You Could Not Make It In Mary Kay

It breaks my heart to see this many angry women who could not make it in the Mary Kay world.

Why are you blaming someone else??? It sounds like you are the ones to blame for your failure!!! All you had to do is work your business smart!!!

I have been with the company for 2 years and I have no debt!!! And I carry a $4000 inventory!!! If something is going to hurt me or my family financially and emotionally, you know what… don’t do it!!! (interesting concept!!!) (are you ladies that gullible???)

There have been some very successful women in the Mary Kay world!!! Women retire with $60,000+ a month!!! Will you make that at retirement???

No, it is not easy, but you know what??? It is probably worth every sweat and tear!!! The amount of women that you have touched by that point!!! Yes, there are women who don’t have what it takes. But do you think that anyone holds a gun to their heads and said that ‘you have to purchase $3000′??? NO!!!

Every single women here posting their displease for the company, had every right to say…’you know what??? I’m not comfortable in investing that much into my business right now, this is what I can do’. I think you have forgotten that this was the opportunity for you!!! Did you forget that you were starting a business for yourself???? Not Ann…. Not Dacia…. Not Auri….. but for yourself!!! NO ONE MADE YOU PURCHASE ALL THAT INVENTORY EXCEPT FOR YOU!!! Dacia and Auri and every other Director and NSD are selling you an opportunity!!! What you do with that opportunity is or was up to you!!!

Yes, I have seen some bad apples in the bunch that have made it very hard on the rest of us to run a strong business….. but I have seen more successful women that just want to do it the right way!!! The way Mary Kay taught us to!!! With integrity and truthfulness!!!

So to all you women that have bashed Mary Kay because you have had a bad opportunity that couldn’t find a way to turn it into a wonderful opportunity….. look into the mirror and decide if that gun was pointed at your head!!! If I were a betting woman….. I’d bet that it wasn’t!!! So start blaming yourself for your failure!!! Not a business that has been extremely successful for 50 years!!!

This site makes me sick!!! You aren’t giving women a chance to see what it could be like. Are you scaring everyone off that sells AVON???? Or any other Direct Selling Company??? I’m sure that those companys have had their ups and downs!!!

So to close I just want to say that I feel that everyone of you women that are sitting there waisting time keeping this site running…. are you making the $40,000 a month??? Probably not…… because you are waisting your time bashing a company that could have made you a millionaire by now….. I am proud to be a Mary Kay Consultant!!! Thanks to you…… I have a better chance of touching those lives that need to be touched the right way!!! And I am so excited to have that chance!!! It’s better than what your doing!!!

Feeling sorry for you…..


    • Do you know that when Auri was in NIQ she gave consultants “loans” to buy inventory. She put all that on credit cards and she later declared bankruptcy.
      Standup businesswoman.

      • She did not file for bankruptcy. But I do believe that she did give the loans. I can’t imagine how many years it took her to dig out from that debt.

        • “she gave consultants ‘loans’ to buy inventory.”

          You can be sure others also did it. They have no integrity.

  1. “Dacia and Auri and every other Director and NSD are selling you an opportunity!!! What you do with that opportunity is or was up to you!!!”….Yes, I have seen some bad apples in the bunch that have made it very hard on the rest of us to run a strong business…..”—

    Got it. The business of opportunity selling.

    “So to all you women that have bashed Mary Kay because you have had a bad opportunity that couldn’t find a way to turn it into a wonderful opportunity”—

    How? Working hard at selling the opportunity?

    “I am proud to be a Mary Kay Consultant!!! Thanks to you…… I have a better chance of touching those lives that need to be touched the right way!!! And I am so excited to have that chance!!!”—

    Obviously by selling the opportunity….because I don’t think retailing cosmetics to a person would mean touching someone’s life.

    “It’s better than what your doing!!!”—

    And the usual ptc/cultist assumption: You are flawed. You are suffering. You’re not as good as I am. I have found paradise and the golden goose, and you haven’t.

  2. It breaks my heart to see this many angry women who could not make it in the Mary Kay world.

    Please don’t police other people’s emotions. Anger can be healthy, it can effect change and that’s a good thing.

    Why are you blaming someone else???

    I don’t think that you have read many posts here or you would see very few are blaming other PEOPLE, rather they are blaming the system.

    It sounds like you are the ones to blame for your failure!!!

    If you had read more than one post, you would have read about how successful many of the ladies here were in terms of MK success.

    All you had to do is work your business smart!!!

    They did and they got the car and the other baubles.

    I have been with the company for 2 years and I have no debt!!!

    I will have to take your word for that!

    And I carry a $4000 inventory!!!

    🤦‍♀️ That’s debt until you sell it.

    If something is going to hurt me or my family financially and emotionally, you know what… don’t do it!!! (interesting concept!!!) (are you ladies that gullible???)

    Here comes the buzz word salad.

    There have been some very successful women in the Mary Kay world!!! Women retire with $60,000+ a month!!! Will you make that at retirement???

    Names, please.

    No, it is not easy, but you know what??? It is probably worth every sweat and tear!!!

    I seriously doubt that. The sweat and tears come from those women’s downlines though.

