Mary Kay Didn’t MAKE You Do Anything
A note from a Pink Truth critic who says Mary Kay is simple, we made it hard, and it’s your fault if you were talked into buying inventory.
I am currently an IBC & I have found myself at this site as I too have had my occasional doubts about MK. Your right, these girls are pushed to order order order and their financials are rarely taken into account. However, I have to argue the fact that MK “put you into debt”.
MK didn’t MAKE you do anything, did one single person sit on you until you pressed that proceed to order button?? Did someone slip something in your drink and press the button for you??
YOU made those decisions. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones to be in such a considerate unit, and yes they still pushed the wholesale order and they push you to gain team members, (for their benefit? of course, but for yours as well) but they don’t put you in debt.
For those of you that let your director order for you… you gave her that permission and you did not ask to review the order before it was submitted. Again YOU are at fault.
I know what the area around me will be interested in and because of that, I chose to carry a small inventory which has helped me make sales and my clients know that I do not carry everything at all times.
I understand that debt builds up, but MK teaches you the skills to save money and put money aside, you cant just float out there and think your way will work. These ladies teaching you know what they are doing.
With a bachelors degree in entreprenuership, you have to realize that I have searched and searched for a start-up business and the start-up costs are out of the world for most. Every business takes some money to get you started and if you manage it properly then you can make the most of it. If you can’t afford something DON’T DO IT! Its a lot more simple than this site makes it out to be
I am currently an IBC & I have found myself at this site as I too have had my occasional doubts about MK.
Please have more than just your occasional doubts.
Your(sic) right, these girls are pushed to order order order and their financials are rarely taken into account. However, I have to argue the fact that MK “put you into debt”.
Pushed to order and then not put into debt?? Some “math not mathing” going on.
MK didn’t MAKE you do anything, did one single person sit on you until you pressed that proceed to order button?? Did someone slip something in your drink and press the button for you??
Did you miss out on the Peer Group discussion at school, Ms. Critic?
YOU made those decisions. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones to be in such a considerate unit, and yes they still pushed the wholesale order and they push you to gain team members, (for their benefit? of course, but for yours as well) but they don’t put you in debt.
Ma’am, you are this close to understanding the point before you totally miss it! They push you to order, push you to gain team members but it’s (general) your fault if you do it??
For those of you that let your director order for you… you gave her that permission and you did not ask to review the order before it was submitted. Again YOU are at fault.
Can we go a sentence without victim blaming?
I know what the area around me will be interested in and because of that, I chose to carry a small inventory which has helped me make sales and my clients know that I do not carry everything at all times.
Good, you’ve made an excellent point. Know your market and plan accordingly. But I expect that you are making lots of small orders and thus are not being efficient in your use of money and time.
I understand that debt builds up, but MK teaches you the skills to save money and put money aside, you cant just float out there and think your way will work.
And back to the victim blaming. Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company does not teach you any of that. Otherwise, we would be not talking about how you need to order, order not sell, a minimum of $225 per quarter to remain active. The pressure to buy the limited special offers that are going to “fly off your shelves”. To stretch an extra few dollars so the unit remains in production for your nashy-nash’s Cadillac.
These ladies teaching you know what they are doing.
Oh yes they do!!! Smoke and mirrors and pushing ordering to fulfil a quota that does not benefit the IBC.
With a bachelors degree in entreprenuership(sic), you have to realize that I have searched and searched for a start-up business and the start-up costs are out of the world for most.
And yet, your fancy degree and auto-correct didn’t teach you how to spell entrepreneurship, rather leaves me thinking you missed more than one lesson during that time. I’m agreeing with you that starting a business from scratch takes time, money, more time, heart-ache, money and finally dedication.
Every business takes some money to get you started and if you manage it properly then you can make the most of it. If you can’t afford something DON’T DO IT! Its a lot more simple than this site makes it out to be
One of the main points we talk about is DON”T DO IT!. Too many of the commentariat have realised too late that MK doesn’t just rob you of money. It robs you of time, relationships and your peace of mind. BY pointing out the pitfalls of this supposed “business” we hope to give people the courage to look behind the curtain and see just who is benefitting from this masquerade.
