Sick and Tired of the Fake

Written by Lynn

I am sick and tired of all the fake I have seen in Mary Kay. I’ve watched my director go from someone who seemed caring and thoughtful to pushy and rude to anyone who isn’t on board with her mission. Looking back I can see how she played off my emotions in order for me to pay up for inventory, events, my recruit’s orders, because “only I could make DIQ HAPPEN.”

The production amounts each month are ridiculously stupid and impossible to build an actual legit team and train them properly. It’s all about HIGH PRODUCTION and not HOW MANY YOU ACTUALLY RECRUIT AND YOUR HARD WORK. It’s always moving onto the next one, and the next one, and the next one.

It’s so superficial and I feel like I lost a lot of friends who were once team members simply because they didn’t have enough production. It’s like a popularity contest. The only real way to make any money is to NOT go to the events and lose thousands, NOT order just to stay active, and NOT pursue “huge throw up goals” that make YOU want to pay out of your own pocket to NOT look like a “loser.” To actually only order what you sell to your customers who are loyal.

Team building seemed great, until people turn their product in and YOU get IN DEBT from that. I am so glad I DID NOT have credit, because I hate to think of how much I would of spent under the pink spell of wanting to keep my “status.” I lost a lot of money my first year in, and then I took a whole year break and basically became a personal use consultant with some loyal customers.

During that break I remember my director asking me what was wrong because she could tell something was wrong. Yeah, something was wrong! I lost thousands of dollars under the pressure to not let “you” down. It was never truly about me and my family. I felt like I couldn’t tell her any of this because she would of just said, “no one made you spend money.” Nooo just convinced me and played off my believe and trust in your “friendship.” I felt so much anxiety and I felt so defeated when I didn’t become a director like it was somehow my fault even though I tried SO hard. I’m way happier actually keeping the little I do get, rather than “moving (paying) up the career path.”

I was told to take “personal responsibility” because “we can’t say my team this my team that.” okay.. well how are you supposed to be a director by yourself when it takes a TEAM to get there? No matter what I did, it was never good enough.

I hate to think of how many women have lost money believing they would make it back, or could pay themselves back. I’ve held so many parties and appointments I have lost count. Rarely, people actually use the skin care continuously and make-up. More often, they buy little items, never to buy again. They say they have no money, or promise to buy something, and never do. I tell my director my struggles of making sales and it is as if what I am saying goes in one ear and out of the other. If I question anything, I’m “negative,” and things online “lie.”

I was 100% on board to make my dreams a reality, and then I booked, and booked, and booked. Recruited, recruited, recruited. I booked 20 appointments in a month! 30! 40! to have cancellations, not enough sales, my recruits having cancellations, and not enough sales. I did it all “the way I was told” and I only ever TRULY got as far as a Team Leader. DIQ didn’t work out, probably because I didn’t have a credit card to keep “paying my way up.” So glad I didn’t! I’ve lost enough money. Granted I’ve met some really great people who are still my real friends and loyal customers, but that’s the only good that came from it. I learned a harsh lesson, don’t trust anyone who is making money off of you, being judge mental, and shoving religion down your throat.

I saw her true colors when she makes fun of people who aren’t “exactly her one way.” I can’t talk to these women about anything real in my life. REAL is not in their vocabulary!!!! They have great products, but I’m done “buying extra” to “finish star” or “reach a big goal.” I hate to even think of everything I have lost, and all that I could have saved, and paid off. I had just came out of a very abusive relationship and I was vulnerable to all the praise and love I “seemed” to be getting. The truth is you are just a number, and if you were to stop being useful, you’d mean nothing.

I also went to my last event this past spring, and could literally feel my skin crawling riding with these people. A team member I had recruited had become like her little puppet on strings. It was sickening to watch. I know I was being secretly talked about, it was just that feeling that you get when the fake and tension is so thick in the air you could cut it. Gag. Gag. Gag. I thought I wanted to go to Seminar this year, but I ended up backing out, because the idea of being around a bunch of fake people made me want to throw up. Plus, I could see the money coming out of my account once again, and flashed back to how much money I lost years ago, and realized I didn’t want to go back down that path. My first Seminar I was so excited, (delusional), I pursued my goals relentlessly, and lost thousands in the process. No thanks. Not again. No matter the fact that I have made sales, when you add in all the expenses and money lost, you didn’t make much if anything.