    The amount of women that you have touched by that point!!!

    Extorted is a better word.

    Yes, there are women who don’t have what it takes. But do you think that anyone holds a gun to their heads and said that ‘you have to purchase $3000′??? NO!!!

    There is a lot of psychological pressure not physical intimidation.

    Every single women here posting their displease for the company, had every right to say…’you know what??? I’m not comfortable in investing that much into my business right now, this is what I can do’.

    MLMs operate by social pressure. This is why the last minute Dialing for Dollars works.

    I think you have forgotten that this was the opportunity for you!!!

    It’s not an opportunity.

    Did you forget that you were starting a business for yourself????

    It’s not your own business

    Not Ann…. Not Dacia…. Not Auri….. but for yourself!!!

    Those ladies are the ones profiting at other ladies expense though.


    No but there is a lot of pressure to stretch to get the “Team’s” Caddy, get to Court of Sales, et c..

    Dacia and Auri and every other Director and NSD are selling you an opportunity!!! What you do with that opportunity is or was up to you!!!

    No, what they are selling to a chance to enrich themselves at YOUR expense. If (general) you make a profit on your Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash business, it is largely at the expense of your down-line .

  3. Yes, I have seen some bad apples in the bunch that have made it very hard on the rest of us to run a strong business…..

    Did you report the “Bad Apples”?

    but I have seen more successful women that just want to do it the right way!!! The way Mary Kay taught us to!!! With integrity and truthfulness!!!

    Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash encouraged lying with the Husband Unawareness Plan. Where is the integrity in ” better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission”?

    So to all you women that have bashed Mary Kay because you have had a bad opportunity that couldn’t find a way to turn it into a wonderful opportunity…..

    Please spend some time reading about how successful many of the commentariat here were. Cars and stars, rings and bling, these women had them.

    look into the mirror and decide if that gun was pointed at your head!!!

    Again with the stupid gun metaphor.

    If I were a betting woman….. I’d bet that it wasn’t!!!

    Given what you have already written I wouldn’t want to take your money.

    So start blaming yourself for your failure!!!

    Read the site, see the successful women.

    Not a business that has been extremely successful for 50 years!!!

    It built it’s success on the financial loss of those women like yourself.

    This site makes me sick!!!

    I’d suggest that you don’t read it, but you have consistently proved that you haven’t.

    You aren’t giving women a chance to see what it could be like.

    We are not holding a gun to their heads to force them to read here. We are offering our own I-Stories, showing them what their directors talk about behind closed doors, show them the Canadian Income Disclosure because Mary Kay Corp doesn’t release the US version…wonder why???

    Are you scaring everyone off that sells AVON???? Or any other Direct Selling Company??? I’m sure that those companys(sic) have had their ups and downs!!!

    We do talk about them in the discussion board. Occasionally one of those companies does get a post dedicated to them.

    So to close I just want to say that I feel that everyone of you women that are sitting there waisting (sic) time keeping this site running….

    I spend less than 30 minutes a day here, hardly a time waster.

    are you making the $40,000 a month???

    More importantly, can you prove that you are earning that amount?

    Probably not…… because you are waisting (sic) your time bashing a company that could have made you a millionaire by now…..

    Are you one of these millionaires? If not, why are you not involved in an IPA? Being here isn’t profitable.

    I am proud to be a Mary Kay Consultant!!!

    When the stars fall out of our eyes and that $4,000 inventory pile aka debt grows, we will be here to help you recoup some of your money.

    Thanks to you…… I have a better chance of touching those lives that need to be touched the right way!!!

    So, you are happy to exploit others for your own gain, not the model of integrity and truthfulness!!! any more.

    And I am so excited to have that chance!!! It’s better than what your doing!!!

    Is it??? When you are frantically phoning and e-mailing every-one you know at quarter to midnight desperately trying to order that last $1,000 for your directors goal, calculating and recalculating which of your 4 credit cards you can put it in, I’ll be sleeping warm and snug.

    Feeling sorry for you…..

    I feel sorry for you. You are still in the early stages of Mary kay before the disillusionment sets in.

  4. PTC, how many exploited people is “too much” in your book? It is not rocket science to create a spreadsheet that calculates the down-line sized need to meet any desired profit goal (I’ve been doing this for various MLMs for decades). In MLMs like Mary Kay, profit targets are funded by losses in the down-line. It is impossible to turn a true business profit in MLM without proportional down-line losses.

    So I ask again…how many women are you willing to harm financially to meet your financial goals? Research for the FTC shows that on average, an MLM down-line needs to reach and maintain at least 249 participants before a rep can turn a consistent true business profit off that down-line. How many are you comfortable harming? 1? 10?, 249? 5000? More?

    Don’t dodge the issue. By recruiting in any MLM, you are agreeing to harm your down-line if you hope to turn a true business profit. Please share with us…just how many women you are willing to harm in your own down-line?

    Note: If your answer is zero, you must stop recruiting.

  5. With apologies to the most excellent Talking Heads:

    Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
    Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
    Into the PINK again, after the money’s gone
    Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

    Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

  6. “This site makes me sick!!!”

    Then why are you looking at it and taking the time to comment? Anybody who truly hates this website just wouldn’t bother.

