You’re Bashing Mary Kay
This Mary Kay consultant thinks we’re wasting time. Because all we’re doing is bashing. She clearly doesn’t understand that what we’re doing is educating people about the truth behind Mary Kay. We recognize that MK will only tell the good things (and they are chronic liars), so we’re here to level the playing field. Also, I hope someday that Kerri realizes Mary Kay is not a business, and is just an elaborate scam.
This company may not be for you, but a lot of women grow so much from the positivity and sisterhood and I see it first hand. My question is, why would you waste so much time with a website that bashes something …anything.
Obviously it was not for you. But in Mary Kay we know that there are women who will enjoy what it brings, and others who it’s just not for them and that’s fine.
What I love abut Mary Kay is exactly the opposite of what ya’ll are doing. It’s women supporting women. Not bashing them and making fun of them. It makes me wonder why ya’ll would do that.
Now this comment may not be posted because it seems the comments I read are all in the same bully bashing Mary Kay mentality. But perhaps the person reading this will be impacted at least. Let’s try to unite as a family under God. No matter what our jobs we enjoy are.
To me this page is full of hatred and is the opposite of unification with one another and I pray that you take a look within yourselves to try to understand why. If women are being successful in their Mary Kay businesses why would you bash them? Take a deep look inside. May the Lord show you the real truth behind your intent of this page. Blessings and love to you all. Kerri
“It’s women supporting women…If women are being successful in their Mary Kay businesses why would you bash them?”
Research for the FTC shows that for every woman turning a profit in MLM, there MUST be at least 249 women (99.6%) losing money. You, OP, are standing up for the one who is exploiting the 249. Pink Truth is standing up for the 249, and for those being recruited into the 249.
Oh, Kerri, you’re so very.
“What I love abut Mary Kay is exactly the opposite of what ya’ll are doing. It’s women supporting women. Not bashing them and making fun of them. It makes me wonder why ya’ll would do that”
Women supporting women? As if. Read the articles. There are loads of screencaps of your wonderful sisterhood sniping at each other, directors referring to their consultants with unconcealed contempt, trying to sabotage efforts to return inventory, nasty talk about their own customers, and thoughtless chanting of company lines when advice is asked for.
Support means helping each other through bad times and addressing fear, doubt, resentment, insecurity, and all the so called “negative” emotions. Yet MK prohibits negativity and criticism and shames and insults those who aren’t 💯 with the pink positivity. How is that supportive?
Read the articles. The ones who get bashed are corporate and NSDs, who have made their success at the cost of others and in some cases done stuff that’s illegal. And in the case of Monique Anthony, there’s proof that corporate knew about her multiple felonies yet turned a blind eye to them because she was bringing in money and bodies.
Regular directors and IBCs, however, get compassion, understanding, and pleas to get out while the getting is good.
As to the haters, bashers, and losers (sorry, loosers 😝) here, I’ve spent a lot of time on message boards and blog comments and have never seen such a harmonious group as you’ll find here. Genuine kindness, practical advice, and support, all the things MK claims it does but doesn’t. Sometimes it’s too much for a snarky, bickersome internetizen like me to take 😜
This company may not be for you, but a lot of women grow so much from the positivity and sisterhood and I see it first hand.
I’m sure you do, since open discussion of the negative aspects of MK is prohibited.
My question is, why would you waste so much time with a website that bashes something …anything.
First day on the internet? Every multi-national, multi-billion company has “hate sites”. Amazon, Wal*Mart, Disney..all has at least one.
Obviously it was not for you. But in Mary Kay we know that there are women who will enjoy what it brings, and others who it’s just not for them and that’s fine.
What’s not fine is the emotional and financial abuse of other people.
What I love abut Mary Kay is exactly the opposite of what ya’ll (sic) are doing. It’s women supporting women. Not bashing them and making fun of them. It makes me wonder why ya’ll (sic) would do that.
So is Ms. Bowman Cox calling other women “heffers (sic)” supporting other women? Or is it making fun or bashing them? That call is coming from your own home. Start there.
Now this comment may not be posted because it seems the comments I read are all in the same bully bashing Mary Kay mentality.
You should have read here first since Friday is normally dedicated to our critic, so roughly one fifth of what is posted is in defence of the company.
But perhaps the person reading this will be impacted at least. Let’s try to unite as a family under God. No matter what our jobs we enjoy are.
Sorry, not a Christian so your attempt to bully me under the guise of Jesus isn’t going to work. In fact it shows me that you are the sort of person who is happy to break a Commandment . “Do not take the Lord, thy God’s Name in Vain”. In case you are wondering.
To me this page is full of hatred and is the opposite of unification with one another and I pray that you take a look within yourselves to try to understand why.
To me it isn’t. It’s full of support. And the knowledge of how to escape with as much of your money as you can. I would pray that the pink scales fall from your eyes and you see all the dark things that Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company openly endorses.
If women are being successful in their Mary Kay businesses why would you bash them?
Because they are doing it on the backs and wallets of other women.
Take a deep look inside. May the Lord show you the real truth behind your intent of this page. Blessings and love to you all. Kerri
How do (general) you know that this site isn’t the one that God supports? After all, we are showing you the words and thoughts of our supposed leaders via screen shots from Mary Kay Directors’ pages. Perhaps, you should pray on this thought.
