain products for 60% off suggested retail price. They’re calling this Mary Kay Pink Weekend. And you know Read more…
A former Mary Kay sales director tells us how booking, selling, and recruiting the way she was taught still did not lead to success. I have been reading your site on and off for the past year. When I first Read more…
A visitor to Pink Truth, who failed at Mary Kay twice, says we are all just angry and bitter. Mary Kay is actually wonderful, and we are apparently stopping women from experience all of its wonderfulness. (No, dear reader, I Read more…
Have you heard your Mary Kay upline say “No doesn’t mean no. It just means I need more information.”??? I always hated this concept in MK. No DOES mean no. It’s none of your business why, she said no. And Read more…
Love the snark! I like this guy, too!
"deserve level" That one concept itself is anti-Christian.
Exactly! But MKC doesn’t care because know their “sales” come from consultant orders. So recruit, recruit, recruit.
My favorite: "Come talk to me after you raise your “understandability level” a few more points, mmmkay?" I love it!!!
Emotions are part of being a human being, and they’re part of our decision making process. This is basic psychology…