Overcoming Your Husband’s Objections

If your husband dares to question the Mary Kay opportunity, your recruiter wants you to be ready with these answers. Mary Kay doesn’t want something as silly as your husband’s logic to stand in the way of you purchasing inventory!

I feel sorry for the husbands of Mary Kay consultants. Seriously. Very sorry.

Why? Because the minute they figure out what a scam Mary Kay is (which is usually much sooner than the wife figures it out), they are called negative and unsupportive. Uh, no. They are rational, reasonable, and realists. The Mary Kay opportunity is bad, and I don’t think that the husbands should be punished for recognizing that and pointing it out to their wives.

Here is a training piece designed to help convince your husband that Mary Kay is a good opportunity and you should spend thousands on inventory.


Questions from husbands always concern the well being and success of their wives. After viewing a Consider the Possibilities Video, or attending a Mary Kay Career Guest Event, husbands are sure to have a clearer understanding of a career with Mary Kay. However, many may still have questions you should be prepared to answer. The following is a list of common questions with suggested answers:

Exactly what will my wife be doing?

She will be retailing the #1 Skin Care and Color Cosmetics products in America via teaching skin care to women. She will be self-employed in her own business. She will hold Professional Skin Care Classes for small groups of women. Based upon your wife’s personal goals, she will have the opportunity to just retail the product and earn extra money or she can choose to go into leadership with Mary Kay where she can earn the use of a FREE company car, earn a 6 figure income, go on free trips every year, and much more. Professional classes???

Where will she be working?

Your wife will have a choice of whether she wants to hold classes in your home or whether she wants to go to her hostess home. She will have no quotas or territories.

What sort of hours will my wife be expected to work?

She may set her own hours since she is in business for herself. We suggest that the two of you develop a weekly plan sheet every Sunday so you know and agree upon her work schedule. Her hours can vary depending on family plans and desired income. The more hours worked the higher her income potential.

My wife knows very little about sales and teaching skin care. How can she expect to be successful?

There is a thorough educational program for all new Mary Kay Consultants. I will train her in the basic skin care and make up techniques. She will learn all facets of her business including how to schedule classes, earn profits, manage her income, etc. at a training class held on a 1 day a week basis. Your wife’s commitment to training will be essential to her earning potential and growth in the business. You are always invited and encouraged to attend all training classes and functions.

What is in a starter kit?

Your wife’s new business tools! The showcase includes demonstration products, training materials, and literature needed to begin her business. The front of the agreement and brochure she received shows the large assortment of materials that will be included in her showcase. This is essentially all she will need to get started. In actuality she is getting approximately $3000 worth of training materials for an investment of $100 plus tax.

What is inventory and why will my wife need it?

First, inventory is not required for her business, but it is recommended to get her off to a good start. Inventory is product your wife will retail to her customers to make a profit. The showcase is only a tool. She will buy her product at a wholesale discount directly from Mary Kay Cosmetics, and will sell it to her customers at the suggested retail price (earning 50% of what ever she sells). Having her inventory on hand will aid in her business being more professional, convenient and more efficient for her.

How much inventory will she need?

There are several options, and where she starts will be something you both need to decide. Always remember that inventory is the source of profit. When you place an order with Mary Kay, you are purchasing the at wholesale prices. The wholesale price of an order is determined by a discount from the suggested retail price. This discount is 50% of the retail price, depending on the amount ordered. (Sometimes it will be 55%-60% during special promotions.) Everyone in Mary Kay, both Consultants and Directors, buy directly from the company at the same discount. The discount structure has just been simplified. Any order for at least $400.00 suggested retail qualifies for the maximum discount of 50%. For example, you pay $200.00 wholesale for products you can sell for $400 retail. By always making your orders a minimum of $200 wholesale, you receive the full 50% discount.

The key to consistent earnings is restocking inventory on a consistent basis. If your wife sells $800.00 suggested retail per week, she will want to allocate about 60% of her sales to product orders. Inventory planning and control can be a joint planning area.

What amount of inventory is really best for my wife?

The two of you know your financial circumstances better than I do. We recommend that each new Consultant begin with a product inventory and reinvest her profits until she has at least reached a full store inventory status at $3,600.00 I recommend that every consultant start with a full store inventory. This inventory level will give your wife an adequate variety and number of products to service her customers, and puts her at immediate profit level.

We don’t have that much money in our savings account. Now what?

