Minimum Order to Get the Discount

Written by Parsons Green

If a Mary Kay consultant is inactive, the company requires a $225 wholesale order to reactivate the consultant’s 50% discount. Before the new In Touch upgrade, directors could intercept those orders to give them time to have the consultant adjust the order to achieve the discount. This ability is no more.

The company now has a check box that indicates the consultant acknowledges they are not receiving the 50% discount, but some directors are not happy.






Directors feel that the company is changing.

Brenda and Margaret will send the consultant free product if the company doesn’t allow her to fix the order.




Ellen Bowman Cox admits the company has lost its heart.

No one at corporate is listening.

If these changes are frustrating to long time consultants and directors, how much time will a brand new consultant spend trying to work through issues when she comes across them.

Why are directors okay with spending their time and money fixing things for the company when the company will strip them of their title the MONTH that they don’t make production?

Or is the company trying to move away from the direct sales model and go strictly affiliate?


  1. Brenda’s longtime consultant clicked the box acknowledging she wasn’t receiving a discount, then refused her order, thus terminating her agreement. Call me suspicious, but it sounds like the consultant knew exactly what she was doing: quitting without having to endure the shame of, well, quitting. Blaming the website gets her out of it without incurring the Wrath of Brenda.

    It works out for Brenda, too, in that she gets to donate some of her own useless inventory to this ex-consultant, who won’t be able to do anything with it now she’s quit.

    • “clicked the box acknowledging she wasn’t receiving a discount, then refused her order, thus terminating her agreement” … EXCELLENT for the confrontation averse people.

    • Maybe we should make a little game of when the Comp’nee will go affiliate. I say The Big Reveal happens at Seminar 2025, since it won’t be in Dallas and probably many people will not attend.
      What a scam!

  2. This new InTouch rollout has been an epic disaster for MK Corp. i have never seen so many complaints about an ordering system ever. It’s like the entire upgrade was designed by a programmer and not an end-user (kind of like the Meditech EHR). “There is nothing I can do” being the common phrase means the CSRs have little to no training and the system was designed to benefit ONLY corporate and not the end-user. Ryan won’t do squat to fix things because it will negatively impact the bottom dollar.

    • Is it a disaster, or going just as they had planned? A setup for things to be a mess, which sets the stage to roll out a different strategy – affiliate marketing, or eliminate the consultant, or something like that. They’ve got their best interest in mind, not any consultant, director, customer, etc. Perhaps I am too much of a conspiracy theorist haha 🙂

    • Totally off topic but OMG! You’ve used Meditech? I just read medical records and didn’t have to enter anything in it and it was awful!

  3. So many directors complaining that this is not how MKA would have treated her ‘daughters’ and how MKC is ‘no longer a family’. But yet you’re all ‘serious businesswomen’ and you’re encouraging people to ‘start their own business’ and ‘treat MK like a business’. I have some dear, dear friends at work, but they don’t impact the operations of the organization, nor do I consider them family. MKC is a business, plain and simple. The independent consultants, as has been said hundreds of times on PT, are NOT business owners.

  4. Difficult to use InTouch, difficult to place an order, difficult to get the discount, difficult to navigate the advancement/award/contest programs, etc. So much wasted, unpaid time.

    No need to join MK. If you really like the products, just buy them at a discount from a struggling consultant (they’re ALL struggling.). The new Dynamic Wrinkle Limiter product is already on eBay and other sites at reduced prices.

    • lol I love this post. “They’re all struggling.” Yes, the only question is, have they recognized it yet? Are they still blaming themselves for being a “failure” and not trying hard enough? Notification: if you’re reading this, and you think YOU are the problem – you’re wrong. You’re not the problem – the system is the problem. The system works just fine for those who designed it.

  5. So these business owners / CEOs can’t figure out how to get the discount.

    And why is losing so difficult for everyone to spell?

  6. I liked the comment by Margaret Leonelli: “I’ll send her $225 in product that MK has been pain for already.” Hehehe.

    Aside from the Freudian slip, it sounds like Margaret would like to unload some worthless stuff while pretending she is actually being generous.

    • Reminds me of, “High maintenance who doesn’t think she’s high maintenance.”

      Consultants are the real customers who don’t think they are the real customers.


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