It’s Not a Scam. I Made Money.

Written by Char

Sometimes I don’t think people completely understand why MLM is a scam. Not because the person is dumb, but because the rhetoric has been repeated so many times by con artists, that the public accepts it as true.

MLM is a closed-loop system. The money that comes into that loop is redistributed amongst the same people in that loop. That means that some people have to lose for others to win. But, everyone is sold on winning to get them to join the scheme. If that person can’t find “new money” to make a commission off of, they will be the loser.

The opportunists joining the loop of other opportunists should not be confused by being dubbed a product reseller. That actually plays a very minor role in this scheme. It really only serves as a talking point which makes the whole scheme ‘sound’ more legitimate – and appear legal. Understand, a scam must sound legitimate or it wouldn’t be a scam; it would be blatant theft. Selling the opportunity to sell the opportunity is not legal!

Why is product reselling insignificant to the MLM scheme?

  • Mary Kay wants people to directly buy from them. They don’t profit off a consultant’s resales. MK relies on orders from opportunists for them to profit. This is about them, not the supposed new “business owner”.
  • Psychologically, “Opportunists” will place a larger direct order with MK. These opportunists dubbed business owners will put more money into the scam, and MK keeps the lion’s share. This is why they are debt-free and worth billions.

Everyone and anyone can join and buy direct from MK. Why pay double to a supposed reseller? Plus and as mentioned, that’s not what the company prefers. This is why “training” teaches you to recruit and “build a team”…….of people who buy directly from them!

MLM is just a sales and marketing strategy FOR THE COMPANY. MK is a direct seller and doesn’t use stores. They dub their customers “consultants” because it sounds impressive and will likely get them bigger orders. Remove the rhetoric, and the consultant is just a customer. I’ll bet that hurts some people who thought they were special as a consultant. I don’t say that to be mean, but to point out how effective the MLM psychological strategy is.

Yes, MK will provide a kickback to someone willing to perpetuate their lie of a product re-selling business to lure in new “direct buyers”. GMBs commission check of $14 million is NOT from reselling product. That is all from recruiting enough new “losers” into the closed loop.

But wait…

“It’s not a scam, I made money.” People DO make money in scams. They are simply successful liars or con artists, or in MLM they’re called “leaders” like GMB. Remember, bank robbers and drug dealers collect money too.


“Corporate America is a pyramid scheme too.” Here is the all important difference: Money to pay the corporate pyramid participants comes from OUTSIDE the loop of “money seekers”. The new corporate employees don’t pay into the company which would then pay the older employees. No, that would be the MLM pyramid closed-loop scheme. A legitimate corporation makes their money from non-affiliated people buying their product from genuine desire. They do not buy the product because of the attached “opportunity” to make money. It gets confusing, but in a nutshell, MLM is inherently flawed.


  1. Very well stated Char. And for anyone questioning your assertions, ask them to produce evidence of a downline in any MLM that is profitable as a whole. The fact the every MLM downline takes more from the sales force than it gives in return is proof positive of your assertion that this is essentially a closed system. This is true even in light of pity purchases (which make up only a tiny percentage of overall sales).

    Note: You can pick any starting point in any MLM sales team, from a kingpin at the top to a lowly recruiter near the bottom. From any point downward, every MLM downline is losing money in the aggregate (be sure to include all current and former members).

    In traditional business, it is possible for all participants to make money (from the CEO down to the person making the sale) since the cash flow comes in from outside customers. MLM cannot make this claim because, as you pointed out, the folks in the sales force are the target customer in every MLM.

  2. And another brava for Char, especially this: “In traditional business, it is possible for all participants to make money (from the CEO down to the person making the sale) since the cash flow comes in from outside customers. MLM cannot make this claim because, as you pointed out, the folks in the sales force are the target customer in every MLM.”

    Any closed system is going to degrade over time. It’s like a pond where no fresh water ever comes in so by the end of the summer it’s a scummy, stinky puddle where nothing can live.

  3. Of course you can make money with a scam. They guy that said to my husband in New Orleans “I bet you $20 I can tell you where you got your shoes” got $20 bucks off him. (And the answer is “on your feet”)

    If you are the one making money in a scam situation, you are the scammer.

  4. The most current scam going around is “Pay for a course ($249 + $24.99/month) to learn how to write letters to casinos to gain $5 in casino token which you can use to play and hopefully win a jack-pot”.

    It’s the latest incarnation of the old “Flight Game Pyramid scheme.”

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