Cadillac Director Earnings Are Sad
You know I love to get my hands on these things: the real, live numbers that prove how few people are actually making money in Mary Kay. Now let me set this up for you to prove that almost no one is making that “executive pay” in Mary Kay.
A sales director driving a Cadillac is supposed to do $114,000 wholesale production over two quarters (previously it was $102,000 over two quarters). That works out to $19,000 wholesale per month, which equals a commission check of about $4,400 monthly (using the unit commission rate of 23%). That equals $52,800 per year gross commission if the director is just meeting the Cadillac minimums. (And then you have all the business expenses that must be paid out of that!)
A Cadillac director is supposed to be making the big executive income, but most of them aren’t even making mid-level manager money. Imagine bragging about the huge money you’re making, but in reality you’re making less than $50k per year.
In 2017, the production requirements went from $16,000 per month to keep the Cadillac, to $17,000 per month to keep it. Then in 2024 the requirements went up to $19,000 per month.
But the cash compensation that you can take in lieu of using the Cadillac stayed the same at $900 per month. (Remember, you don’t GET a Cadillac and you don’t WIN a Cadillac. You get to USE a Cadillac for a period of time IF your unit keeps making production.)
And there are plenty of Pink Cadillac drivers who don’t make the minimum production, so their commissions are even lower AND they have to pay extra money to the company to keep the car.
Why do I do these figures? So that you can understand that all the directors below Cadillac (which is the vast majority) are making less than that per year.
Currently, Mary Kay reports 1,000 pink Cadillacs on the road. That’s down from the 1,308 they reported in 2016. A drop like that makes me happy because it means fewer women are being swindled into signing up as consultants and buying inventory packages.
See how few in Mary Kay are actually making any money?
If there are, as claimed, 3.5 million huns in MK across all levels, 1000 Cadillacs is… pitiful. If my math is correct (fingers crossed) that works out to .286% of the entire sales force in Cadillacs. Or, 99.714 are making less than that.
Ivory soap is famously touted as being 99.44% pure. So there are more impurities in Ivory soap than there are Cadillac drivers.
Your odds of being hit by lighting in the US during your lifetime: .654%
If casinos ran on those odds, they’d all have been shut down ages ago.
And look how hard it is to requalify.
+you have to use the MK insurance on the Caddy. Yet another scam within a scam.
Good point. Because there’s nothing in MK that isn’t designed to suck your bank account dry, no matter how they try to dress it up as a privelege or a reward.
Canadian income Disclosure for 2023.
Unfortunately, Jon Taylor did not include Mary Kay in his analysis for the FTC, but just look at the performance of all the other MLMs he reviewed. They are right in line with Popinki’s figures. Scroll down to the appendix to see his findings:
Sorry, try this link:
My recruiter and former director sent me a Christmas card. In it she thanked me for helping her rise above when things were tough. Then she apologized for hurting me and letting me down. I assume she is saying that because I haven’t had any kind of contact with any of my MK “friends” since I quit. I went no contact with them.
She never did earn a Cadillac. And our up line senior director just had to relinquish her caddie and “step down” to the equinox.
I admire that in a person. To do what is extremely difficult – To acknowledge, own up, face full on the wrong doings, accept one’s own faults and flaws, apologise to one being wronged. It’s basic human decency that’s fast eroding.
Intrigue, I hope you find the closure which eluded me. I hope your recruiter/director’s admission gives you a sense of peace.
I have a question. Is there a way for directors to buy out their pink Cadillac lease even if they “lose” the car? I ask because lately I have seen a few older model pink caddies driving around with Mary Kay badging. You can tell by looking at the logo. Just curious.
Yes! At the end of the lease, the director can buy the car.
I thought the rules on that changed last year…? I thought I saw somewhere that directors were no longer allowed to buy out their leases. I could be wrong, though, and would love for someone to confirm this.
I would think Mary Kay Corporate would maybe allow them to buy the car but take off the Mary Kay badging because if they weren’t “truly” a Cadillac director with the required production that would be fraudulent.