Pink Truth is a Joke

Thank you for making me even more passionate about my wonderful company. I think you are a sad person and I will continue to do my best to tell every single person I meet what a wonderful, positive difference Mary Kay has made in my life. I am sorry you are filled with so much hatred and I will say a prayer for you.

I have seen first hand women who help to support their children and families simply by their MK sales alone. Maybe you don’t realize that earning even $50-$100 extra for a family can make a very large impact to them. I’m sure you don’t… you obviously tried this and you obviously didn’t ‘work’ the business. You sure work hard at hating and bringing others down. It would be amazing what you could have done with something positive. You do realize that women like skin care and make up right? It is something they buy.

There are so many things that need attention in this world. You could possibly think of putting your energy into something that will better our society and not waste so much time with this. Its time to think about getting yourself a life. You are UN- PATRIOTIC to take away the joy in owning your own business and the wonderful support that can bring to our economy and to women in this country.

This website is such a Joke to me I just had to respond. You clearly have no understanding of how business works and like ANYTHING in this world, it will not work unless you put in the effort. Funny… I know hundreds of women that make a ‘living’ on selling makeup and skin care in this company. I guess I don’t understand why you would try to sabotage that? Just because there are people out there like yourself that CHOOSE not to do the work needed. That is your own fault and you know that deep down. You blame others so you don’t have to take responsibility.

I again will say a prayer for you today. I will pray that you will find joy in your life, I will pray that you will look to do good and not try to pull others down right along with you. Your website affected me to work harder to make my company stronger. And trust me… it will only continue to be.


  1. So much fluff. There’s rarely, or never, actual facts & figures given. Lots of shaming. But calling us unpatriotic because we are here? Good heavens.

    • Yeah, “unpatriotic” is a new one. This one at least gets a point for originality 🤣🫡🇺🇸

      Over to Destiny Angel, our resident Canadian Brit…

      • Honestly, that flabbered my gast. She’s doing something that hundreds of thousands, nay millions, of women are doing or have done world-wide and calling it Patriotic.

        This is the first one that required three cups of Boston harbour juice.

  2. “I know hundreds of women that make a ‘living’ on selling makeup and skin care in this company.”

    Nice scare quotes around the word “living”. PTC, you have been lied to by your upline and by these hundreds of women who are faking success.

    Research for the FTC shows that less than one in 250 MK reps is likely making even $50-$100 per month (after expenses). If you know hundreds of women claiming to make money with MK, they are either lying to you, lying to themselves, or you know well over 25,000 MK reps personally.

    My money is on the lies. MLMs like Mary Kay are built on lies and deception. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you fell for the lies. I am sorry you can’t see that yet, but eventually you will, and we welcome you to come back and share that epiphany here. You will be in good company.

  3. Thank you for making me even more passionate about my wonderful company.

    Mary Kay is NOT your company, it belongs to the Rogers family.

    I think you are a sad person and I will continue to do my best to tell every single person I meet what a wonderful, positive difference Mary Kay has made in my life.

    I don’t think anyone here is sad. And I’m sure Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash will be proud of your devotion to the cause.

    I am sorry you are filled with so much hatred and I will say a prayer for you.

    Please don’t project your religion on other people. Let alone judge strangers, people whom you do not know on a nebulous emotion that you suspect they might have. I am not filled with hatred about Mary Kay or her company, I just want to express the other side of the story.

    I have seen first hand women who help to support their children and families simply by their MK sales alone. Maybe you don’t realize that earning even $50-$100 extra for a family can make a very large impact to them.

    $50-$100 a week? A month? A year?

    According to Mary Kay’s own figures for 2022, over 97% of people who have commissions earned less that $208 per annum. Maybe they made more than that in sales but Mary Kay doesn’t record that because the company has no incentive to track external sales.

    $50 is less than 4 hours work at Québec’s minimum wage of $15.75.

    I’m sure you don’t… you obviously tried this and you obviously didn’t ‘work’ the business.

