You Are Negative and Lazy
Sophie wants us to know that she sells Mary Kay and we’re just negative and lazy. And we don’t know much about Mary Kay.
You guys so wrong .Mary kay have 100% money backa garanty .If you think mary kay products not worth of the money and you go to walmart and target or sophora to waste your money on make up and skin care you are just wrong.
We build relationship .I personaly never push people to buy .I do not need to trick anyone to buy mary kay .People love my personality and my good energy and they love to be around me and get their make over done or get samples from me..ones they try the product they always want to order more.Because mary kay prices is not high .Compare to cheap drug store make up and skin care products mary kay can give you better deal even free products …
If mary kay is not for you simply because you are a negative person and lazy .There are women out there rocking this oportunity and build their business.You like to make ,big make up companies rich ,that is your call .I like to help women who has a dream who enjoys spending fun time with mothers ,sisters ,great women relationship.
You do not have to talk bad about somthing that you do not know much about.There are sales trick to use for marketing but there are consultant that sincere and honest also .
Mary kay is not a scam .Its not easy because it is like a regular job you have to work hard.I do warm chatting every day .I see a woman with potencial to be a boss ,i share the business ooportunity .If i see a person who does wear make up walking with her 2 kids i admire and go up to her and find a way to meet and talk to her because she is a good mom ,inspiring and strong mom..You don’t know how good to do networking every day !meeting with people that can have impact in your life..Mary kay changed my life in better way.I am not a millionair yet but i am happy with what i have .
I have a great director who teaches me the business and celebrates my business with me supports me not because she gets 4 percent from my sale mary kay pays her .Wharever i sell i earn 50 % from it.Mary kay gives us rewards just For working our business.
You should read the mary kay biography before you write negative comments.I have so mucch to say about my mary kay business .I learn to believe in my self.i am open to learn and work hard to be a better person and mary kay tought me a lot already ..
Did a 6 year old write this???
I haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning to process this mess. Good grief.
I worked for corporate. I can tell you it broke my heart to learn people loaded product in their garage to keep status or earn a trip. One lady was living in her car. They say they are building a business but they are not. They are breaking themselves and their bank accounts over nothing but product filled with garbage and is harmful. What an eye opener that toxic job was
I read non fiction, I have always read biographies and autobiographies because of my love of history and classic films.
Reading someone’s autobiography/memoirs doesn’t mean they are a good and positive person.
For example, I Love watching Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire dance. 2 of the worst memoirs/autobiographies I have ever read are theirs. Reading those 2 memoirs actually gave me the knowledge of being able to say negative things about 2 of my favorite classic film actors.
You may want to reconsider your argument that because someone published their memories they are a good and moral person and that others shouldn’t publicly criticize their awful “business” practices.
“You guys so wrong .Mary kay have 100% money backa garanty .” For customers, and we’ve seen in other posts how gracious the K-bots are about issuing insults… I mean refunds… to their customers. 90% to the consultomers, and only because Texas law requires it.
“ones they try the product they always want to order more.Because mary kay prices is not high .Compare to cheap drug store make up and skin care products mary kay can give you better deal even free products …” ::schnorks coffee out her nose:: $20 for a lipstick is high, Sophie. That’s why you constantly have to offer bargains and free products to get people to order stuff.
“If mary kay is not for you simply because you are a negative person and lazy .There are women out there rocking this oportunity and build their business.” And filing for bankruptcy, and stealing money, and making their underlings spend themselves broke.
“You like to make ,big make up companies rich ,that is your call .I like to help women who has a dream who enjoys spending fun time with mothers ,sisters ,great women relationship.” So Mary Kay isn’t a BIG MAKEUP COMPANY that’s constantly touting itself at the #1 selling brand (conveniently leaving out “among direct sales companies”?) And don’t get me wrong, I love spending quality time with my sisters and other great women. Because they’re not trying to sell me crap makeup the whole time.
