Abandon Pink Truth!!!!
Mary Kay sales director Diane Kuciel has a vested interest in women signing up for Mary Kay. Her very livelihood depends on unsuspecting victims signing up to become consultants, and then purchasing large inventory packages. She has been in Mary Kay for 33 long years, spinning her wheels and never getting to the top.
Diane believes in the Mary Kay opportunity so much, that she also shills for an MLM called Amare.
At the end of the Mary Kay year, when Diane should have been pushing her unit to order order order to meet some sort of goal, she was instead finding a new MLM to shill. If you’ve ever seen people talking about “happy juice” on social media but never mentioning the name of the product, now you know the brand is Amare.
Diane is so loyal to MK, that going to an anti-mary Kay site and trolling for recruits is now her thing. Also, she came here to shame Parsonsgreen for being in the MK directors group on Facebook and sharing posts and comments with us.
We’ve heard of Diane before. She was featured here for a write-up she did about why it’s good to not tell consultants that products are going to be discontinued. And for making up fake statistics about Mary Kay to use at skin care parties. (Keep this in mind when you see what Diane has to say about integrity.)
Have a look at what Diane has to say this time around in a comment on a recent article on Pink Truth:
Interesting that you [Parsonsgreen] are no longer a Mary Kay beauty consultant, but still active and what our closed groups, where being an active beauty consultant, is a requirement. And on the honor system. I see an integrity issue .
I do believe if you have found your way to this thread, you are considering a Mary Kay business. I wouldn’t let some disgruntled people dissuade me, from what I know is a successful opportunity. The direct selling association publishes well researched statistics for any direct selling company, I would start there.
Looking here for information is much like the information from Rate My Professor , often the poor students, with the smallest work ethic are the quickest to complain. And those doing well are simply too busy doing the work to weigh in on an opinion.
I’m so glad you did mention the words pity purchase! I actually use that language at my party, and tell the ladies that I don’t want anyone buying what they perceive as an obligatory lip gloss. Our products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed, and backed by the company, so taking home something you won’t use really doesn’t honor your own personal budget, or our guarantee. Because I do call my clients a few days after their purchase to make sure they like it, or make arrangements for exchange or refund.
As you demonstrate here, people are much more quickly to complain on the internet or to their friends, than to anyone who can actually create resolution. Statistically, lol people will tell one to two people when they are satisfied, and more than nine when they are not.
And speaking to my statistics, you’re right those are skewered. My personal statistics are actually much higher. When I do a party with six to seven women there I typically leave with 10 sales, women have messaged their friends to say “I just met the nicest Mary Kay lady, do you need anything while I’m here,?” my hostess will sometimes have outside orders, or guest who are not in attendance will call in during the party to share what they need. But I do share that not everyone at the party is expected to purchase, because I want the women who may be worried about that to feel very comfortable. Congratulations, you caught me in a little pink lie.
My goal is to treat both my clients, women who choose not to be my clients, and my beauty consultants, as I would like to be treated. As in any industry, there are folks who have an off day, that integrity, or fall short of the mark. I know you can think of highly professional examples, doctors, attorneys, teachers, clergy, right on down to the greeter at your local retailer who maybe doesn’t say hello… I hope we all decide not to judge the majority, by the exception .
I wish you a life so full, that this experience is long behind you and you abandon this thread at some point, for more positive things. I am sorry that you’re experience has led to this. Truly.
Those doing well? 99% of people lose money in MLMs. Most sales directors are struggling to even make minimum production each month. They’re barely getting by financially, despite working 50-60 hours a week at this loser of a “business.”
Diane wants us to abandon our discussion of Mary Kay for “more positive things.” I’ve had this site for 18 years. I wonder what would lead her to believe we’d ever abandon it?
And what are these “more positive things”? The business I’ve been successfully running for 24+ years? The one that undoubtedly brings in more income in one year than Diane makes in 10 years? I think I’m good, thanks.
After 33 years of spinning her wheels and never moving up in MK, I wonder if Diane considers herself successful?
Oh, man, this is hilarious. Let me be the first to congratulate you on being named, shamed, and a real burr in their collective britches 😝👍🏻🙌
Hmmm, perhaps one of the Thumbs Down lurkers has revealed her identity lololololol
women have messaged their friends to say “I just met the nicest Mary Kay lady, do you need anything while I’m here,?
lol sure Jan.
I thought “things that never happened, but I wish they did.”
My thought took me to Jeopardy ” I’ll take ‘things that never happened’ for 400 Alex”
What’s really sad is that they believe it.
If any message is going to my friend about MK, it’s to stay away.
How is this for positive, my dear Diane?
I volunteer as a CNS at a free medical clinic that primarily serves homeless/unhoused adults (and some children/teens). We are grant-funded and work with many uninsured patients. I also run a smoking cessation program, which is proving to be quite successful. The work is incredibly rewarding, and I enjoy it immensely.
By the way, I won’t be abandoning this site. We need all the people we can to spread the word about the predatory nature of MK and MLMs.
I’m so glad you did mention the words pity purchase! I actually use that language at my party, and tell the ladies that I don’t want anyone buying what they perceive as an obligatory lip gloss.
Another useful excuse from a named director I can use against their
beggingasking me to buy a product.“I see an integrity issue.”
Hi Kettle, I’m Pot, nice to meet you.
She’s an idiot to compare complaints about Mary Kay to RateMyProfessors anyway, saying only the worst students post there and complain. I see positive reviews about professors on that website all the time. Now, if you go to a website about apartment ratings, generally only the people who had complaints about a particular apartment building or complex post on those. But their complaints are likely still reasonable in many cases. Of course they are tenants and not students so it doesn’t fit with the dumb point she’s trying to make.
“I hope we all decide not to judge the majority, by the exception ”
Agreed. So stop pretending that more than 0.4% of May Kay participants can be profitable. And while you are at it, stop pretending it is possible to create a downline in Mary Kay that is profitable as a whole.