Written by Raisinberry A revelation of the real business plan of Mary Kay Cosmetics… The fact that Mary Kay takes pains to invent the term “dual marketing” to disguise the business model tells you that even Mary Kay is embarrassed Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Carrie Zuberer wants YOU to sign up for Mary Kay! You can choose the e-start option for only $35. When you sign up, you get 50% off your products!! BUT WAIT. There’s a footnote after the Read more…
You would think the Mary Kay lovers could come up with new talking points? No. I guess I should have tried harder! Seriously. You women who have felt this way maybe Mary Kay wasn’t for you. But you can’t speak Read more…
You’re familiar with the manipulation (lies, coercion, etc.) that goes on during the Mary Kay recruiting process. We know that they use manipulation to get women to purchase inventory packages. But did you know that the manipulation can happen even Read more…
Jon Taylor was a well-known researcher of multi-level marketing. One of his studies involved a telephone survey of over 200 tax preparers in Idaho and Utah. His findings were discussed in his 2012 book The Case (For and) Against Multi-Level Read more…
Written by Raisinberry When I quit Mary Kay, it was mostly due to reading Pink Truth, and a validation of finally seeing in print, what I thought I alone suspected, all along. The words we were never able to utter, Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Every week in the Facebook groups, it’s the same old story. A consultant can’t find customers. If you can’t find customers, you can’t sell product. Here’s a recent example of the valuable advice the Mary Kay Read more…
From a Mary Kay sales director to other sales directors: Hey Ladies, I’m not sure if everyone realizes this, but every single time we go to a negative MK site “just to see” what is going on there we increase Read more…
Written by SuzyQ The backstage reality is what the audience does not see. When the actors are on the stage and the play has begun, you are seeing what you paid to see – a great performance that is designed Read more…
Written by Sad In Pink During the course of my time in Mary Kay, I never missed being a star consultant. I believed that I deserved those nice gifts they were giving away each quarter, and I managed to accumulate Read more…
The Queen at my DIT week had over a TEN PERCENT chargeback rate!! And she thought it was totally fine…
Wish they'd had a Queen's Court of Chargebacks when I was a director. They could have given me a gold…
Mary Kay Corporate needs to change the title of their recognition courts to Queen’s Court of Orders and Queen of…
All I have is tears and anger that I fell for it and put my family in debt, lots of…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…