1. Merry Christmas everyone, and remember it is not too late!!! I have a trunk stocked with everything you need for everyone on your Christmas list! I am faster than Santa, Amazon, or Sephora! I have 12 types of Satin Hands! Vintage fragrances! Caboodles for the kiddies!! (Remember play makeup is not regulated or safe!) I have bundles for Adopt a Grandparent, and Sunscreen for Soldiers! These make great gifts and can also be a last minute tax deduction for 2024! Need a look for a Christmas party?? Let me come to you! I’ll stand there and watch as you put it on! I just ask for a few names or ten of your family and friends who would love this opportunity too!

    The best part of my Mary Kay business is that I get to share this opportunity with anyone and everyone I see!!! If you are breathing you need this product!!! I love it so much. Love what I do? I can help you!!! I will buy your starter kit!!! Just let me. I need $15,005 in production (I mean sales) to earn the use of my free Chevy Trax!!! Can you help me??




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