No One Believes Your Hype
An email from a Kaybot, letting me know that the stories on Pink Truth aren’t “the actual experience” in Mary Kay. I feel it is my duty to inform all of you who have shared your stories here that they are false. You did not experience that and it was not real. So there!
no one believes your hype anymore. it is so over the top, so NOT what the actual experience that consultants and directors have. ‘praying on insecurities’ hahaha…’returing inventory and recovery’ hahahaha all your terms are so dramatic, so intense, is there a 12 Step recovery you’d advise too? go ahead and continue to liken a home-based business failure to a major life crisis. keep it up. maybe you can trivialize real addictions or devastating illnesses a little more. maybe you can insult women’s free will and intelligence a little more. ex-consultants…they were all so stupid, right? they were so easily manipulated, right? you have no respect for the women you are ‘helping’ and it’s transparent, it’s clear that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned–you!
but you did try at one point–couldn’t make in the biz, right? your real calling in this life is to manage a blog (manage a blog!!!) for bitter people. makes it all seem so real for you i guess. well at least you found your true calling.
we don’t want you back
we are now laughing at you
and guess what
i know you and you know me
and I know what you’re doing. if you’d lose some weight, you would have another focus and not be so angry in your dark, rotten little core
your cheeks are burning now
Sounds to me like someone is a little bitter and Pink Truth is having an impact on her business. I sure hope so. I hope that every single day, potential Mary Kay recruits are coming here and are turning down their consultant. It’s a beautiful thing.
no one believes your hype anymore. it is so over the top, so NOT what the actual experience that consultants and directors have. ‘praying (sic) on insecurities’ hahaha
And I guess Ms. Critic has spoken to each and every person involved in Mary Kay over the past 60 years.
…’returing (sic) inventory and recovery’ hahahaha all your terms are so dramatic, so intense, is there a 12 Step recovery you’d advise too?
I can feel that MK empathy oozing out of this grammar-deficient consultomer. I imagine this one is against returns because it affects her bottom line.
go ahead and continue to liken a home-based business failure to a major life crisis.
For some people it is.
keep it up. maybe you can trivialize real addictions or devastating illnesses a little more.
You did that in your first? Second? sentence.
maybe you can insult women’s free will and intelligence a little more. ex-consultants…they were all so stupid, right? they were so easily manipulated, right?
No-one here is insulting another person’s free will or intelligence regarding them joining Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s fauxpotunity.
Easily manipulated? Some possibly after all, there are reams of scripts written on how to “encourage” some-one to sign up and more importantly to buy her initial and hopefully large purchase.
you have no respect for the women you are ‘helping’ and it’s transparent, it’s clear that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned–you!
I personally have lots of respect for those, women and men, who wish to leave MK, another MLM or any type of job which they are uncomfortable in. You appear to be the person devoid of that.
but you did try at one point–couldn’t make in the biz, right?
If you spent several minutes reading people’s ‘I-stories’, you would see that most of the women who write here about their experiences where successful, in terms of Mary Kay success.
your real calling in this life is to manage a blog (manage a blog!!!) for bitter people. makes it all seem so real for you i guess. well at least you found your true calling.
Do I have to remind (general) you about policing other people’s emotions?? Women are allowed to have and show so-called negative emotions. A place where you can find support and help is a true calling.
we don’t want you back
we are now laughing at you
Very High School.
and guess what
i know you and you know me
You in fact do not know me. I have never been part of Mary Kay nor any other MLM.
and I know what you’re doing.
🎵Tell me more🎶
🎵Tell me more🎶
if you’d lose some weight,
While I’m the last person to be body shaming here, you should look at your compatriots and offer them this nugget of sisterly concern.
you would have another focus and not be so angry in your dark, rotten little core
Is this one of those kind hearted, warm, helpful, women that many of our Friday critics insist that populate the rank and file of Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s workforce???
your cheeks are burning now
Only because I have a space heater pointing at my left side.
