The Myth of a Benefits Package

Mary Kay recruiters and sales directors rave about the “benefits” of being a part of Mary Kay Cosmetics. How the items on this list can possibly be compared to paid sick leave, a 401(k) or tuition assistance is beyond me. I was also not aware that the ladder of success pin is “THE most coveted piece of jewelry in ALL of Mary Kay.” Anyone can get one, all you need is a $1,800 or available credit. What is so special about that?

Let’s take a look at one sales director’s take on the benefits…


Every corporation has a “benefits” package. That’s why most people work in corporate America – for the “Bennies”! So why not take advantage of the BENEFITS PACKAGE that your Mary Kay Company offers Star Consultants as well?

Benefit #1 Your Star Prize Have you picked your prize? Star Consultant Prizes are hand-picked by Mary Kay to reward YOU. Many of the Star Consultant Prizes are created EXCLUSIVELY for Mary Kay and are ONLY available to Star Consultants
Benefit #2 Your Star Treatment Star Consultants are awarded each quarter with MUCH appreciation and showered with gifts. For example, one of last year’s Star Consultant Night Quarterly Celebrations included a limousine ride (complete with long-stemmed rose) and dinner in a private dining room of an exclusive restaurant. There’s also the Star Consultant Sash you get to wear designating YOU as an ACHIEVER, Special Unit-Only Star Consultant events and recognition on the Wall of Stars at our area Training Center!
Benefit #3 Preferred Listing in the Mary Kay Consultant Directory As a Star Consultant, YOUR NAME and contact information will be displayed first on the consultant locator system on Plus…when potential clients call the 1-800-MARYKAY phone number ONLY Star Consultant names given to callers! That’s PREMIUM advertising placement!
Benefit #4 Free Products From Mary Kay!
Whether it’s a New Consultant Bonus or the current Biz Builders Bonus, Mary Kay gives you Free Product when you place your qualified order. You can use it as a gift, promotion, personal use or sell it for 100% PURE PROFIT in your pocket!!!
Benefit #5 Your Star Jewelry Your Star Consultant Ladder of Success Pin is truly THE most coveted piece of jewelry in ALL of Mary Kay. It’s your consultant “report card” that displays your success – quarter after quarter. It is a visible representation of your efforts, your customers, your sales ability and your customer services. You should wear it proudly everywhere you go.

Are these really perks of being a Mary Kay consultant, or just more smoke and mirrors to create a false perception of the value of the Mary Kay opportunity?


  1. “Whether it’s a New Consultant Bonus or the current Biz Builders Bonus, Mary Kay gives you Free Product when you place your qualified order. You can use it as a gift, promotion, personal use or sell it for 100% PURE PROFIT in your pocket!!!”

    Umm…it’s not free when you have to pay to get it. And it’s only a “profit” if you sell all of it, and at a price high enough to cover all of your costs and then some, which 99.6% of consultants are unable to do.

    You can’t turn a profit in Mary Kay through “ordering” alone. You must sell at a margin (nearly impossible) and/or recruit a downline willing and able to place orders too large to use or sell personally (exploitation).

    So get busy selling that overpriced product to your family and friends and exploiting your own downline so you can get into the top 0.4%! Who cares if your downline is losing money every month…your are worth it!

  2. Yeah, no, I’ll be sticking with my 4 weeks vacation, 12 sick days, fantastic medical insurance, life insurance, and pension plan. If I want long-stemmed red roses, a limo ride, or jewelry, I can buy all those things for heckuva lot cheaper than the cost of a star order. The benefit is people not running away screaming when I walk into a room or text them.


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