You Make Yourself Look Sad

I feel so sorry for everyone who is wasting time bashing Mary Kay because truthfully, you’re not stopping the growth, your not “saving” anyone from trouble, and you’re just making yourselves look sad.

I hope you will find something better to do with you time, then again, this might be all you’re capable of. But I hope I’m wrong. I hope there aren’t a bunch of bitter, cynical women who think they’re better than others just because they actually share their ugly opinions.

How much money do you have? Is that why you are so upset, because you didn’t work out with your own idea? You can do better than this ladies. Try!


  1. I’ll confess to being bitter and cynical, but don’t think I’m better than most people. Nor do I think anyone’s better than me.

    I don’t even think I’m better than you. Although I wish to hell you’d take the pink blinders off and actually think about your situation and what’s written here instead of lashing out.

    And how much money I have isn’t the issue. I’m single, no dependents, zero credit card debt, own my house and car, live modestly. The issue is how much money 99+% of people in MK DON’T have in spite of their huge promises.

  2. We’re not “bashing Mary Kay” … we are just putting Mary Kay’s inconvenient truths into the public eye. Yanking back the curtain on the tawdry reality of life as a consultant.

    • Similar here. We’re having an AC unit repaired today and we aren’t freaking out over if we have any room on the credit card to pay for it.

  3. PTC, you could silence a lot of anti-MLM folks by identifying a single profitable MK downline. That would be any MK downline that makes more money than it spends, in aggregate, on the MK business.

    Until then, you will have folks like us shedding light on the terrible “opportunity” promoted by MLMs like Mary Kay.

  4. I don’t see sad people here. I see ladies that are happy and thrilled that they are out of the Pink Fog and can actually enjoy their lives without 24/7 MK nonsense.

    None of these ladies here had to spend June begging for recruits and selling product at a loss in order to meet some ridiculous goal deadline at midnight on the 30th. Most failed and the whole silly game started over on July 1st.

    It never ends and it never gets easier. Say goodbye to healthy relationships, your dignity and smart financial decisions.

    Seems like the only “sad people” are the ones still involved in the scam that is MK.

  5. I feel so sorry for everyone who is wasting time bashing Mary Kay

    How strange because I feel the same about those women who spend their time supporting companies like Mary Kay.

    because truthfully, you’re not stopping the growth, .

    How strange because..oh yeah! Already did that sentiment.

    No, we are not stopping the growth, that’s happening because of the whole anti-MLM sentiment across the internet. In the good old days, when it was all word of mouth it was harder to find out the facts behind a company like Mary Kay, now all you need to do is type a few words into your phone, tablet or laptop and the facts and figures are delivered in microseconds.

    your(sic) not “saving” anyone from trouble,

    The testimonials here show differently. Whether from ex-Mary Kay reps or people being “warm-chatted” at.

    and you’re just making yourselves look sad.

    I am often sad when I see the screenshots of women desperately trying, and failing, to “make it” in Mary Kay. I see pleas for help which are waved away with meaningless platitudes. “It’s only another 5 faces a week”, “find a way, make a way” “book, sell, recruit” and so on and so forth.

    I hope you will find something better to do with you(sic) time,

    I barely spend anytime here.

    then again, this might be all you’re capable of.

    Judgemental, what?

    But I hope I’m wrong.

    oh, honey, you are definitely wrong!

    I hope there aren’t a bunch of bitter,

    Bitter is one of those horrible misogynistic words designed to shut women up. I’ve never heard a man called “bitter” for having his own opinions even when they against the prevailing views of the time.
    Being bitter isn’t bad, it’s it’s an emotional state. What is bad is when it’s applied as a rejection of some-one else’s lived experiences.
    I hate when people want to brush off “negative emotions” especially from women. We are not obliged to “keep sweet” to shelter (general) your feelings.


    I’ve earned my cynicism.

    women who think they’re better than others just because they actually share their ugly opinions.

    I’d love for our Ms. PTC to name one of “our ugly opinions” and explain how it is wrong. But alas, it’s just another drive-by spewing of words to make herself feel better.

    How much money do you have?

    Enough for my wants and needs. As a child, I was told it was never polite to talk about money, religion or politics with strangers. Have the rules now changed?

    Is that why you are so upset, because you didn’t work out with your own idea?

    Except this isn’t (general) your own idea, it was Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s plan to enrich herself and her family. And for 99% of people who buy into it, it doesn’t work.

    You can do better than this ladies. Try!

    Better than what??And now I’m picturing dreamy David Tennant as Crowley shouting “grow better” to his terrified plants.

  6. Wow. You threw a lot of adjectives out there, didn’t ya?

    Like Popinki, I have earned the right to be bitter and cynical about things, particularly when referring to things known to destroy families and finances. MK is one of them. And frankly, I am more capable of things than you will ever realize.

    “How much money do you have? Is that why you are so upset, because you didn’t work out with your own idea?”
    As to this comment, I believe you are projecting your own insecurities onto this site. My spouse and I have enough money to live comfortably and debt-free. We both have very nice incomes, and yes, our ideas have worked out just fine. As a nurse, I make more than your average NSD and only work 40 hours each week. (Anything over that is overtime pay.) Can you say that about MK?

  7. I wouldn’t brag about “growth” when your precious company is cutting back on incentives and increasing financial requirements, but whatevs.

    And I have money, thank you very much. From ACTUALLY owning a business. And I’m not up hyperventilating at 11:59 on the last day of every month trying desperately to keep my position. It’s nice.

  8. Original poster – what were you looking for online that brought you here? Or did you just stumble?

  9. Are you 12 years old? Please go outside and play. Grownups are talking. Some of us are making quite nice money and we retired. At 42!!! I’ll be 60 next year. I haven’t lifted a finger and it wasn’t a MLM. It was serving in the Air Force. Save yourself. Save your future, get a job that gives a W-2. You can only claim losses in MK for a few years before they get antsy…

  10. Not bitter or cynical, simply telling the truth. Plus, why are you even on this site? Were you referred? Are you looking for answers? Just curious or just “stumbled” onto the site? Did we answer your questions or do you need more information? We’d be glad to help😉


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