Stay Away From THAT Website

This email was written by a Mary Kay sales director who doesn’t want women to read Pink Truth because it might cause them to doubt Mary Kay. The thing is…. we’re just telling the truth. And yes, it causes doubt because it is in conflict with the misrepresentations women receive from corporate, sales directors, and recruiters.

If you read “that” website I’m writing this email for you. It’s from me, xxxxx xxxxx. I wrote this a few weeks ago but I’m sending it because I want you to know you’re not alone.

If you have NO clue why I’m writing this – just delete this email and enjoy your MK products at cost!!I don’t think it’s fair that all of the negative gets said and MK corporate or nothing gets said to promote the positive and draw attention to the good.

If you doubt yourself – that website adds to your doubts. If you doubt your business – that website adds to your doubt.

If you doubt yourself and it’s added to – you’ll hear more doubters. Just like when you go car shopping and you start to like a car, have you ever noticed you see the car you like everywhere all of a sudden?

Why am I saying all of this. BECAUSE the doubt gets all of the press and society is so negative and I find myself that it’s easier to ‘believe’ the doubt and gravitate to it.

Have I read that website, absolutely! Why? Cause I can relate to some of the stories out there and because I don’t want to be accused of doing things that bring up hate and sadness and bad feelings that consultants posting on there have had. I’ve even read things about products that I didn’t hear anywhere else and I’m not sure who to believe.

MK to me is a unique opportunity and it’s a business. It’s a business where if you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you money. If you treat it like a business it will give you an opportunity to make money. The opportunity costs $100 bucks to take advantage of. For my $100 investment I’ve LEARNED a ton and gotten back TONS! I have days that absolutely it’s worth it and I have days that it’s not.

Can I be a stay at home mom and make money – nope. Can I afford to have a nanny here 2 days a week so I can work in the house and interact with my kids so I’m the mom I want to be – yup! I’m a hard worker and I love what I do. Would I do it if I wasn’t making money – absolutely not – I work because I have to just like you. I’d rather work this than anything else, that’s my choice. Can you guys working full time do MK and make money. Yuppers – if you’re dedicated to it and work it consistently.

Hear my heart – if you have doubt – if you read that site and it makes you question things and you’re not sure about your choice and your commitment, please talk to me. I’ll be honest with you! You can look at my taxes, my inventory, my expenses and I’ll be honest. The website has made me doubt myself too!!!!!!!!

The ONLY way to make money working your MK business is to do Skin Care Classes and move product in volume. To be a director, a consultant, a red jacket, and a free car driver you have to be doing 3+3+3, coming to meeting, investing in your business with inventory (not tons, just the right stuff), and staying plugged into the community so you always have new people to be talking to. There’s NO other way that anyone can show me that I’ll believe other than that. (I’ve tried everything else and it hasn’t worked). I can sleep at night because I know that I’ll always hold appointments and meet new people and sell product and take personal responsibly for my business. No one other than me can control that – so I’ve taken responsibility for my paycheck and seen the results. The friendships, learning, growing, tears, and pain are all part of it and if I didn’t deal with it in MK, I’d have to deal with it somewhere else on someone else’s terms.

Read the negative so you know how you shouldn’t work the business, participate in the positive so you can see it really can work if you do! That’s why I have SHOW ME at the top of our website – do SHOWS/CLASSES and show yourself too!

If you have NO clue why I’m writing this – just delete it and enjoy your MK products at cost!! Luv ya!!


  1. “The ONLY way to make money working your MK business is to do Skin Care Classes and move product in volume.”

    And by moving product “in volume”, she means front-loading your recruits and your downline. The folks making any real money in Mary Kay are doing so primarily by selling to their own downline, not through retailing to outside customers.

  2. If you read “that” website I’m writing this email for you. It’s from me, xxxxx xxxxx. I wrote this a few weeks ago but I’m sending it because I want you to know you’re not alone.

    Trust me, I’m avidly reading “that” website because I’m horrified at what they re pointing out.

    If you have NO clue why I’m writing this – just delete this email and enjoy your MK products at cost!!

    I’d prefer you to live i blissful ignorance.

    I don’t think it’s fair that all of the negative gets said and MK corporate or nothing gets said to promote the positive and draw attention to the good.

    Free speech for us not for them.

    If you doubt yourself – that website adds to your doubts. If you doubt your business – that website adds to your doubt.

    No Stinking Thinking here, ladies!

    If you doubt yourself and it’s added to – you’ll hear more doubters.

    And we don’t want you to think for yourself!!!

    Just like when you go car shopping and you start to like a car, have you ever noticed you see the car you like everywhere all of a sudden?

    That’s because you’ve trained yourself to recognise a pattern.

    Why am I saying all of this. BECAUSE the doubt gets all of the press and society is so negative and I find myself that it’s easier to ‘believe’ the doubt and gravitate to it.

    Our facade relies on you not researching anything nor thinking for yourself.

  3. She’s not trying to convince her unit. She’s trying to convince herself, and doing a pretty poor job of it.

    Doubt isn’t bad. It’s important, and necessary. It means your brain understands that something about your situation isn’t quite right, and you owe it to yourself to look at why that is and what’s causing it. Think about what you’d do if it was your best friend who was hesitating to marry someone because some of the things they do are kind of shady, or your kid doesn’t want to go to practice because they say the coach treats them like dirt and makes fun of them, or your car is making a funny noise and you’re wondering whether to drive it anyway, You’d check into things and make an informed decision.

