A Few Bitter People
An email I received from a very “successful” woman who has been in Mary Kay a whole month!
I started selling Mary Kay a little over a month ago, and I happened to run across your site this morning. I find your site to be extremely one-sided. Of course, not everyone is cut out to run a business, not everyone is cut out to be a Mary Kay consultant, or you would find everyone selling it, if it was sooo easy.
I am not sure what kind of Sales Directors those people on your site have but they were obviously not of any caliber. I was never lied to or told that I NEEDED to buy inventory. I still haven’t bought any inventory yet and have already made over $2,000 for my family from Mary Kay. And I do not have any other source of income. I have three children under the age of four and I don’t have much time to put into my business but I am doing well.
I thinkk your website unfairly takes the positions of those who could not fit into the Mary Kay program and makes it seem like a scam or an illegitimate business. That is a ridiculous thing as I happen to be finding success with this business. But like I said, to each his own, but if you want your cause to be taken seriously, consider talking in facts, and not taking the words of a few bitter people and claiming it as the Mary Kay Way.
Let me guess: that 2K comes mostly from family and friends who want to help you out with your new business, right? Are they going to order that much every month? Are you going to be as pleased with it when you find out you don’t get 50% off your products unless you order at least $250/quarter? When your director starts bugging you to carry inventory or recruit people or attend MK events rather than being with your kids?
I’ve got a proposition for you. Stick it out for a year and write back to Tracy about your experience. A month isn’t usually enough time to honestly evaluate how much you like any job, or how well you’ll do at it.
Just write back about your experiences, good, bad, or neutral. We’ll wait.
“I still haven’t bought any inventory yet and have already made over $2,000 for my family from Mary Kay.”
You keep using that word…”made”. I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Also, if you haven’t ordered anything yet, it means you “made” all of your money recruiting. According the the FTC, you are literally pyramid scheming.
I took it to mean that she’s only purchased stuff that people have ordered from her and doesn’t carry inventory otherwise, but you could be right. Either way that $2000 is going to evaporate in a hurry when next April 15 rolls around, especially if you’re depending on recruits who are highly likely to wash out within a few months, or struggle along earning peanuts.
“I still haven’t bought any inventory yet and have already made over $2,000 for my family from Mary Kay.” If you have not ordered product, you sold nothing. So where did the money come from?
I started selling Mary Kay a little over a month ago, and I happened to run across your site this morning.
Our first person who didn’t stumble onto the site, Yay! Though I have got to wonder what you were searching for.
I find your site to be extremely one-sided.
And??? First day on the interwebs? Not everything has to cater for the “Happy Happy Joy Joy” crowd.
Of course, not everyone is cut out to run a business, not everyone is cut out to be a Mary Kay consultant, or you would find everyone selling it, if it was sooo (sic) easy.
Then why are we bombarded with such blithe promises such as “executive pay for part-time work”, “work in pockets of your time from your phone” or the ever favourite “products fly off your shelves”?
I am not sure what kind of Sales Directors those people on your site have but they were obviously not of any caliber.
Some of the ladies here were sales directors so they know what went on behind the scenes. They know about the corrupt SDs.
I was never lied to or told that I NEEDED to buy inventory.
I’ll have to take your word for that despite knowing all the ways that sales directors induce you to part with your money.
I still haven’t bought any inventory yet and have already made over $2,000 for my family from Mary Kay.
Is that net or gross?
And I do not have any other source of income.
Really?? Unless you are plants existing on sunlight and carbon dioxide, money is coming into your household from somewhere.
I have three children under the age of four and I don’t have much time to put into my business but I am doing well.
Your definition of “doing well” is different from mine. If you are successful in “earning” $2k per month of net income, you are still only receiving $24k. You’re going to be struggling to support a family of four on that income alone.
I thinkk (sic)your website unfairly takes the positions of those who could not fit into the Mary Kay program and makes it seem like a scam or an illegitimate business.
Then you haven’t actually read many articles. The commentariat have made it plain that they were “successful”. They earned the cars and stars, they walked the stage, they sat in the famous pink bath.
That is a ridiculous thing as I happen to be finding success with this business.
When your business is self-funding and you are consistently earning at least $50k net per annum from sales alone, no down-line or driving a pink caddy with no downline then I’m happy to rethink my position.
But like I said, to each his own, but if you want your cause to be taken seriously, consider talking in facts,
This is how I know that you haven’t read anything in depth here. We produce the facts, we show the numbers and explain them., the screenshots of what the directors are talking about behind the scenes.
Here is Mary Kay Corporation’s own figures for 2022 in Canada. Are those facty enough facts for you?
and not taking the words of a few bitter people and claiming it as the Mary Kay Way.
I must ask you to really spend some time reading here. Take off your rose coloured glasses and read critically and objectively.
Look at the screenshots of how your directors are trying to conspire to hide the changes in packing or the soon to be discontinued items in order to entice their downlines to spend their money this month and then have to repurchase the new improved products next month doubling THEIR profit, not yours.