    Please read some of the I-Stories here. You will see that the site is full of women who did ‘work’ the business. They had the stars and rings, cars and bling. They worked hard but the system is rigged against the consultomer.

    You sure work hard at hating and bringing others down.

    How is pointing out the words your own directors spout in private hating? Am I bringing women down by noting that Ms. Bowman Cox calls other women “heffers”? Or is that on her?

    It would be amazing what you could have done with something positive. You do realize that women like skin care and make up right? It is something they buy.

    This site is positive. Just because you don’t recognise it yet doesn’t invalidate that. I personally don’t like make-up and have to be reminded not to touch it when I’m wearing it. I’d rather buy a book or CD.

    There are so many things that need attention in this world.

    Yes and I do spread the word about things that I feel are injustices. I don’t feel the need to berate other people for not thinking the way I do.

    You could possibly think of putting your energy into something that will better our society and not waste so much time with this.

    Ma’am I am under no obligation to account to you how I spend my time. However I can assure you that I do spent it in a positive manner for the country and province I live in.

    Its time to think about getting yourself a life.

    I have a life. (General) you might not approve of it but it works for me.

    You are UN- PATRIOTIC to take away the joy in owning your own business and the wonderful support that can bring to our economy and to women in this country.

    Ma’am are you kidding me??? Un-patriotic??? Seriously, it’s not your own business. It’s not a wonderful support either. It’s a multi-national billion dollar company owned by the Rogers family.

    This website is such a Joke to me I just had to respond.

    You really shouldn’t have had. Another person bringing nothing new to the discourse. Still spewing the same old buzzwords and clichés.

    You clearly have no understanding of how business works and like ANYTHING in this world, it will not work unless you put in the effort.

    Blah blah blah.

    Funny… I know hundreds of women that make a ‘living’ on selling makeup and skin care in this company.

    Could you name some of these hundreds of mythical women?

    No, because you don’t know hundreds of women making executive pay for part-time work that is shouted from the roof-tops as the benefit of working your Mary Kay “small business”. I have linked the figures earlier.

    And yet Lauren Wagner is still struggling to make it to DIQ. I wonder how hard she is working to make a ‘living’.

    I guess I don’t understand why you would try to sabotage that?

    No-one here is sabotaging anything. We are pointing out the “other side”.

    Just because there are people out there like yourself that CHOOSE not to do the work needed.

    Please spend some time actually reading some of the I-Stories. See how hard these ladies worked. See how they had all the bling, the cars, the admiration. They “CHOOSE” to work hard and still didn’t make the money they were promised.

    That is your own fault and you know that deep down. You blame others so you don’t have to take responsibility.

    Wow!! So much victim blaming. I hope that you will be kinder to yourself when you eventually realise your own worth.

    I again will say a prayer for you today. I will pray that you will find joy in your life, I will pray that you will look to do good and not try to pull others down right along with you.

    I seem to remember Jesus talking about false piety and praying publicly to impress other people. Keep your prayers, I’m not interested in them.

    Your website affected me to work harder to make my company stronger. And trust me… it will only continue to be.

    Again, it’s NOT your company. It belongs to the Rogers family. Not the Mr. Rogers of the Neighborhood nor the Star Spangled Man with a Plan.

    You can “work” as hard as you like but you still are enriching another person at the end of the day.

  4. PTC do tend to believe sales mean profits. Is that $100 in your pocket? Or is anything tied up in inventory, that stuff they don’t give you guys for free. And expenses: that’s always a chunk. My guess is you don’t sell much at full retail.

    Not everyone wants your prayers especially since it comes from a snotty passive aggressive place.

  5. The writer has never actually read the posts on this site, and she has no clue what is actually being discussed here. It couldn’t be more obvious.

    As for those hundreds of women she knows who actually support their families with Mary Kay, that’s just absurd. She’s either lying, or else she’s too gullible to realize she’s being lied to.

  6. Begging on social media for people to “help” you is not a business.
    Help me earn a car because my family needs a larger one.
    Help me earn a trip to Hawaii because my husband wants to play golf there.
    Help me earn this knock-off designer handbag.
    Help me get to NSD because it’s been my dream for six years. You have to help me because God put this dream in my heart.