It’s like a constant gamble. Spend money, Make money, spend money, make money, spend money. I am at a point in my life where I want to make money and save money for my future. Not stay broke. I am mad at myself for the little bit of money I have lost this year from the huge prices of registration for events, hotels, meal plans. It’s not nearly as much as I lost my first year. Thousands next to a few hundred, but it still sucks. I’ve finally managed to save some money this year, and by not investing any more into MK, I know I’ll recover slowly but surely.

It’s nice to know I am not alone.


  1. Lynn, you are not alone. Please keep an accurate ledger and track your costs to the penny. Mary Kay Corp’s business model can be summed up as follows:

    “Sign people up under you, and using any means necessary, get your new recruits to order way more product than they can ever hope to use or sell. Then convince these same recruits to do the same, signing people up under them, who then order too much, etc.”

    All the incentives in Mary Kay are built around this simple model of over-ordering and recruiting. There are no corporate incentives to sell product to folks outside your downline.

    Even if you don’t recruit, and thanks to MKC’s qualifying minimums, it is still nearly impossible to make any real money just retailing the product. You have to hold your orders until you have $225 wholesale quarterly otherwise you will be forced to order more than you or your customers need…just the way Mary Kay likes it. Resist this temptation. Try to run your little retail business without ever ordering more than your customers request. And track EVERY penny you spend on your MK business, especially every order.

  2. Well done for sticking to your guns and refusing to buy on credit.

    There are some good “sound bites” here that I hope will catch the eye of others who are doubting:

    “I was told to take “personal responsibility” because “we can’t say my team this my team that.” okay.. well how are you supposed to be a director by yourself when it takes a TEAM to get there?” No matter what rank about IBC someone has, she’s utterly dependent on her downline. It’s where her income and the building blocks of her unit come from, That’s why they use every shady tactic under the sun to keep their downline compliant, so they won’t wise up and realize who really has the power.

    “I was 100% on board to make my dreams a reality, and then I booked, and booked, and booked. Recruited, recruited, recruited. I booked 20 appointments in a month! 30! 40! to have cancellations, not enough sales, my recruits having cancellations, and not enough sales. I did it all “the way I was told” and I only ever TRULY got as far as a Team Leader.” So she did everything the MK way, so what happened? The plain truth is no one wants MK products, and they sure as hell don’t want to have to go through the rigmarole of hosting a party or fending off an overeager consultant just to buy concealer.

    “I saw her true colors when she makes fun of people who aren’t “exactly her one way.” I can’t talk to these women about anything real in my life. REAL is not in their vocabulary!!!!” Pro wrestling has a thing called “kayfabe” which basically means that a wrestler’s personality, alliances, rivalries, etc. are treated as being absolutely genuine. Thus, they basically never break character in public. Kind of like the huns.

    “I had just came out of a very abusive relationship and I was vulnerable to all the praise and love I “seemed” to be getting. The truth is you are just a number, and if you were to stop being useful, you’d mean nothing.” ” I’m sorry you went through that. The parallels between abusive relationships and MLM recruitment have been mentioned here before: the grooming, the isolation, the dependence on the abuser/MLM. And it’s shitty, and it’s creepy.

    I get the feeling that you’re still a personal use consultant and I’d encourage you to give that up. Even in a small way, it’s putting money into the pocket of a sleazy corporation that depends on the web of lies and backstabbing that you hate to put money in the bank. Whatever products you use, I’m sure there are comparable or better ones out there, probably for less, and you won’t mentally snarl every time you open your jar of moisturizer 😀

  3. Here’s the anger our Friday Critics always point to. And it’s absolutely justified, Lynn!

    Think about it. If any other relationship in your life offered you a money-making opportunity but then turned around and robbed you of THOUSANDS of dollars in the course of a year, wouldn’t you be angry? If you were told at a normal job, “All you have to do to earn this promotion is call 30 people per day and set 10 new appointments per month.” And you did all that and they still required you to PAY THEM for the privilege of working, would you be mad?

    Of course you would! When people are lied to, when promises are broken, when women use friendship to manipulate people to go into debt, it’s rage-inducing. That’s what Mary Kay is. And that’s what it’s always been. Unless you’re part of the lucky 0.6 percent, you’re going to lose money. It’s math.


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