A Mary Kay consultant who sells Mary Kay out of her hair salon thinks we just didn’t invest properly. She must be working her business the right way! Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t Read more…
Written by Parson’s Green Mary Kay’s CEO Ryan Rogers issued a challenge to the Mary Kay sales directors! See Ryan’s Video here! He would like them to sell 100,000 sets of the Mary Kay Skin Care Line between January 1st Read more…
At the beginning of every seminar year (July 1), Mary Kay rolls out new promotions. You’ll notice that the promotions are never about what you SELL, but only about what you ORDER from Mary Kay Inc. The sales directors will Read more…
Written by Parsons Green One of Mary Kay Ash’s quotes was: “People fail forward to success.” The Somer Fortenberry area seems to have mastered the failing part. Mary Kay nsd Somer Fortenberry always sets audacious goals for her team, and Read more…
Written by Raisinberry This is an unscientific way to see if you’re a prime target for the Mary Kay career opportunity. I’ll tell you the punch line before you get to the end: Good targets have a “need” that Mary Read more…
Why are you all haters? Seems to me like you all are the mean girls looking to tear something down. I would much rather support a brand that gives back to women and cares about the environment. Not every product Read more…
This was left as a comment on an old thread. If you read carefully, this woman was in Mary Kay at least 3 different times, maybe 4. It’s interesting that she notes mostly negative things about the company, but kept Read more…
Written by Parsons Green At this year’s Leadership Conference for Mary Kay Sales Directors, several female employees of Mary Kay Corporate wore PANTS during their presentations. The outcry from the sales force was great enough that Ryan Rogers posted this Read more…
Written by PinkPeace One day I was listening to a Bible teacher expounding on a passage in the Sermon on the Mount, namely Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard it was said, you shall not commit adultery. But I say to Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Chelsea Adkins, NSD never to be, has publicly claimed that she will be a Million Dollar Sales Director this seminar year. She found this old million dollar pin in her cluttered home office and then offered Read more…
What about his dream? When they first got married, he probably dreamed of a life together, one where they worked…
The divorce rate, at least among nationals, is significantly higher than the general population. Nationals like to tout that this…
"Dream crushing"? Why is a REALITY check, and running a business like a REAL business with expenses under control, inventory…
I second locking down children's credit reports. There's at one thread a week on Reddit where some-one has committed identity…
And do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing?