Someone Misguided Is In Charge of Pink Truth
I received an email asking who put Pink Truth together and whether it was one former sales director with Mary Kay. I asked why it would matter, and got this in response:
It would matter because IF that is the case then that means I being one person, who is also a previous sales director and been raised in the company could orchestrate information next to the “pink truth” to set the record straight….
Because it’s obvious that someone misguided whom ever is in charge of the pink truth site AND if this is truly the feelings and concerns THEN obviously there is a cry for someone to set the record straight….
Being felt led to do so, I can and I will, gladly… I’m sorry whomever is responsible for the mid representation of Mary Kay Ash’s business, but I can assure you it is not all according to as the pink truth says so.. There is a legitimate Godly business unfortunately not every woman who joins the company represents it as so…
The good news is, that one day each one of us Will stand before our maker, whether we believe this truth or not, and answer to what we did in this life.
I apologize for the misrepresentation of this company but I am a firm believer of Mary Kay Ash’s God given dream to be utilized as a tool in hopes of changing women’s lives with confidence but more so upholding her image…what image? It Should be the image of Christ.. But to ruin and bash every Mary Kay representative is a little harsh… To set the record straight, might be just as much of a challenge but I promise you, IF priorities are lined up accordingly as God first, family second and career third, there would not be an issue..
Unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world.
I challenge you to look beyond your hurt of this misrepresentation and open up your spiritual eyes as to seeing that Biblically, we are not to present a problem unless there is a solution.
I could present a Biblical solution to all of this, honest. And I intend to do so..
That is why it matters, because to Jesus, a hurt and wounded heart, matters. He loves us all and He cares about the concerns of people. He sees the hearts and lives and He is taking note, even at this very hour. I challenge you to open up your heart to Him. If you listen, and draw near to Him, it is a promise that He will draw near to you….
The pink truth may be about some pretty harsh statements and may be true according to the representation of whomever gave the wrong example, But the only perfect man was Jesus and lead this email message to you, because He cares for you that much. I challenge you to listen to His voice, that He wants to bring you healing. I challenge you not to keep your heart hardened and listen to His small still voice. There is only one Truth and with it comes deception, yes. There is biblical truth, it is a responsibility to search for it, if you do, you will find it.
I am due to write a book on how God made Himself known to me. I was an atheist and the Spirit of God came to me and spoke to me and how to hear the difference in the voice of the world verses His voice, and Has been leading me ever since and has lead me to you.
There is no need for any confrontation about details, the only thing that really matters is, Do you know Jesus Christ as your Best Friend? There may be an area that has caused you pain and He is right there waiting for you to give it to Him, to show you the way, the truth and life. There is nothing else besides this truth. Everything else comes from it OR goes against it.
The pink truth is a loud voice with no solution; Here is your solution.
I don’t know you but I see your name is Tracy and I leave you with a prayer, because the Bible says we either speak blessings OR curses and I speak a blessing over your life. I was challenged to share Jesus with someone today and that person is you.
I don’t know what you believe, but All you have to know is that Jesus loves you and He died for you and He wants to fill your life and change you from the inside out if you let him.
You see, this is not about pink truth. This is a matter of your life.
I would advise a solution NoT just a problem. The world wants and needs answers. Here lies your answer….Or the beginning at least.
Take Care Tracy, I will continue to utilize the Truth that is within and expose the powers of darkness because this is what we as children of God are called to do. And greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends…… Hope you find some sincerity here. In the name of Jesus, I bind up your hurt and loose freedom in Christ. Today, for you. Repent and obey, the only way to begin your spiritual freedom is to forgive. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, when you loose forgiveness, you are in turn forgiven and all that has you bound is loosed. I pray that this will be so for you and maybe one day I will meet you in faith and know that God truly did a miracle for you today. So be it.
If all this seems crazy to you, Good… God is trying to get your attention. He Loves you that much… I will pray with you any time. I love Jesus more than anything in this life, honest. And He has set me free. I know He is real.
She has words, lots and lots of words.
Imagine how many IPA’s she could have done in the time it took to type this.
About as many IPAs as I’d need to drink in order to make sense of this bloated blob of Bible babble.
Sweet Baby Jesus, please don’t let this fool write a book!
As for the rest of it, “there is nothing new under the sun,” Ecclesiastes 1:9.
John 11:35 “Jesus wept.”
Some-one’s trying to gaslight us as they have been gaslit in the past.
I think I had a small stroke while reading this. *checks body and does a BE FAST*
Nope, not a stroke. Just dying brain cells. Sheesh!
WOW! She’s using Pink Truth as a pulpit to preach and convert people to her new found beliefs. Very cult-like and so Mary Kay. Ugh
I love sharing my Christian faith, but don’t consider Pink Truth to be a pulpit. Plus going into debt and withholding financial information from a spouse (aka Husband Unawareness Plan) contradicts Biblical teachings.
Tracy I’m sorry you’ve been targeted.
OP, since you never state the problem, your solution is nothing of the sort.
Mary Kay Corp is sucking money from its own sales force using lies and deception. From this dishonest “taking” come the proceeds for the tippy top of the pyramid and for MKC. The folks who most need moral cleansing are the perpetrators of this elaborate scam. OP, you might do well to take a glance in the mirror yourself.
