You Do Not Need to Be a Star Consultant
Written by PinkPeace
Here’s one sales director’s reasons for being a “star consultant” in Mary Kay:
1. It’s A Good Business Decision: The best reason to be a Star Consultant is because it is a good business decision. When you have enough product on your shelf to provide a Roll Up for every guest at your skin care class you will sell more Roll Ups!
2. It builds Self-Confidence: As the president of your company, you have started your business smart, you have chosen to have products to sell from the beginning, giving you confidence in yourself. By keeping your shelves stocked you always have product availability. This gives your customers confidence in you as a professional, not an order taker when they can take their products home with them. This gives you a selling edge!
3. Credit and credibility: Inventory is proof of your investment in your career. If you need a loan to finance your initial inventory, you can establish credit in your own name and the interest becomes a business expense. It is possible for the revenue you make from one skin care class to more than cover the monthly loan payment. Avoid unnecessary interest expenses, by paying off any loans or credit charges a top priority.
4. It Show You are Committed: Having a Star Consultant order on your shelf helps to make you committed. This becomes a business instead of a hobby. Remember, when you treat it like a business it will pay you like a business, if you treat your business like a hobby it will pay you like a hobby!
5. Recognition: This is strictly a right brain reason to be a Star Consultant, but it is the most fun reason. When you are a STAR you get recognized at every sales meeting by sitting up front. This is important for you, but more important for your recruits and prospective recruits, because it gives you credibility. Star Consultants also get special recognition at Seminar, and become celebrities by climbing the ladder of success.
6. It makes you a Winner: You win your ladder pin with an PEARL, EMERALD, DIAMOND, RUBY OR SAPPHIRE STAR. This is important because it shows the world and yourself that you are a winner. It is your visual symbol of your success. You also win the prize of your choice which gives you tangible evidence of your commitment to your career. People want to do business with a winner, and it makes you personally feel GREAT!
7. It Shows Success: Success attracts success. You will attract other sharp women who want to be successful. When you work your business smart by being a Star Consultant it gives you the believability that your recruits can do it also. You will realize how it builds self-confidence and that it is the best advantage your new recruits can give their business.
I’m sure all of our sharp Pink Truthers will have perceptive comments about these seven reasons for forking over $1,800+ wholesale for inventory every three months. I find it interesting that each of the seven reasons contains a big lie:
1. “When you have enough product on your shelf to provide a Roll Up for every guest at your skin care class you will sell more Roll Ups!”. No, you will just have a lot of product on your shelf. The amount of product you have has nothing to do with what women will or will not buy at a skin care class.
2.. “As the president of your company, you have started your business smart, you have chosen to have products to sell from the beginning, giving you confidence in yourself.” You’re not the president of your company, you’re a contractor for Mary Kay. Having products on your shelf won”t give you confidence – training and expertise will. If anything, lots of products on your shelf will be intimidating.
3. “It is possible for the revenue you make from one skin care class to more than cover the monthly loan payment.” Is this a minimum payment or a real plan to pay down a credit card? Let’s say you put $2,000 on a credit card ($1,800 plus tax) at 15%. Let’s say a skin care class sale is $300, so your maximum profit is $150. By paying $150 every month, it will take you 15 months to pay off that card, assuming you don’t put one more penny of product/Section 2 orders on it. It won’t happen.
4. “Having a Star Consultant order on your shelf helps to make you committed.” No, having too much product on your shelf puts you in debt and causes unending stress.
5. “This is important for you, but more important for your recruits and prospective recruits, because it gives you credibility.” Um, this is important for your DIRECTOR. Mary Kay is a “monkey-see, monkey-do” business, and if your star consultant status can influence your recruits to make their own star consultant orders, that’s more money in your director’s pocket.
6. “This is important because it shows the world and yourself that you are a winner.” The world could not care less about your star consultant ladder, and if you need cheap jewelry to be convinced of your worth, save yourself a few thousand dollars and go buy yourself something at Claire’s. There, don’t you feel like a winner now?
7. “You will attract other sharp women who want to be successful.” Actually, when your shelves are bursting with obsolescent products and your credit card debt keeps mounting, you will repel anyone who detects your growing desperation. Think about that when women don’t want to book a skin care class or interview with you.
As you progress through the current star consultant quarter, your director is going to start putting the pressure on for those star orders. Her commission depends on them, but in this economy, they are getting scarcer and scarcer. Be careful and think closely about any reasons she gives you to BEE a star!
AND the STAR consultant quarterly banquet… What a pain in the neck. I can’t remember if we charged them or not, we must have… we sure as hell didn’t have any extra money to pay for a venue and the food etc. Yuck. I was a star every damn quarter I was in MK, and massive debt and colored glass stones as a result. And all of my stars were “emerald” = $3,600 in product every 3 months. Huge sigh here. Oh PP, what were we thinking?
After each of the 7 reasons, she should have said, “And besides, it is good for your director.”
I have to take issue with this line, “Let’s say a skin care class sale is $300, so your maximum profit is $150.”
I agree with Pinkpeace’s line of reasoning, but that is not $150 profit. That is $150 margin. You don’t turn a profit until your revenues exceed your expenses in the aggregate. This term is commonly misused in MLMs like Mary Kay.
If you spent $2000 on Mary Kay, you don’t start turning a profit until you have received more than $2000 (plus any interest paid if you charged it). For those in Mary Kay for a while, having more revenue than expense in a single month is still not a true profit.
This is how Mary Kay can claim 2% “make” good money in Mary Kay while research shows only 0.4% are actually turning a true business profit. Mary Kay says you are “making money” even while you are operating at a loss. That’s MK math for you!
Yes, you can say you had a “profitable month” if your revenues exceeded costs for the month, but your overall business is still not profitable. Selling some of your product at a margin is only part of what is required to be profitable.
MK conditions the saleforce to misuse these terms to give you the impression you are making money while you are actually losing money in the aggregate.
Neat trick, right?
Eeek! I didn’t even read the entire article, I just did a quick calculation. I was a “Star Consultant” for 35 quarters or something like that. If I did ONLY the bare minimum of 1800, that is around $65,000. I know I was a higher star than that most of the time. So I wasted even more money than that in my MK days. Gross! I’d like to have that money sitting in an IRA or High Yield Savings account, or I could be a home owner instead of an apartment dweller… or it could be for my children’s college funds… but nope, I threw it out the window to Be A Star.
If you’re just drifting through to see what’s happening on Pink Truth, read our articles! Don’t sign the agreement! Run the other direction! Save your money!
Jamie posted in her area facebook group that she had 86 star consultants last quarter. Do the NSD’s get bonuses based on # of stars?
Directors do– (or used to) not sure about nsd’s.
THE reason for being a “star consultant”: The person selling you the package makes a bigger commission.
MLM #101: It’s about them, not you. They make it sound like it’s about you (See 1-7), but that is part of the con. Do not be fooled.