No Job Security in Mary Kay
You’ve heard the argument that MLM provides a wonderful opportunity. You decide how much you make. You control your own destiny. You can’t be laid off or fired. You’ll be financially independent, and you’ll make money on your own terms.
But anyone who’s ever made it to sales director in Mary Kay can tell you that there is no “job security” in Mary Kay. There are about 9,000 sales directors in the U.S., and probably about 500,000 consultants. For all but a few hundred sales directors the earnings are dismal and very unsteady. And even if you are one of those few hundred who make a real career living from Mary Kay, you can go from the top to the bottom in a matter of a few months. There is no such thing as stability in Mary Kay.
But they would have you believe there is. When some companies are announcing layoffs and restructuring, Kaybots use it as an opportunity to recruit. If they can fill your head with the false notion that you’re in control of your earnings and you dictate your own destiny, they win.
From one piece of propaganda used to promote the MK opportunity:
The word of the day……. Layoff.
Have you seen all the companies in the news experiencing cutbacks & layoffs? It begins to make even the most job-secure worker feel a little woozy!
You may not be worried about layoffs, job cuts or wage freezes, but during times of workplace instability its still SMART to create some career insurance ~ just in case. So …. How can your Mary Kay business be that insurance? No, not In the way you think ~ I’m not advising you to quit your job and work Mary Kay full time if you aren’t ready. Just allow your business to give you a hand.
The piece goes on to talk about using MK as a backup plan. How it will give you a financial cushion during a job search. How holding one or two parties a week could mage a HUGE difference in your budget.
It’s all nonsense. 99% of women actually lose money in Mary Kay. Save your money. That’s far more security than Mary Kay could ever give you.
The word of the day……. Layoff.
Wasn’t that what happened to all the MKBots in Australia and New Zealand?
They weren’t “laid off”, because that would have come with notice of the planned layoffs, unemployment benefits, job search help, and final paychecks. They were thrown overboard.
IF you could actually book and hold two parties a week at full retail, it might … “holding one or two parties a week could make a HUGE difference in your budget” but chasing the dream of holding regular parties will drain your budget for the benefit of your upline.
They weren’t “laid off”, because that would have come with notice of the planned layoffs, unemployment benefits, job search help, and final paychecks. They were thrown overboard.
So if everyone else is losing their jobs, what makes one think they’d have extra cash to be buying overpriced MK products?
This past week has been stressful as a school teacher. I’m not even a “real” classroom teacher – I’m certified but work as a Title I reading teacher within the school. It’s likely the most perfect position you can hold if you must work in a public school as certified staff.
Anyway, as I was daydreaming/fantasizing about some other career choice, I realized that this was likely the first time I was imagining a different career that ***wasn’t a MK sales director.*** you guys, I drank that pink BS up on the regular. In my mind (visualizations of course!!) I would quit my teaching career, hold 5-7 classes per week, earn a Cadillac, take my kids on cruises every spring break, and ride off into the sunset with .. well probably no Prince Charming, as I’ve also got two ex husbands.
There’s something about the allure of the lie this company sells. Sure, I could have been in that ***elite*** 1%… but at what cost to my down line and myself, and my family?? Tens of thousands + of dollars of debt, poor sleep, high stress, the endless hamster wheel.
It’s its own type of grief. Letting a “dream” die that was really a nightmare, and it would never have come true anyway. But still, mourning the time I wasted on this company. I hope others continue to find us here and read our stories and make wiser choices.