Mary Kay consultants are fond of looking for new customers and/or consultants to recruit with a technique called “warm chatter.” Basically, you approach women in public and start talking about Mary Kay and get them to agree to book an appointment with you.  This activity happens commonly in Target (especially the makeup and beauty area), Walmart, and Starbucks. But no place is off limits. And no other retailer is respected. Fellow consultants will tell you there is nothing wrong with interfering when someone is trying to buy beauty products in Target… you have every right to try to sell them your wares instead.

One Mary Kay consultant is confused about what “soliciting” means. Apparently if we give our soliciting a term like “warm chatter,” then everyone else is confused and it’s not really soliciting. The definition of soliciting includes approaching someone and asking them for something. It’s pretty simple.

Yes, you approaching someone and striking up a conversation about MK with the intent to get them to give you their information or book an appointment or buy something from you…. easily meets the definition of soliciting. Yes, outside a store when you’re trying to give someone your MK “goodie bag,” You’re soliciting.

But anyone who doesn’t go along with this is just being negative. (LOL at someone who called a sample bag a “blessing bag.”)


  1. There is a fine line between MLM cold-selling and panhandling. Even asking F+F to purchase something to allow you to achieve some MLM goal…this is begging.

    Besides, which is more “rude”? Pestering strangers out shopping, or calling out the ones doing the pestering? Always report this activity to store managers. It makes their customers uncomfortable, so they will put a stop to it.

  2. When my friend was in MK many years ago, one of the things her director suggested to do was to spend an afternoon hanging around the cosmetics counter at a department store…any time a woman came to the counter, go over and talk to her about how Mary Kay is so much better yet so much less expensive than whatever line she was looking at, and of course offer the free makeover. 🙄 Thank goodness my friend could never bring herself to do it. That just seemed like a great way to get banned from the store.

  3. Women should be able to shop for their cosmetics without being accosted by a MK beauty consultant. It’s the same thing as if you were in an Apple Store buying an iPhone and a Samsung representative butts in and tries to sell you a Samsung phone. Soliciting means to ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone. In the case of warm chatter it is to offer a “free” facial or ask for an appointment at which the consultant will try to sell you something. Warm chatter = soliciting.

  4. Anyone who tries to foist a “blessing bag” on me while I’m staring at all 937 varieties of canned beans and steaming because they don’t have the one variety I’m looking for is gonna get an earful about… well, how they don’t have the one kind of beans I’m looking for because my crazy sister broke her collarbone but still has to cook fancee gourmet meals instead of ordering pizza like a normal person and where the hell are they hiding the 🤬 canned lentils?

    Then you’d run off in a tizz to your MK Facebook group to solicit sympathy for being snapped at by Crazy Bean Woman and they’d call me Satan’s tool because beans are the devil’s tootin’ fruit and anything that daft would definitely wind up on Pink Truth and I’d be like “hey, that’s me!” and I’d respond with something even more sarcastic and snide than usual, all because of 🫘.

    Don’t warm stalk grocery shoppers.

    • Epilogue: my sister settled for dried lentils. She had an operation to put in a plate to stabilize everything and is recovering well. I’m cool with the bean aisle again because I found the beans I wanted easily. You still shouldn’t solicit people.

  5. Pink Huns, then please tell me why there are instructions on how to “close” for the booking? I’ve been in real sales since 1992. You know that old worn out Assumptive Alternative close. “Are you free on Friday at 4 or would Saturday at 2 be better?” You are out there for the sole reason to close the sale on a fake facial or fake makeover. You know it is soliciting.

  6. I’m so tired of the word “pampering”. It’s gross and the actual service being provided by the MK consultant is anything but relaxing and enjoyable.

    Leave me alone! I’m at the store for a reason and it isn’t to be approached by you and your stupid MLM products.


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