Read the income disclosure and see just how few are actually making a livable wage after all of their expenses. Read about how many hours a week these ladies put in and how they ignore God and their families in order to focus on their career.
I could go on but you have probably mentally written me off as “bitter”.
Why does everyone trip into this site and believe it should show both sides? Make your own fluffy pink website with bogus income claims for your pretend business. $2000? As in profit into your pocket? Or some arbitrary sales number multiplied by 2?
Right? It’s not as if there’s any shortage of MK safe spaces online. LIke the FB groups that most of the screenshots on this blog come from.
There used to be several Mary Kay sub-reddits a few years ago but they were very inactive and when I just checked seem to be scrubbed from Reddit all together.
OP, your post reminds me of a time when a PG-1 (that’s post-graduate year 1) medical intern (we’re talking newbie, wet-behind-the-ears doctor) once told a registered nurse with over 40 years of experience, “If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it.” His attending (one of my all-time favorite docs) sat back at the nurses’ station with his coffee and THE biggest grin on his face and said, “That boy is going to learn today!” That boy did learn. Because that nurse reminded him that she had stuff in her refrigerator that was older than him. And when she tells you something is wrong with this patient, you had better listen. He returned later in the day and apologized; part of his apology involved cookies and coffee. (I’m also pretty sure that his attending threatened to lock him in the staff lounge if he didn’t apologize.)
To sum this up, you’re that PG-1 going against that nurse. You’ll be back later with your tail between your legs because you will discover that we were (and have always been) right.
I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall for the earful the nurse gave him. Long-time nurses have had plenty of experience being condescended to by (especially male) doctors and hit the “yeah, no” threshhold decades ago.
Also, never eat near a table of nurses because they have to do all the icky messy stuff and have no problem talking shop over lunch.
We talk shop over any meal or beverage. Our spouses/SOs are usually quite grossed out when we discuss bowels hanging out, the poop-a-palooza that happened, or the maggots that exploded like a bag of rice from some dude’s pant leg. (Dude had some SERIOUS vascular issues with necrotic tissue. The maggots essentially kept him alive. The ER resident puked in the trash can; the nurses asked if the wound care team would like us to harvest some for them.)
Sounds about right. My sister had a friend who was an LPN. One time at a cookout she and some fellow nurses were discussing a lovely case of necrotizing fasciitis one of them had treated recently over burgers and stuff. I was fascinated.
My one co-worker’s wife is a wound care nurse and he’s retired fire and rescue. I imagine they have some interesting conversations 🤣
I’ve seen a few career paralegals and legal secretaries that definitely knew more about the law than some newly-minted lawyers from the top schools. Some of these new lawyers acted like the doctor you mentioned and ended up screwing up their clients’ matters big time, some didn’t and learned quite a bit from their support staff. Certainly a lot more practical things about the law than they could ever learn in law school, which is all theory-based.
Well I find Mary Kay to be very one-sided so I think we’re good here.
Two words for this “successful woman” – WARM MARKET. Come back in a year or so and let’s see how “successful” you are.
Just a random thought that drifted through my head today as I worked my part time job that doesn’t pay a whole whole lot but it does pay me every two weeks as long as I work, unlike some “businesses” that only “pay you,” well… I’m not sure when you really get paid in the MK, because as fast as you can haul it in, it’s pouring back out through some leak – anyway, I digress – back to my original thought –
I wonder if MK corp has some kind of sweet deal with Visa and the credit card they have linked. When I finally got out of the pink nightmare and paid off the MK Visa card, the interest rate was 29.99% YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. I would send $225 payment to them and $175 would go straight to the interest, not even touching the principal. If that interest funnels into MK corp somehow, that sweetened their pot even more.
Just a random thought.
The house always wins. House = MK corp, not us gals.
“I wonder if MK corp has some kind of sweet deal with Visa and the credit card they have linked.” If it was the “Mary Kay” card … oh yes, they did. Those private label and “co-branded” cards come with special kickbacks for pushing them.
Google info also says that these private label and co-branded cards are often easier to get qualified for. That makes a lot of sense considering the MK MLM business model of direct buying consultomers.
Mary Kay Inc meeting: “Let’s get our consultomers more available credit, then they can buy more products from us….And good news, our health insurance co-pays are going down this year. Adjourned. Hey Nathan, what is our tee time on Wednesday?”
Also “co-branded credit cards”
They also offer flex pay through Klarna. That’s so smart! Purchase skincare that last 2 or 3 months but takes longer to pay off. Hmm, wonder how that will work out for customers?
Man finds Marykay Caddie
What an interesting find! I have heard that they repaint the caddies after they are returned, or they crush them. I’m not sure. Who really knows what is true????
I don’t believe Lincoln told Marykay to go home to her husband
No, the clerk wouldn’t help her. It was his lunch break. She went across the street to the Mercury dealership and that salesman found out it was her birthday. He went and bought her flowers. She was so impressed with his customer service that she spent the extra $5,000 and bought the Mercury.
Or, this is the lore. I was so obsessed. I would read the MKAsh biography every time I traveled to an MK event. I was a good little hun bot!