I am a devout Christian and share my faith when one-on-one situations naturally arise. I can’t tell you how offended I’ve been when I’ve had people from a local church come to my door and not take my word for it that I’m already a Christian. I’ve been asked to “prove” that I’m a Christian…at my own front door! After a few years of this, I confronted them and said that I don’t want them going to my neighbors with their approach. I was furious that they didn’t introduce themselves, their church and then ASK if there’s anything they can pray for!!! THAT is a much friendlier approach which then provides a more natural conversation about their beliefs.
As for her writing, I almost wonder if she used a language translator or AI because it’s such a word salad.
Well said.
I don’t kow. I’m inclined to give her a little slack because maybe a touch of mental illness here?
Here’s the thing: The best response to criticism would be simply to work your Mary Kay business and make a lot of money. Who cares if someone doesn’t like Mary Kay? It’s working for you and you’d have the receipts to prove it. For instance, Tracy couldn’t care less if people don’t like or agree with her forensic accounting company. She’s making an excellent living at it and doesn’t need to engage with criticism.
But we all know that NO ONE in Mary Kay is making any money, so all they can do is complain about Pink Truth. Lurkers, if the company is so great, sell your product, collect your money and prove us wrong.
Um. Mary Kay is not on the same level as God. Calm down, ma’am.
You would think that but
Once again, Stacy James rises to the defense stating the “God holds Mary Kay in the palm of his hand.” My senior was fond of saying that when we died, we would face both Mary Kay and God. In. That. Order. Think about that for a minute.
What the hell did I just read?
Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss.
Never present a problem without a solution (hopefully a succinct one).
ANYWAY! Pink Truth presents the problem: MLMs are criminal organizations.
Pink Truth presents the solution: Don’t Join MLMs.
Ta Daaa!
Who is Will and why is he standing? Is he going to be a character in her book?
Will stand before our maker,
I always feel sorry for will. Every war, platoons and platoons are told to aim at him:
“Fire at Will! Fire at Will!”
Yet another one who uses religion to mask that mental illness.
Tracy, I am sorry too that you are being targeted.
I’m trying to be gentle here, because the writer seems genuinely well-meaning and genuinely confused. It’s disturbing that she seems to be conflating Mary Kay (the person and the corporation) with Christianity. No man can serve two masters. Mary Kay is a zero-sum game, where a few people win at the expense of many other people. It’s impossible to put God first if you’re knowingly participating in the exploitation of your downline. I hope the writer is able to gain some clarity on this as she matures in Christ.
Wowzer! I’m a shitty writer and I couldn’t even get through that.
Rest assured Mrs Susie Q, there are many thousands of us ( not just one site owner ) who have experienced the problems with this corporation. We are setting the record straight, and our commentary isn’t tainted with the desire to recruit a reader.
Well, yes, there’s a few points that could be pointed out to Mrs. Susie Q., as you noted, IMEWISE lololol. But what you brought most to mind for me is the evidence of sincerity on the publisher’s behalf is how much money she makes off of Pink Truth. Surely it rivals that of mkash! Just wallowing in the big bucks, telling the truth about a predatory and despicable system for breaking the budgets and spirits of vulnerable people, yep, Tracey’s living large off of this little old website.
The proof is in the strength of the followers. mkash can’t sustain their recruits beyond a month at a time, hence the unending churning of consultants and hence the gaslighting and spiritual manipulations the remaining victims/volunteers/predators are forced to resort to.
Mrs. Susie Q., please truly pray for enlightenment and discernment. You are NOT making mkash look good, and you ARE making Christianity look like a mental illness. Please do not write ANYTHING for public consumption when you are someone who confuses a whore like mkash with GOD.
I’m gonna go throw up now! I can’t even believe I wasted my time reading that lunatics message!
“I challenge you to look beyond your hurt of this misrepresentation and open up your spiritual eyes as to seeing that Biblically, we are not to present a problem unless there is a solution.”
Completely untrue. This is simply a manifestation of toxic positivity. But aside from the foolish and preposterous statement that people should not talk about a problem unless they already have a solution, it is not possible to find a solution unless one can define what the problem is. The fundamental problem with MK is that the “business model” is predatory, relying entirely on internal consumption for revenue. Bleating loudly that women are being empowered does not change the fact that women are actually being impoverished.
The writer’s tangent into the saving power of Christ is true but not relevant to the discussion of MK’s business model or the role of Pink Truth in exposing it. I am saddened to see someone using this kind of language to deflect attention from a business model that I will come right out and call sinful. I have seen some comments here and on the anti-MLM Reddit to the effect that “God doesn’t care about your makeup business,” but I would actually disagree with that. I think He does care very much about people swindling others and using His name to do it. THAT is the behavior that requires repentance.
I await my very first Ridiculous Downvote with excitement!
I got one! I got a Ridiculous Downvote! Not gonna lie: I’m kind of excited about it. :^)
Profreader, you have TWO DOWNVOTES!!! I am going to adopt your attitude, and be delighted when I get them lol. Means “Direct Hit On Nerve”!! And I agree, God is definitely interested, just not in the way the deluded want you to believe. That the writer doesn’t identify emotional abuse, manipulation of the truth and of others, and so many other dangerous and unfair behaviors on the part of the NSDs, SDs and general staff at mkorp makes her selective input even less valid.
The delusion is strong with this one! OD’d on pink Kool Aid and MK dogma. I’m not sure this one can be saved. Baby, you ain’t getting published. Sorry to break it to you. I couldn’t even finish your letter :0