Another one who thinks that they have proved something while regurgitating all the pro-MK talking points. ” All sound and fury, signifying nothing”
“and I know what you’re doing. if you’d lose some weight, you would have another focus and not be so angry in your dark, rotten little core”
I am fat, though slowly losing weight. I have many foci regardless, and my dark, rotten little core isn’t dark and rotten due to either my pants size or MLM failure. My cheeks are cool and their normal rosy color.
I can lose more weight, but you’ll always be a vicious, spiteful asshole lashing out, trying to hurt people in a pathetic attempt to shore up your own brittle ego. Give me a fatzo of good character over a nasty toothpick every time.
My, how Go Give of her.
“I know you and you know me.” Ooh how ominous. My guess is that people who actually know Tracy, know that she’s a highly successful forensic accountant and does not just “run a blog”, but that would go against the very high school narrative and ad hominem attacks.
Pink Truth Critics: Can one of you please, oh please, show us just one Mary Kay down-line that is profitable as a whole? Just one?
Here’s how to do it:
– Identify all current and former members of the down-line of your choosing
– Add up all the costs (orders, starter kit, fees, postage etc.) for these folks
– Add up all the revenue (commissions and bonuses) for these folks
– Subtract the costs from the revenue
– Tell us what remains…is it positive or negative?
Every business model forecast of MLM shows that this number must be negative. Why? Because in the MLM model, the bulk of the revenue does not come from outside customers…it comes from the pockets of the sales force. In traditional companies, the customers provide the revenue, from which the company and the sales force gets paid. In MLM, the sales force provides the revenue from which the MLM and the upline get paid. No outside sales necessary.
It’s a rip-off. Those that DO make money in MLM are ripping off the folks in their own down-line. Is that really the kind of success you choose to be proud of?
“Pink Truth Critics: Can one of you please, oh please, show us just one Mary Kay down-line that is profitable as a whole? Just one?”—
@Consultants And therein lies the lie. This is one reason we refer to it as a scam. You sell your recruits the opportunity to make money, but the same downline recruits must lose money for upline to make it. See the deception? It is impossible for all downline opportunists to be in the black. Why? Commission and company profits have to come from somewhere; money doesn’t just appear. (Reread Data Junkie’s post above.)
Your motivation is making money off your recruit, you are not doing it for their benefit. But, I’ll bet you tell them you are. How many of you have told a prospect the truth, “The bigger the package you buy today, the more commission I make off of you”?
When people say that it’s not a scam because people make money, or it’s not a scam because we have products, does not address the opportunity lie. Con artists can make/acquire money, and scams can have products.
She says we know her. Ellen maybe?
I wondered that myself. The tone certainly fits.
That was my guess!
Guess she was trying to keep lowdown but the aggressive/aggressive shows through.
Also a bonus question – how much EXPIRED inventory do you toss or donate?
Or one of Ellen’s lackeys…. at least Ellen uses capital letters.
I saw this the other day (in a context not related to MLMs) & thought it fit MLMs & Kaybots perfectly:
“One of the toughest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. It is simply to powerful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once the charlatan has power over you, you almost never get it back.”
-Carl Sagan
I wonder what kind of scam training is going on at leadership conference this week? Can’t wait to hear stories!
In summary, this is the training:
“Give me your money, but don’t ask any questions. Then recruit others to do the same for you. If anyone questions what you are doing, call them a hater.”
Everyone on here = no one. If you follow the logic.
Ok our over-zealous “Ridiculous Downvoter” ™ strikes again.
I think our author paid a visit over the weekend and downvoted everyone 😀
Because, you know, that’ll show us.
Sorry hun, please go to school. Begin at the 1st grade so you can learn to write and use punctuation. Most of us cannot ready your whatever you are trying to communicate. Second, please learn how to read and comprehend. It will save you from embarrassing lying. Tracy has said numerous times that she was not a MK director. Third, if you will not identify yourself, your testimony is worthless. Finally, please come up with an original thought. Thank you! Next oaf please…..