“Mary kay is not a scam .Its not easy because it is like a regular job you have to work hard.I do warm chatting every day .I see a woman with potencial to be a boss ,i share the business ooportunity .If i see a person who does wear make up walking with her 2 kids i admire and go up to her and find a way to meet and talk to her because she is a good mom ,inspiring and strong mom..”
Hoo boy. The last thing that busy mom of two wants is to be bothered by some stranger. She’s already juggling a million family and school tasks and you’re putting her behind schedule, but she’s too polite to blow you off or tell you to get lost.
“I have a great director who teaches me the business and celebrates my business with me supports me not because she gets 4 percent from my sale mary kay pays her .Wharever i sell i earn 50 % from it.Mary kay gives us rewards just For working our business.” You’re not making 50% of what you sell because f the aforementioned bargains and freebies, and the second you stop ordering your director will drop you like a hot potato.
“You should read the mary kay biography before you write negative comments.I have so mucch to say about my mary kay business .I learn to believe in my self.i am open to learn and work hard to be a better person and mary kay tought me a lot already ..”
So many of the people here were you at some point. They bought into the hype and did everything right and still didn’t wind up rich millionaires sitting at the right hand of Mary Kay. Your bubble will pop someday, too, and I just hope it’s a soft landing.
Actually they do not offer a 100% money back guarantee. You have to ship the product back at your expense then pay the restocking fee. Yeah, great guarantee.
Waiting for the downvoter to strike😊
I think the Ridiculous Downvoter ™ snubbed you by not downvoting you… or something.
Reading is educating. If biographies tell the real story, she needs to read the book: Ask ME about Mary Kay- by Jackie Brown
It will open her eyes about who the real Mary Kay Ash was- a ruthless business woman who only cared about the success of her own company.
I’ll get over it! 😂🤣
I would argue that this writer’s consultant agreement is invalid because she does not have enough grasp of English to understand what she signed.
“You should read the mary kay biography before you write negative comments.” I have read ALL of her books, including the one where she tells someone to LIE to get appointments , the one where she LIES about her father’s illness, and the one where she brags about creating need and greed among the IBC and SDs to keep them working hard.
So I get to write all the negative comments I want to.
It’s super sad; she’s clearly been taken advantage of by this scheme.
You guys so wrong .Mary kay have 100% money backa (sic) garanty(sic).
Nearly all make-up companies do, MK isn’t innovative here.
If you think mary kay(sic) products not worth of the money and you go to walmart(sic) and target (sic)or sophora (sic) to waste your money on make up and skin care you are just wrong.
How am I wrong? If I’m ever in urgent need of cosmetics, I’d rather head to my local Sephora or pharmacy and have them in my hands now rather than hoping my local MKBot has “a full wagon”.
We build relationship .I personaly (sic)never push people to buy .I do not need to trick anyone to buy mary kay(sic) .
That’s nice, I guess. Though why you seem to think that people are “tricked” into buying Mk is a puzzle to me.
People love my personality and my good energy and they love to be around me and get their make over done or get samples from me..
ones (sic) they try the product they always want to order more. Because mary kay(sic) prices is not high .Compare to cheap drug store make up and skin care products mary kay(sic) can give you better deal even free products …
A better deal is in the eye of the beholder. Sephora gives me reduced priced or free products because that is their business model. The woman who steered me towards the product I wanted doesn’t lose money if I choose one product over another. The guy on the cash isn’t paying for my free product because the system has shrinkage built in. When a MKBot gives away products either reduced in price or free, her bottom line is directly affected.
If mary kay (sic) is not for you simply because you are a negative person and lazy .
No, it’s not that. You have been told, repeatedly, that any-one can make it in Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company. Failure to do so is not the fault of the organisation but a personal fault shared by over 95% of those others duped by the false promise of easy money.
There are women out there rocking this oportunity (sic) and build their business.You like to make ,big make up companies rich ,that is your call .I like to help women who has a dream who enjoys spending fun time with mothers ,sisters ,great women relationship.
