A Mary Kay husband responding to the fact that 99% of people lose money in MLM, meaning it’s nearly impossible to make money selling Mary Kay products:

It’s only impossible if you do not sell it. You were unable to sell it therefore you think nobody can. The 10 people who routinely comment on your website and your failure to sell product is no bellwether for the company…

Do women buy skincare and makeup…yep… You have no experience in selling the product apparently and therefore have no clue as to what is possible… if you crunch the numbers, move the product, it works… and yes, that’s assuming people actually sell product… of which I have seen. It’s pure common sense.

My arguments are backed up not by what I say but by results. Your right, my wife makes pocket change… for putting in a few hours a week…averaged out it’s $25-32/hr for her effort… I can live with that… She’s not in it to get rich… she’s a stay at home mom, who makes a little money doing girlfriend time… and she’s going to build a team of people who have the same focus.

You hate MLM’s… that’s fine… this is not one. Do a little research, have a little objectivity outside of your failed experience and realize people are selling it. but I guess in the end… the truth doesn’t matter to you… it doesn’t matter if people do actually sell product… because you and your group did not… apparently nobody can.


    • Sniffs…Obviously Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s Highly Trained Trainers made you a Super Saleswoman who was lured away to a lower quality cosmetic company for mere money /sarcasm.

  1. Who else thinks that King of the Ellipsis up there is actually the wife writing? It’s all the same stale old Friday critic talking points, MK math (average $28.50 an hour?? as if!), and victim blaming.

    • I was skeptical at first this was a man writing (too wordy, too many eclipse) but the line “who earns a little money doing girlfriend time” sealed the deal that this was a MK consultant. That a sales directors line verbatim and I can’t imagine a man saying it.

      Also, “do your research. Mary Kay is not an MLM”. hahahaha. Clever juxtaposition there.

  2. I sold a lot of product. A. Lot. At full retail. I sold a lot discounted as well, but even my own mom paid full retail unless she was hosting a party. I tracked every penny in and out of my business. I made all the calls, booked all the parties, recruited all the people, went to all the training, made all the vision boards. I did all the things I was taught to do. And throughout the process, the only thing I created was a teetering mansion on sinking sand. The second I stopped to breathe for even a second, it all slipped through my fingers and I had to start from scratch. Over and over again until I was convinced I was a failure.

    MK product sales will EITHER support the running of a Mary Kay business OR the running of a household. Sales alone will not do both. I’m glad your wife is making a little money on sales. That’s great! But it’s not what the recruiting pitches promise–executive income for part time work. To achieve that goal, she’ll have to compromise her morals, recruit women she knows will lose money, and cheat.

    Ask me how I know.

    One more thought. I push back against your wife’s assertion that she’s making $25-32/hour. Does that count the hours spent doing administrative work? The time she spends warm chatting people at the grocery store, likely using your children as leverage and pity points? Travel time between appointments? Phone time? Or is it only counting, as her director taught her, “face time” at parties and facials? Is she accurately tracking all of her expenses and factoring those costs into her “profit”? And where is she finding these “people of the same focus”?

  3. It’s only impossible if you do not sell it.

    Mary Kay’s business model isn’t based on end-user sales, it’s recruitment and orders.

    You were unable to sell it therefore you think nobody can. The 10 people who routinely comment on your website and your failure to sell product is no bellwether for the company…

    I just need to look at the back-grounds of directors photos or videos to see piles of unsold products, sometimes tidily arranged and other times, shall we say, less organised.

    Do women buy skincare and makeup…yep…

    Some women buy lots, some buy the barest essentials. Also men buy skincare and make-up for themselves.

    You have no experience in selling the product apparently and therefore have no clue as to what is possible…

    That’s an arrogant statement aimed at people you don’t know.

    if you crunch the numbers, move the product, it works…

    It’s so easy, ladies/sarcasm.

    and yes, that’s assuming people actually sell product…

    We know from frequently asked questions in director’s groups how difficult it is to sell products to external customers.

    of which I have seen.

    Have you? Or is that what you have been told?

    It’s pure common sense.

    It’s not.

    My arguments are backed up not by what I say but by results.

    Can you share your findings with the class?

    Your right, my wife makes pocket change… for putting in a few hours a week…averaged out it’s $25-32/hr for her effort… I can live with that…

    So, if your wife was making that in a full time position, you both would be richer by $52,000 to $66,560 per annum plus benefits.
    However I suspect that you don’t actually see the total number of hours that she spends in warm chatting, dialing for dollars, book, book, recruit, wash and repeat.

    She’s not in it to get rich… she’s a stay at home mom, who makes a little money doing girlfriend time…

    It’s a good job that she’s not doing it to get rich because “the odds are not in her favour”.

    and she’s going to build a team of people who have the same focus.

    Ding, ding, ding! Team of people is a downline which is exactly where her money will come from.

    You hate MLM’s… that’s fine… this is not one.

    Multi Level Marketing is where the money comes up from the lower levels to the upper levels, i.e. by building a team under (general ) you. You remember the one you were talking about in your last sentence??
    Also, the FTC disagrees with you.

    Do a little research, have a little objectivity outside of your failed experience and realize people are selling it.

    Sir, you need to do a lot of research, starting with helping your lady wife create profit and loss ledgers and accurate inventory accounts. See how much she is actually earning on her 1099 and schedule C.

    but I guess in the end…

    🎶I tried so hard and got so far🎵
    🎶But in the end, it doesn’t even matter🎵

    the truth doesn’t matter to you… it doesn’t matter if people do actually sell product… because you and
    your group did not… apparently nobody can.

    It doesn’t matter if people sell the products to external customer because money is made by the consultomers buying which is why there are monthly, quarterly, annual quotas to be made, DIQ to be chased, the lure of a caddy to be flaunted. All of these are based on orders not sales .

    also are ellipses on a BOGO this month?

  4. My coffee is defective this morning, so bear with me.

    To this MK husband — You, sir, are an idiot. I suggest you research MK and other MLMs because, yes, dear MK husband, Mary Kay IS an MLM (despite all of the crowing and screaming that they aren’t!). Your wife makes a pittance for the amount of “girlfriend time” she spends each week. Do your due diligence and actually track the numbers and the time spent, and you will find that she barely makes minimum wage.

    Like Frosty Rose, I also sold a lot of products, both at full retail and discounts. I was good at sales and used my sales to keep my MK “business” afloat — but I worked 50+ hours a week. There was no “part-time work for executive pay” there AT ALL. None. Zero. The higher I went with MK, the less I saw my family. Let me tell you, it’s not worth it.

    • Love that old post, Lazy! Very true in my experience. Plus there’s Monday night meetings, trainings, the time it takes to actually order products, etc.

  5. “the 10 people who routinely comment on your website”

    In other words, “husband” spends a lot of time on Pink Truth.

    This is no husband.

  6. Last week, Mary Kay has just opened in Kyrgyzstan. It was Vietnam just weeks before that.
    That’s another country with low-income women in need of a good job.
    Wow! Mary Kay products sure are flying off the shelves.
    I hope you can sense sarcasm dripping off every word.
    That’s another country with fresh blood for the MK vampires.

  7. You, Sir, are an authority…R O F L!!!!! I’m going to take you as my financial expert…more R O F L!!! Oh, it’s too late. It took 2 red hot seconds for me to see what a scam it was. I retired at 42. No MK person has done that. I will also have SS later on.

  8. Ya know… I went back and forth, thinking this was an actual husband or a consultomer. The “girlfriend time” points to consultomer, but the insulting condescending mansplaining points to husband…

    Either way – annoying.

    Oh – and Schedule C or it isn’t real!

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