    While we’re talking, how much profit do you make each year from your Mary Kay “business”? Before you say you don’t want to disclose your personal finances on this website, nobody knows who you are. I don’t expect an answer but there’s a first time for everything

  7. prettyinpink —

    You lost me after your cliches of “holds a gun to their heads” and your victim-blaming. We’ve heard it before from dozens before you. If you’re really sick after exploring this site, maybe that’s your conscience speaking. Or food poisoning.

    Take your butthurt somewhere else and get off my lawn.

  8. This is sad. Pink Truth Critic, It’s sad that you tout the $40,000/ month income as a good thing. I see “oooh, boy, that is a lot of scammed people.” Almost all of the money in any MLM comes from the downline, not from outside customers. 40K in income in a month means A LOT of consultants purchased products they likely (if you believe statistics) won’t be able to sell.

    I hope you stick around this site with an open mind.

    • @Coral Rose, I just threw the last of my lipstick inventory (including some Coral Rose!!) into the dumpster of my apartment building!! It was the “final” product I had “on hand” – everything else had been donated or trashed.
      Free at last, free at last… thank God Almighty, I’m FREE AT LAST!! 😆

  9. Pretty in Pink, honestly, when I was in Mary Kay, I would think things like “Whoa, if so-and-so can make 40K/ month, surely I can make 60K/ YEAR and quit the job I hate, right?! That’s exactly what they want you to think. But the reality is only those at the very top of the pyramid can make lots of money, but most everyone else loses money. The system collapsed otherwise. I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true. The system is designed to have a very small amount of winners who can make really big money, and nearly everyone else loses money, or is making very, very little after expenses. It’s just like the lottery. The lottery needs many, many people to buy losing tickets, so the winners can make $$$. The lottery would go bankrupt if many people weren’t spending money each week on losing tickets.

  10. Can someone explain what $4000 inventory even means? Why is that something to be proud of? Shouldn’t an appropriate level of inventory in terms of quantity and type of product vary by consultant? Why does the dollar amount matter? Except of course to your upline who needs the production.

    • “Inventory” is the amount of product consultants are encouraged to have on hand (purchase and keep in their home). A “sufficient” amount of inventory would be around $1,800 wholesale (hypothetically you will sell that for twice the price, thus making back what you purchased it for AND doubling your money).
      A “full store” (you have all the product lines on hand – skin care, color cosmetics, fragrances, etc.) would be at least $3,600 wholesale. If you have more than that, wow, you take your business seriously!
      Wholesale – consultant cost; retail – customer cost. “Buy it for a dollar and sell it for two.” 🙄
      Your questions are appropriate. I didn’t need to have every fragrance on hand (some of them I hated the smell of). I kept them on hand, however, because I was a good little girl, and you just never knew what someone might want! After all, the eye buys and you can’t sell from an empty wagon. (They love manipulative lines such as these to get you to “invest”).
      You are a critical thinker! Great questions!
      I was obviously very good at spitting out the lies 🤪😑



      I just like answering rhetorical questions 😝

  12. You say Mary Kay is all about honesty (which it isn’t) but let’s pretend. I would like to know where you, a consultant, got the $4,000 to have debt free inventory.

    A consultant is not making the commissions an SD is. Is it from your household savings account? “I owe U’s” in the kids college fund/rainy day money? Inheritance? I know my money came from my husband who was so happy to help me get started because I was so excited. It was a very generous $500 and I used my personal savings to get that $600 wholesale order to start.

    I would also like chime in and say Pink Truth is not me wasting my time. It is part of many things I like to do in my downtime. I read books, I meditate, watch movies and read a few websites. Maybe you have forgotten what downtime is because you’re always on the hamster wheel.

    Downtime is the time you get each day without having to do anything someone else is dictating. (This includes Pink Truth Critics BTW)

    Lastly, I really need to see tax returns of folks who are retiring with $60,000 a month and also the people you claim make $40,000 a month since you imply this is the norm not the exception. You also imply you are not a bad apple, I would like to know exactly how profitable your downline is. If every single person in your downline is making the $100,000+ executive income (based on current tax returns) I will return to the Mary Kay cult, become your recruit and saturate your market a little bit more.

    • I’ve been organizing, sorting, throwing things away – and have come across most of my tax returns from the last decade or so. I joined the pink party in 2003. The biggest amount I ever “profited” that I’ve come across in my returns is around $2,000. I appeared successful as well, but making an “extra” $2,000 in one year is hardly success, lol.
      “You have to spend money to make money!”
      “Nobody said it would be easy!”
      And on and on. How did I keep my head stuffed into the pink sand for so long?
      I’m pealing away the layers and learning more about myself, and the programming of these types of organizations, every day.

      • Dang it, I spelled “peeling” wrong. I chose the wrong one. The best part of this error means that the circuits in my brain that used to carry on about how your skin “peels” … well, its not getting used as much, because I’m not peddling these products!! Ha!!
        Let the bells peal in celebration!

  13. Your bragging point about your $4,000 inventory is interesting. My guess is you aren’t one of the ones making the big bucks or you would have led with that.



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