    Another thing I wonder about whenever we see these doubting Thomasinas is, in a regular job, you’re allowed to quit and take a new job for any reason you like any time. You owe your former employer nothing (barring non-compete agreements and such) and the same goes for them. If you own a business, you can sell or close it and no one bats an eye. Why doesn’t MK? If, as they claim, it’s a business, why do they freak out when people treat it like one? The readers of this site know the answers to those questions, and that’s precisely why they don’t want people reading it.

    Not to mention, the surest way to draw people’s attention to something is to warn them away. I mean, ask Eve how that all worked out…

  4. Have I read that website, absolutely!

    Only because I accidently stumbled onto it.🤥

    Why? Cause I can relate to some of the stories out there and because I don’t want to be accused of doing things that bring up hate and sadness and bad feelings that consultants posting on there have had.

    I couldn’t bee-LIE-ve that I was the only one who had these problems. I was unaware how common my experiences are.

    I’ve even read things about products that I didn’t hear anywhere else and I’m not sure who to believe.

    I discovered that our NSDs and the company weren’t telling us about soon to be discontinued products while encouraging us to buy them in the full knowledge that we were going to lose money on them.

    MK to me is a unique opportunity and it’s a business.

    Just like all those other MLMs.

    It’s a business where if you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you money. If you treat it like a business it will give you an opportunity to make money.

    Even if you treat it like a business, it will cost you money.

    The opportunity costs $100 bucks to take advantage of.

    It costs $100 to be taken advantage of.

    For my $100 investment I’ve LEARNED a ton and gotten back TONS! I have days that absolutely it’s worth it and I have days that it’s not.

    I suspect the latter rather than the former.

    Can I be a stay at home mom and make money – nope.

    Mary Kay’s own figures prove you’re not making money.

    Can I afford to have a nanny here 2 days a week so I can work in the house and interact with my kids so I’m the mom I want to be – yup!

    So much for family second.

    I’m a hard worker and I love what I do. Would I do it if I wasn’t making money – absolutely not – I work because I have to just like you.

    I just proved you’re not making a fortune.

    I’d rather work this than anything else, that’s my choice. Can you guys working full time do MK and make money. Yuppers (sic) – if you’re dedicated to it and work it consistently.

    You can be as dedicated as you like but if you don’t have a large, frequently refreshing down-line, you’re not making bank.

  5. Hear my heart – if you have doubt – if you read that site and it makes you question things and you’re not sure about your choice and your commitment, please talk to me.

    I desperately need to talk you around.

    I’ll be honest with you! You can look at my taxes, my inventory, my expenses and I’ll be honest. The website has made me doubt myself too!!!!!!!!

    I’ll regurgitate all the scripts I’ve learnt by heart and show you the edited version of my paperwork and I’ve hidden some of my inventory.

    The ONLY way to make money working your MK business is to do Skin Care Classes and move product in volume.

    Shame that Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s own figures show that the most reliable income comes from recruiting a large down-line.

    To be a director, a consultant, a red jacket, and a free car driver you have to be doing 3+3+3, coming to meeting, investing in your business with inventory (not tons, just the right stuff), and staying plugged into the community so you always have new people to be talking to.

    Not a word about sales, here.

    There’s NO other way that anyone can show me that I’ll believe other than that. (I’ve tried everything else and it hasn’t worked).

    Still nothing about selling to an outside customer.

    I can sleep at night because I know that I’ll always hold appointments and meet new people and sell product and take personal responsibly for my business.

    How much responsibility do you take for your down-line’s inevitable failure?

    No one other than me can control that – so I’ve taken responsibility for my paycheck and seen the results. The friendships, learning, growing, tears, and pain are all part of it

    Except when it interferes with your up-lines own goals.

    and if I didn’t deal with it in MK, I’d have to deal with it somewhere else on someone else’s terms.

    So you’re admitting it’s not your own business.

    Read the negative so you know how you shouldn’t work the business, participate in the positive so you can see it really can work if you do!

    A rather ringing endorsement here.

    That’s why I have SHOW ME at the top of our website – do SHOWS/CLASSES and show yourself too!

    If you have NO clue why I’m writing this – just delete it and enjoy your MK products at cost!! Luv ya!!

    Or just head over and read up about everything and decide for yourself.

  6. Ma’am, your “why don’t you share both sides” argument goes both ways. MK doesn’t share the stuff we do. That’s why we share it. All MK does is tell you not to read what’s on this site, which is a tactic of high control groups called Information Control.

  7. For my $100 investment I’ve LEARNED a ton and gotten back TONS

    For every $100 investment, you should have gotten back $200, if Mary Kay works as promised. I guess it’s really cool to get TONS (whatever those are, but good grief, could you possibly have used a more meaningless term?), but the point of a business is to make money. Which leads to:

    …please talk to me. I’ll be honest with you! You can look at my taxes, my inventory, my expenses and I’ll be honest. Why not lead with the numbers, then? Why not start out your email with something along the lines of, “In 2024, I spent $X on product and $Y on overhead; I received $Z in total revenue; and here’s the total number of hours I spent on all business-related activities.” Just cut to the chase and show what a real-life director has actually achieved, if Mary Kay is everything you’re claiming.

  8. She’s in denial. She knows she sees herself in many of the stories she read here after “stumbling” on this website, but doesn’t want to admit it. The longer she remains a director/consultant the more she will realize the stories here are true and she’s living the lie.

  9. Biggest flaw in their arguments is: this is a business. It’s not. The consultant is the customer. And a pretty big one. I spent my son’s college fund on enough make up to last hundreds of people. Ugh. Hard not to feel like a complete sucker.


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