Currently, Ms. Entrepreneur, you are not only missing the point, you are unprepared to take a balanced look at what is being illustrated on this site. You are arguing in bad faith using an appeal to authority i.e. your degree in entrepreneurship as a bludgeon to stifle discussion.
All I ask is that you use the skills taught to you about keeping ledgers and accurately tally, your orders, our out-going money and incoming profits. Account for every minute you spend “running your business”, even the invisible ones, driving to a party and setting it up, those minutes count as working hours. I wish you success in your future endeavours but it’s not likely that you will find it in Mary Kay.
Here’ s the proof from the company itself.
2022 Income Disclosure
Please compare and contrast this to the 2020 Income Disclosure and see how the commissions have dropped despite the cost of living raise.
“With a bachelors degree in entreprenuership…”
If Mary Kay is such a great business opportunity, and only the fools purchase more than they need, then why has Mary Kay been unable to produce a profitable down-line?
Your schooling failed to teach you to recognize that paying out of your own pocket to sell products for a large, old corporation has little, if anything, in common with entrepreneurship. You have started nothing new (millions of others around the globe are doing the exact same thing as you, and have been for decades), and the so-called “business” you allegedly created cannot be sold or listed as an asset on your balance sheet…because it is not a business, and it has no intrinsic value. Your “business” exists only on your business cards and in Mary Kay’s systems. It is not recognized outside of the Mary Kay ecosystem.
Real entrepreneurs are able to sell their businesses because they have intrinsic value. The only thing of value that Mary Kay reps own is the product they purchase. And even that value is fleeting.
Another Friday, another victim-blaming ontapanure (with apologies to Eddie Murphy). Bless her heart.
Someone sitting on me is an interesting alternative to the gun to my head argument
“but MK teaches you the skills to save money and put money aside”
Damn near made me choke on my breakfast.
This is incredibly good! It hits all the wickets of our Friday critics, including a large helping of victim-blaming and false comparisons. I am sure the OP, who admits she is only an IBC, knows everything about running a “successful” MK business.
I would like to see Ms Critic’s expenses versus her income, and her hours worked. Is she actually making money? Is shge making more than minimum wage?
$59 in 6 months, most likely.
MK is the best opportunity in the WORLD for women!! That $59 in 6 months is proof.
WTH is a “bachelors degree in entrepreneurship”. Please tell me this isn’t a real thing….
It’s real … mostly just a renamed business degree, with a course in how to get funding from venture capitalists. It obviously didn’t work for her because she’s not realizing that MLMs are a bad business model.
Correct, mk didn’t make me do anything. But the lies combined with other lies by omission certainly didn’t set me up for success when I followed their literal advice.
And don’t come back with “bad apple director “ commentary. I was a director, I knew hundreds of directors personally, and we weee all using the same scripts , attending the same conferences, and reading the same training. If a lie (about perceived income/success) was being spread the hurt the company you bet they would stop it if they were righteous. But they “allow” the training and speeches to continue since they financially benefit from it.
Is that really your bar? That no one was physically forced?
Is offloading products onto people you call your employees, but are really your only clients, morally okay?
People have talked about being lied to, given false promises, manipulated, and coerced into selling MK’s product for them while assuming the risk and cost of the investment on MK’s behalf; this enables them to churn out product with little regard for any potential consequences.
Legitimate companies (that are not MLMs) generally assume the responsibility in this role since it’s much more feasible due to organizations having better capacity to do so; they have more capital than an individual, more workspace, etc, while simultaneously having full authority over production and inventory.
The people who have been deceived and manipulated by MK are victims, who trusted MK and believed that they were investing in their own business and their own future while they were being sold down the river for profit.
But at least no one was physically forced! Just fraudulent claims, manipulation, coercion.
No force.