Another Mary Kay lady tells us the “fix” is to get off our butts and do work.

I’m not usually rude but you all need to get a real life and quit trying to convince people that their dreams and goals aren’t worth pursuing.

My regular job makes me very close to an executive income but it includes all of the stress and difficulties one gets when working with negative, nasty, crazy women.

Nobody forces anybody to do anything in this business. You are given facts and statistics. What you choose to do or not do is what is going to take you places.

If I sit on my laurels all day at my regular job I’m sure someone would notice me and give me some lovely recognition called a termination. So quit blaming every else for your lack of success and get a life. Nobody wants to listen to whiners.

There are two types of people in this world. People who work hard and achieve something and those who sit around complaining that it’s someone else’s fault they don’t have anything.

My personal fix to all of your negative crap is get up off your butts and get to work. Maybe you need to change where you all hang out. You need some Jesus in your lives.


  1. “I’m not usually rude…” Uh huh 🤭

    “My regular job makes me very close to an executive income…”

    So why pad it out with a pyramid scheme designed to suck the money from your bank account while giving you nothing in return?

    “… but it includes all of the stress and difficulties one gets when working with negative, nasty, crazy women.”

    INTERNALIZED MISOGYNY AHOY! I bet all your male coworkers are total peaches 🙄. Anyway, I’ve never encountered such a bunch of negative nasty women (crazy is not a diagnosis I’m able to provide) as those in Mary Kay and other MLM. I bet your real job’s coworkers don’t encourage each other to neglect their children and lie to their spouses, or spread lies and hate campaigns against people who quit.

    “There are two types of people in this world. People who work hard and achieve something and those who sit around complaining that it’s someone else’s fault they don’t have anything.”

    Ooooh, a two-fer: false dichotomy plus fallacy of the excluded middle combo! Unfortunately, heaping up false statements doesn’t magically make them true. Please explain how that includes your precious Ryan Rogers, who’s never done a damn thing except inherit Granny’s company.

    I’m quite satisfied with my hangouts both online and physical, and you can cram your Spite Jesus up your left nostril.

  2. Sorry for the broken record from me…

    PTC, if the MK business model is viable, you would be able to identify a profitable MK downline. But you can’t, because it is mathematically impossible for MLMs like Mary Kay to produce a downline that is profitable in the aggregate.

    If you took the most successful MK sales rep of all time and cloned her, then filled a large downline with her clones, the loss rates would be the same as they are in every other MK downline. The loss rates are built into the model. These losses are the driver of MK cash flow. The losses cannot be avoided.

    You probably don’t even realize that you are repeating a lie when you suggest that success is possible in Mary Kay for anyone who works hard enough. But MLMs like Mary Kay have decades of track record that confirm the mathematical imitations of these endless-chain recruiting schemes.

    These schemes are built on downline losses. The tiny sliver of MLM participants that actually turn a true business profit are doing so at the expense of the folks in their own downline. It is “possible” but not “probable” to turn a profit in MLM. Roulette has better odds. Please stop repeating this MLM lie.

  3. I’m not usually rude

    Sure, Jan GIF. I’m certain that you just “tell people The Truth ™” and if they don’t like it, shucks.

    but you all need to get a real life and quit trying to convince people that their dreams and goals aren’t worth pursuing.

    We are not stopping any-one, female or male, from perusing their dreams. we are pointing out that May Kay Happiness is gained through financially exploiting other people. Thus becoming a nightmare for those other people.

    My regular job makes me very close to an executive income but it includes all of the stress and difficulties one gets when working with negative, nasty, crazy women.

    Wow! You’ve really leant into “Pick Me” territory. No wonder other women find it difficult to work with you, given how little you respect them. But I bet you love the way Ms. Bowman-Cox calls women “heifers” because that isn’t negative nor nasty nor crazy, is it?

    Nobody forces anybody to do anything in this business.

    Really? Then why Dialing for a Dollar, Find A Way, Make A Way? All the endless scripts to extract the last cent possible ? The frequent demands of making this month’s, this quarter’s production, the unit’s Caddy?

    You are given facts and statistics. What you choose to do or not do is what is going to take you places.

    Have you seen this fact? It’s the 2023 Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash Income Disclosure for Canada. The dollar amounts are in CDN which is lower than the USD so you will need to take that into account.
    There are not a lot of places you can go on zero dollars per annum.

    If I sit on my laurels all day at my regular job I’m sure someone would notice me and give me some lovely recognition called a termination.

    Given that you claim to be “very close to an executive income”, you can probably coast along doing very little and get away with it. Plenty of talentless hacks have been doing so for a long time. Such is life!

    So quit blaming every else for your lack of success and get a life.

    It’s not other people we are talking about, it’s the business structure of Mark Kay and MLMs as a whole. People are the unlucky victims in this.

    Nobody wants to listen to whiners.

    And yet, here you are, spending all of your precious non-IPA time here, brooding about us.

    There are two types of people in this world. People who work hard and achieve something and those who sit around complaining that it’s someone else’s fault they don’t have anything.

    Wrong! There are many types of people in this world it’s not a black/white duology here, many shades of grey exist.

    My personal fix to all of your negative crap is get up off your butts and get to work.

    Sorry but I didn’t retire to get back to work, thanks.

    Maybe you need to change where you all hang out.

    Why? I like the women here, we laugh together and also commiserate when things go bad. I’d rather be here than in the Pink Bubble where any emotion other than forced happiness and loyalty is required at all times.

    You need some Jesus in your lives.

    I’ve been told I won’t be facing Him at the End.


    My senior was fond of saying that when we died, we would face both Mary Kay and God. In. That. Order. Think about that for a minute.

  4. “You’re given facts and statistics”…eh, not really. At least in the U.S., people have to go digging for income disclosures. In Canada, they’re easier to find. But, most of the stats from SD & NSDs are made up. Mary Kay can’t even tell you how much product consultants sell because THEY DON’T TRACK IT. They just double the amount of wholesale inventory bought & pretend it was all sold at full retail price. They don’t account for product in basements or garages, or given away as donations. The stats about the average sold per class, how many parties you need to book to get a party to hold are all made up numbers.

    This statement that you’re given facts & statistics might be the most annoying/ offensive thing about this entire letter.


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