Consultants You Can Coax Into Directorship
This is a piece about finding new offspring Mary Kay directors. It focuses on the type of women who are easiest to talk into becoming a director. I’m sorry, but if you have to “talk her into” becoming a director, maybe it isn’t such a good idea. This is just one of the many ways Mary Kay recruiters lie and manipulate women in the pink pyramid scheme.
I hope this time of year finds you happy and warm with lovely times with your family and friends!
As you plan your New Year’s Goals, you may find it interesting to know about three different styles of running a unit.
The first style, the Director mainly does personal selling, has a small unit and rarely gets an offspring. If she does, it will also be a strong personal seller who will also have a small unit.
The second style, the Director concentrates on building unit size, and if she has offsprings this is incidental to building her unit size. Each one, reach one is her mantra. The offsprings she has will not usually be very strong units.
The third style, is a Director who BUILDS people. She talks to each unit member, each new recruit, about them becoming Directors and works with them to build their own teams. She creates offsprings and they are strong. This is where we get NSDs. Many of the NSDs we have never had huge units, but they were steadily grooming people and graduating out Directors right along.
In the long run, I think this 3rd style is the best one to select. Working with people one on one advising and guiding them to the position of Independent Sales Director is fun and rewarding. It is only changing one little thing about the way you do business!
When you have contact with your people, always let them know that you think they would be GREAT as Directors. Also meet with them individually with them and their husbands.
The easiest ones to offspring as Directors will be your I’s and D’s. We have some wonderful S and C Directors too of course, but the I’s and D’s can do it FAST!
When you start working with someone for Director, be sure to select someone who has the capability to get it done it, so that when she does it, she will be the one who will set the pace for the others who will follow in her footsteps from your unit!
You have just what it takes to be a guide to the women in your unit. What we talk about, we bring about. Having offsprings is rewarding and fun! You deserve to have lots of offsprings, and I know you can do it!!
I’m always amused by the fact that Mary Kay encourages the recruiting of everyone, and once they’re in, everyone is told they’d make a great director. And now we know that I’s and D’s are easiest to manipulate into doing it fast.
“Grooming” has developed such strong connotations of abusers softening up their targets that I get the heebie-jeebies whenever I see it.
“…you may find it interesting to know about three different styles of running a unit.” Um, I think she may have meant “pyramid” not “unit.”
When promoting the third syle of running a unit, she does not mention selling product. It is 100% about recruiting. She also says this is how NSDs are created…you know, those few in the company making any real money at this.
Hmm. Emphasizing recruiting over selling. Why does the FTC caution about this exact pattern? Oh, that’s right, because this is one of the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme.
Wake up ladies. If you can’t make positive, cumulative, growing, scalable profits selling product in an MLM without recruiting, you have been suckered into a pyramid scheme. This sales director spells it out for you!
Note: Selling product is how traditional sales folks make it big, with no recruiting at all!
In case you don’t know about the DISC personality assessment, here’s a bit of explanation.
You can find free tests online to find out what you are. It’s possible that your director asked you to do one for funsies. Her intent was to then figure out how to motivate/manipulate you into ordering and recruiting.
This post explains why she would want to know. If you are an I (influencer) or D (Dominant) well then she would target you as a future SD.
I was one of these perfect candidates. I spent so much time & money trying to become a sales director. In 2015, I had even quit my teaching job and cashed out my state retirement to finance my efforts. I feel so stupid saying I did that. I never did become a director. I really believed that there was something wrong with me, that I couldn’t reach this goal. Maybe I still blame myself – of course there’s a lot more to the story than simply cashing out retirement, chasing the pink dream, and so on.
I also buried myself in credit card debt. Until 2023, I had no idea what life without debt was. What changed in 2023? I ended my MK “career.” I also ended most toxic relationships in my life (or put in place real boundaries).