    It’s glorified panhandling. It is shameful. Get a real job.

    Using nonprofits, nursing homes, shelters, etc., to get orders to pad your production is shameful.

    It is not a ministry. You are not “blessing” women by dragging them into MK and love-bombing them while your hand is inside their wallet. Pretending you care about their “success” when it’s really about your own.

    Watch the training/recruiting videos on YT. NSDs are giving away E-Start kits or reimbursing newbies when they join. Coming in with less than $600? Sorry, the NSD won’t give you her time.

    If you’re a Director, you can participate in the NSD’s faux Bible Study. Not a Director? Sorry, no Word of God for you, you loser. The “Bible Study” is actually just reading from some woman’s book, twisted to make it sound like it’s referring to Mary Kay.

    I don’t know how these people sleep at night.

  7. BINGO!!

    I got:
    – Pray for you
    – Didn’t work your business
    – I own my business
    – Get a life
    – I had to respond

    • We are missing:
      –Stumbled on this site
      –No one held a gun to your head
      –You’re just negative (though they got close)
      –Excessive exclamation points

      They do get bonus points for the “un-patriotic” bit. Unique as a PTC insult, devastatingly mundane in its yelling and misspelling.

  8. I used to be a traveling makeup artist for Dior and later Chanel. I know makeup, skincare, and how to sell it. It was never a part of my job to recruit my customers to be my competitors. I was strictly paid by the hour, not on commission, and I made more doing this in one week than I made in 6 months in MK. Dior paid for my training and gave me product every quarter. It was Dior that led me to grad school where now I am a college professor. So please, don’t insult any of us by saying we don’t know how to work our business.

  9. “We have seen first hand women who impoverished their children and families simply by the MK product orders. Maybe you don’t realize that wasting even $50-$100 extra for a family can make a very large impact to them.” …

    Read this. Yes, it is from 2015 but the conclusions are still valid. If anything, it’s worse now because sales have not kept up with inflation, and minimum wage is higher.

  10. Um, so I happen to be a HIGHLY decorated Veteran, ma’am… I find it VULGAR that you would blindly accuse me of being unpatriotic. Please do NOT pray for me, take some of your own advice and direct the prayers where they may be needed. Finally, please don’t open your mouth and remove all doubt, as countless others of your ilk have. If you have something constructive to say, please – by all means. I hate to use a tired line: BUT, SHOW US THE MONEY (W2).

  11. I agree with you Tracy. I don’t make millions but I definitely get paid. No one pushes me to make sales, I don’t want the Mary Kay car, no one pushes me to work for he Mary Kay car, I get to sale at my own pace, I don’t do any of the vacations. I actually don’t like vacationing or any of the sort. I don’t have anyone under me selling Mary Kay, either. I believe this site is filled with a bunch of people who had bad experiences but doesn’t realize that’s not the company. That’s who THEY were dealing with. To create an entire site to belittle a company is quite entertaining and I like reading these little tales. Especially when they women spend their entire life savings to buy merchandise to sell to people. Why would you do that? I don’t buy anything unless I have the money in hand from the client already. No unsold product and no money coming out of my pocket.

    • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH – It is absolutely about Mary Kay Inc. They are running a gigantic scam, and they have people like you who pretend it’s a legit business. Every time you say silly things like this, you are doing their dirty work.

      And you’re agreeing with a troll who wrote into us. You’re not agreeing with me. But next week you get to be the featured troll. Congratulations.

    • Brittany, you are expecting us to believe your customers pay you in advance? That’s very impressive, if true. If you don’t front-load, it means you hold your orders each quarter until you have a full $225 wholesale. It must be interesting holding your customer’s cash for so long before you finally place your first order for the new quarter. How do they feel about you sitting on their cash for so long?

      These realities of Mary Kay and their policies to pressure IBCs to over-order make it very, very difficult to believe you are telling the truth.


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