Few people have that much money readily available. Even if you did have it, I wouldn’t recommend using it (as humans we are not usually disciplined enough to pay ourselves back). I recommend using a credit card or bank loan. Most businesses begin on borrowed capital (it is always better to use someone else’s money to start your own business, besides that’s what banks are for anyway!) Profits from sales can be used to pay off the charge.

That sounds like a lot of money. Frankly, what is in it for you?

It’s worth the same to me if your wife starts off with full store inventory or if she started at a lower level and worked her way up to profit level. I earn a commission check from Mary Kay’s profit center in Dallas based upon your wife’s wholesale purchases from the company along with my other business associates and unit members. What’s great and most important is that your wife can earn the same commissions.

With all this training and all this money, I am a little afraid of the changes I may see in my wife.

Part of Mary Kay’s philosophy is a strong belief in priorities, God first, family second and career third. With your encouragement and continued moral support, your wife can only succeed. Most of us in Mary Kay are wives. That doesn’t stop. It just gets better!

Okay, the part about $3,000 worth of training materials in the starter kit made me laugh out loud. And inventory is recommended for a “good start.” Notice how they say “why will my wife need it,” basically assuming that she is going to get inventory.

I also like that idea that having inventory is the “source of profit.” Ummmm, no. Selling products is the source of profit, and having inventory is tying up money in dust-collectors. And who knew that you get consistent earnings if you regularly re-stock inventory? I thought it was by consistently recruiting and frontloading!

And don’t you love how they pretend they don’t care if she places a $3,600 order or not? Of course they care, because they get their commission up front. The recruiter doesn’t want your wife to wait to order because if she does, she will find out how difficult it is to sell this stuff, and she won’t place that order. There’s very low demand for Mary Kay products, and the fact is that if your wife doesn’t order up front, she won’t ever order very much because it’s next to impossible to sell.

Can you count all the lies husbands are told in this training piece?


  1. “Always remember that inventory is the source of profit.”

    Wrong. Inventory purchases are the source of debt when you borrow to purchase (as recommended by OP). Retail sales margins are the source of profit in a retail business. True business profit is achieved only when retail revenue exceeds business costs, which never really happens in Mary Kay.

    The few folks in Mary Kay turning a true business profit have a huge downline, and their profit comes from commissions on orders within their own downline. They are not making any money from retailing Mary Kay products. They likely give away most of the inventory they order personally because it is just too hard to sell it…even at “cost”.

    Husbands eventually pick up on all of this.

  2. “I earn a commission check from Mary Kay’s profit center in Dallas based upon your wife’s wholesale purchases from the company along with my other business associates and unit members.”

    Yeah, any clearheaded husband is gonna be all like “Translation: you’re going to try and get her to buy as much as possible in order to line your own pockets. WARNING! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!!”

    That’s why it’s vitially important to hype up the wife and get her to sign up on the spot, before anyone listens to what you’re actually telling them.

  3. I nearly spit out my coffee when I read that she will hold ‘professional skin care classes’. Hahaha. Really? And the rest of this nonsense is equally ridiculous.

  4. “I am a little afraid of the changes I may see in my wife.”

    Yes, you should be afraid. Your wife will be SPENDING money like it’s going out of style. (She’ll be told it’s an investment). Boxes and boxes of Mary Kay products will appear in your home. She’ll be paying for meetings and out of town events, including hotels and transportation. Plus expenses (supplies, samples, shipping, etc.) to run her so-called business. She’ll spend her own money to “earn” cheap jewelry and trinkets. She may begin hiding bills from you. She’ll be away from home a lot, so you’ll have to prepare meals and take care of the house. Don’t be surprised if she changes into a stressed, unhappy woman.

  5. Does this woman not understand bank loans and credit cards have to be paid back, either very quickly (typically a month) or with serious interest charges, whether you sell anything or not? Get real. Of course, that’s never going to happen in the Mary Kay world.

    • And then she goes on to say “Profits from sales can be used to pay off the charge.” This is exactly why over 99% lose money…they can’t sell enough of this stuff to “pay off the charge”!

      There are so many lies of omission required to perpetuate this “business”. One of the biggest is that there is no real market for these products at these ridiculous prices. Also, pity purchases are not sustainable, and thus dry up quickly. And there’s this: no one buys MLM products from strangers.

      No one in Mary Kay is turning a true business profit selling product. New recruits will find this out soon enough, at which point they will be told that the only way to make money in Mary Kay is to recruit. Just don’t call it a pyramid scheme!


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