100 Days of Begging in Mary Kay
Written by Parsons Green
Carly Phetteplace is a second line director underneath Megan Coleman in Jamie Taylor’s National Area and she set a goal to earn a Cadillac in 100 days.
She posted daily on Instagram for those 100 days.
Here are some progress updates as Carly inched closer to this audacious goal
Carly gets very few likes and comments on her posts.
Please give me leads. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I need help even though these products sell themselves!
Your purchases will help fund Megan’s production too!
The enemy is attacking!! No one is buying.
No one even cares to comment.
Carly’s husband is going to take the Cadillac on hunting trips.
Carly is Noah Jr.
Time for that tired old chemo care packages tactic. Carly is even using her fifth grade students to help write the cards!!!
Carly is realizing the goal is just too far away.
She isn’t giving up.
Discount divas!!!! Sign your customer up to be a consultant and miss out on your commission from their purchases.
And finally, on the last day Carly posts that she did not earn the Cadillac. However, she has learned so much.
And where else but Mary Kay can you party like a taco on Fiesta night?
Or pretend to give birth on stage?
Time for that tired old chemo care packages tactic. Carly is even using her fifth grade students to help write the cards!!!
If one of my children had told me that their school day had involved that, I’d be at the principle’s office first thing the next day. that’s not what I expect them to be doing at that age.
Don’t know why she’s teaching in the first place. Sales directors take heaping wheelbarrows of cash to the bank every day, don’t they?
Just think if she had worked a second job for the those 3 plus months…
In Mary Kay, you learn to beg, grovel, and humiliate yourself.
Especially in the picture on the message board of Carly laying on the floor on her back with someone rubbing her tummy like she’s a golden retriever. Whoosa googirl? YOUSA GOOGIRL YOUS GETTA COOKIE!
Sugar sharp businesswomen, my foot.
News flash — your husband isn’t going to take that pink monstrosity hunting. His buddies will rib him mercilessly if he even considers it.
Hell, the deer will laugh him right out of the forest.
fun fact: when you pick up a Mary Kay car it’s wham bam thank you mam kind of fast!! Couple signatures and hands off the keys! 🔑
Yeah, that’s how it works in the real world too. Admittedly, that was my second trip to the dealership. The first involved a couple of test drives and a discussion on payment options. The second was handing over the cheque, a couple of signatures and me driving off into the
sunsetrush hour traffic. Should have timed that better!Yep, even with getting lost on the test drive (in Forty Fort, PA of all places, which is not an easy place to get lost in) I went into the dealership and a few hours later – NOT 100 days – drove off into the light Saturday afternoon traffic.
And the finance guy said he wished his credit was as good as mine (gloat gloat gloat).
A “like” for mentioning Forty Fort. 🙂
Yikes! These posts were beyond cringeworthy. Exactly how does MK empower women? It looks more truthful to say it strips you of your money- and your dignity.
And she characterized herself as a “small business owner.” WTF moment for me!
This is no different than panhandling. If she held up a sign on a street corner, “Help me get a Cadillac!” vs. “Down on my luck…anything helps”, what is the difference?
In both cases it is a plea for charity. In real business, you advertise the benefit to the customer. In charitable solicitation, you advertise the benefit to the recipient. How many people will feel compelled to part with their hard earned money so this woman can get into a Cadillac?
Get a real job hon, and set your sites on a car you can afford. And by real job, I mean a job where your income comes from a source other than your family and friends!
I thought she was a teacher?
Good catch! I will stand by my advice that she should strive to live within her means. If she wants a better car than her teaching salary can provide, a side gig with real pay would be a much better choice than begging F+F to support her Mary Kay “business”, which takes more than it gives.
Who thinks everyone knows put her on FB’s snooze after the second day?
I think Janis Joplin said (sang) it best: “Oh Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz… My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends…” and then Joplin’s verse about her wanting the Lord to buy her a diamond ring… In short, these religious references in MaryKay are cringeworthy. Doesn’t she know that?
I have the lyrics to post here BUT FIRST!!!! MY VERSION! Just the first verse, but I can do the rest if popular demand requests roflmao
“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a pink cadillllacccckkkk
My team all drive kias, I must outdo the pack
I work like a dog night and day to hustle face masks
So oh Lord won’t you buy me a pink cadillllacccckkkk!”
Not the best but inspired I promise!
Here’s Janis!
[Verse 1]
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
So, oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
[Verse 2]
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me
I wait for delivery each day until three
So, oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV?
[Verse 3]
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town?
I’m counting on you Lord, please don’t let me down
Prove that you love me and buy the next round
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town?
[Verse 4]
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
So, oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
I can hear the snorting from here.
I don’t like this post, its personal and I don’t think we’d be Hargis discussion if Carly looked differently than she does. Let’s stick to the facts, backed by data: Mary Kay is a product based pyramid scheme and 99% of participants lose money, probably including this lady. Blaming the victims gets tiresome and it’s mean spirited.
“Having” not “Hargis!” Odd autocorrect!
I don’t see anyone say something about her appearance.
The post was about someone begging on social media, involving her 5th graders in a shady MLM company and pretending to care for chemo patients in order to get more clients.
She is also a clear example of the cognitive dissonans people in MLM scams suffers from:
“PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I need help even though these products sell themselves!”
So maybe the taco dress and giving birth on stage was a little over the line. These are my least concerns for her.
But I also think it shows the desperate seek for attention MLM:ers got in order to “succeed”. I could be wrong but something tells me this woman wouldn’t have pretended to give birth on stage before MK.
AND we trash the morals of model looking women every week here.
She’s a predator as well and freely puts herself “out there” intending to profit from “her look”.
“I don’t think we’d be having this discussion if Carly looked differently than she does” She could be Zendaya’s twin and we’d be discussing.
Any time someone dresses like a taco, rolls on the floor like a golden retriever for belly rubs and calls it a business meeting … that’s worth discussing.
When (outside a LaMaze class, film set, or theater stage) one pretends to have birth in front of your audience … that’s worth discussing.
When 3+ months of begging, pleading, lying and groveling on social media can’t sell her products and promote herself to “caddy driver” … that’s worth discussing.
Does anyone know WHY she was pretending to give birth? I’m just curious.
But…I would be so HORRiFIED if one of my bosses at work pretended to give birth for any reason.
“Mary Kay is a product based pyramid scheme and 99% of participants lose money, probably including this lady. Blaming the victims gets tiresome and it’s mean spirited.”—
99% losing money does not a victim make. When you have *willing* participants recruiting others, I’d argue we have net-winners and net-losers. Face it, if the losers made money, they wouldn’t complain and be “victims”. In MLM, everyone is a player in the con game, especially if you recruit. If you just buy the products, you’re supporting a scam.
At best, they are “willing-victims”; but once they are considered leaders, they are straight-up scammers.
When I was in Mary Kay, I had more than double the women I needed to earn the car and I still couldn’t pull the production after this first month. It’s next to impossible and if I had extra on the first month, which I did, it wouldn’t carryover to the second. It turned out to be a gift though because that’s how I logically knew Mary Kay set you up for failure. When the numbers didn’t add up I knew it didn’t make sense and that’s why I quit! I still have nightmares about Mary Kay!