Ma’am, you are also making a big company rich. Those women “rocking this oportunity” are also making a big company rich, however they are doing it by making their
downlinesrecruits lose money.You are not building a dream if you are the cause of other women’s nightmares.
You do not have to talk bad about somthing (sic) that you do not know much about.
Most of the commentators here DO know a lot about Mary Kay. They were successful, they had their jackets and their career cars, but sure, they know nothing.
There are sales trick to use for marketing but there are consultant that sincere and honest also .
Those scripts were written for a reason. They are regurgitated regularly because they work in the short term.
Mary kay is not a scam .Its not easy because it is like a regular job you have to work hard.
And yet, that’s not what I see being told. Executive pay for part-time work. Fits easily around your lifestyle. Work in pockets of time.
I do warm chatting every day .
So, you are the woman every-one with skin avoids.
I see a woman with potencial (sic) to be a boss ,i share the business ooportunity (sic) .
Every woman then.
If i see a person who does wear make up walking with her 2 kids i admire and go up to her and find a way to meet and talk to her because she is a good mom ,inspiring and strong mom..
Wearing make-up and having children is not an indicator of being a wonderful person. She just passes two items on your internal check-list, make-up and children.
You don’t know how good to do networking every day !meeting with people that can have impact in your life.
Personally I would find that very draining.
.Mary kay changed my life in better way.I am not a millionair (sic) yet but i am happy with what i have .
You’d better up your deserve level and start to bee-LIE-ve in yourself.
I have a great director who teaches me the business and celebrates my business with me supports me not because she gets 4 percent from my sale mary kay(sic) pays her .
Oh honey, you are just worth your 4% to her. Nothing more. Just another face in her adoring crowd to be exploited as she needs to.
Wharever (sic) i sell i earn 50 % from it.Mary kay gives us rewards just For working our business.
Somehow I doubt that. Especially if you are giving out free samples. As for the rewards, most are pitiful and the rest not worth the inflated price tag.
You should read the mary kay (sic)biography before you write negative comments.
I’m sure Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash told the undiluted truth about herself and her life. /sarcasm.
I have so mucch(sic) to say about my mary kay business .
Please do. Show us your books, your profit and loss. How much you made verses the amount of time and effort you put into doing so. Display the shelves your products fly off.
I learn to believe in my self.i am open to learn and work hard to be a better person and mary kay (sic) tought (sic) me a lot already ..
Another poor woman who has fallen for the polished pink delusion that is mary kay.
She’s so new to Mary Kay that she thinks this business is about SELLING bless her heart!
Honey, Mary Kay is about recruiting and front-loading. How do I know?
+ Because your sweet director rewards ORDERING.
+ Because Mary Kay doesn’t track YOUR sales – only your ORDERING
+ Because Mary Kay is a legal pyramid scheme – NSD at the top of the pyramid with downlines below her
+ Because Mary Kay only offers incentives in the first month for a new IBC because most likely she won’t order after her initial wholesale order
+ Because many SDs, EESDs, pink Cadillac earners, and a former NSD in qualification, etc. are regular contributors here. They know what you don’t iknow.
“You like to make ,big make up companies rich ,that is your call .”—
According to Forbes, Mary Kay had revenue of 2.5 BILLION in 2023 and 5000 employees. I’m sure they are grateful to all the consultomers who bought their products directly from them – and didn’t shop at Sephora or Walmart.
The 2.5 billion is the amount in worldwide “sales” which is low for Mary Kay Inc.
The company is definitely shrinking.
Thanks for sharing!
Is English not her first language? This is so poorly written. There is spell check and I highly doubt this person is doing well in Mary Kay.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Go away, kid, you’re bothering me.
As she tells us this is not a scam…it literally reads like it was written by a Nigerian scammer.
Does anyone else think OP is watching this post and the comments? The Ridiculous Downvoter is exceptionally active today.
Incredible that somebody thought this person would be a great “business owner”… or at least was able to obtain credit and has a social security number.
Sorry, I can’t read past the first several non capitalized words and incorrect punctuation marks. You cannot be taken seriously. A second grader can write better.