Stop using God as your defense. Besides, He’s too busy deciding the outcomes of football games to worry about Mary Kay.
“If women are being successful in their Mary Kay businesses why would you bash them?” Because these women aren’t actually successful. That, my friend Kerri, is the Pink Truth that this website is all about.
I was in MK for a short time, about 4 months. In that time, I made a lot of sales but only made about $30 after expenses to show for it. I was not successful at MK. At the end of the seminar year, I was still in the top 10 for sales in my unit. How pathetic is that? Out of all the women in that unit, only a few sold enough over the course of the year to surpass my 4 months’ worth of sales?
God hates the Eagles 😭
Top of your unit with $ 30 profit… damn. I always ask, on here and other places, those that tout Mary Kay and other MLM’s, how much profit they are making and never get a straight answer. Well, I guess I have some idea now. Furthermore, if you were only in it for four months, you probably were mostly selling to your “warm market” and thus at the top of your unit. if you were making only $ 30 profit as a result of “warm market” sales, imagine how thing would have turned out once that all dried up. Glad you got out when you did, sounds like you avoided any real damage.
“I always ask…how much profit they are making and never get a straight answer.”
Probably because most of these folks do not keep an accurate ledger. And they are encouraged to conflate commission checks with “profits”. Even the “honest” ones in Mary Kay suggest that only the top 2% are making money. Research shows less than half of one percent are turning a true business profit. Most in that top 2% are still losing money and they might not even know it, given the decent commission/bonus checks. But looking only at revenue, they think they are turning a profit…and they are wrong, but Mary Kay wants to keep that illusion alive as long as possible.
MLMs distort common business terms to give the appearance of a real business. Sorry, but selling a single item at 100% margin is not 50% business profit. Profit is TOTAL revenue minus TOTAL costs. If you spent $1000 on MK inventory, and sold a $50 wholesale item for $100, you did not make a $50 profit because you are still $900 in the hole. Your 100% margin on that single item is simply counted against your total costs. It won’t be a business profit until your total revenues exceed your total costs.
Research shows that only 0.4% of MLM participants actually turn a true business profit. That’s 4 in 1000. As already stated, for each MLMer turning a profit, 249 are losing money. There is simply no way around this. How can these MLMers promote this as an “opportunity” with a straight face?
“If women are being successful in their Mary Kay businesses why would you bash them?” Because their success depends on the financial and personal losses of dozens to thousands of other women. The ONLY way you can succeed in any MLM is for others to lose. You have to persuade them to buy those star packages even if the last 3 star packages are still unsold, so you can keep your commission checks coming.
“May the Lord show you the real truth behind your intent of this page. Blessings and love to you all.” I’m an atheist … but I have read the Bible, all of it. Where in your scriptures is lying, deceit, love of money and luxury, backstabbing and gossip considered a virtue?
I see the “Ridiculous Downvoter” ™ is here again.
“It’s women supporting women.”
More like women using women for their own gain.
In my area there’s a local chapter of American Business Women’s Association (ABWA.) It’s very active and, while I’m not a remember, I enjoy following their networking events on social media. These are women who own and operate REAL businesses — everything from kitchen remodeling to bakeries to .financial planning. I’ve used several of their businesses and was happy to do so. The women enjoy and support each other and truly want everyone to succeed.
In MK, you’ll hear, “Girl, you can do it! You got this! I believe in you!” That’s nice, but it’s not real support.
The mystery’s been solved; Kerri is our Ridiculous Downvoter ™.
“It’s women supporting women. Not bashing them and making fun of them.”—
It’s women scamming other women, selling them the opportunity to sell the opportunity. Everyone in your downline is there for you to profit off of.
“Let’s try to unite as a family under God.”—
Which god? There are thousands in human history.
“May the Lord show you the real truth behind your intent of this page. Blessings and love to you all. Kerri”—
How about focusing on evidence for truth, and math and science? It is actions and facts, not belief, that ultimately matters.
God of the Week: “Zoroastrians believe that there is one universal, transcendent, all-good, and self-caused supreme creator deity, Ahura Mazda, or the “Wise Lord” (Ahura meaning “Lord” and Mazda meaning “Wisdom” in Avestan). Zoroaster keeps the two attributes separate as two different concepts in most of the Gathas yet sometimes combines them into one form. Zoroaster also claims that Ahura Mazda is omniscient but not omnipotent. In the Gathas, Ahura Mazda is noted as working through emanations known as the Amesha Spenta and with the help of “other ahuras”, of which Sraosha is the only one explicitly named of the latter category…..”
“The core teachings of Zoroastrianism include: Following the threefold path of Asha: Humata, Hūxta, Huvarshta ( lit. ‘good thoughts, good words, good deeds’). Practicing charity to keep one’s soul aligned with Asha and thus with spreading happiness.”
“Good thoughts, good words, good deeds” It is a good deed to volunteer one’s time to stop Mary Kay scammers and to educate others about them.
(RIP Freddie Mercury)
The women on this sight ARE supporting other women. We’re helping them recover from leaving the cult-like grip Mary Kay cosmetics had on them. And believe me from personal experience, it is an ongoing process. Providing information on how to recoup at least some of the money they have lost is also supporting women. It may seem like bashing to the ones who haven’t left, but to me and others it is ongoing support and reassurance that we made the right choice by leaving.