Chelsea Adkins Claiming a Million Yet Again

Written by Parsons Green

Chelsea Adkins, NSD never to be, has publicly claimed that she will be a Million Dollar Sales Director this seminar year.

She found this old million dollar pin in her cluttered home office and then offered up this explanation on why THIS is her year.

Chelsea claimed in 2021 she would be an NSD in January 2022. She was not.

She claimed in 2023 that she would have a million dollar year. She did not.

She claims you can sell this product and make a 50% profit. She can not.

But this year will be different.

I can not.



  1. Chels, to sell $1M in 2025, you will need almost 1700 reps under you to each order $600 in product. Better get busy!

    That’s almost 5 per day (32 per week) in 2025. As of today (Jan 20) you should already have signed 93 new consultants and convinced them to order a $600 package. Are you on track for your $1M year so far? How many have signed under you and ordered so far in 2025?

    Just “wanting it” won’t cut it. You need to be cranking out many $600 orders every day…about one every 3 waking hours. No time to lose…no time for family…no time for church! One $600 order every 3 waking hours…every single day of 2025…get selling!

    • Elle Woods What, like it’s hard?

      All Priceless Chels has to do is “book, sell, recruit”, warm chatter all those “sugar-sharp ladies” and wear her “pen” upside down. Maybe she can find a mentor to match her energy with their time and remember that it takes 12 “nos” to get a “yes”.

  2. It’s MLK Day 2025.

    “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.

    I believe that even amid today’s mortar bursts and whining bullets, there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow. I believe that wounded justice, lying prostrate on the blood-flowing streets of our nations, can be lifted from this dust of shame to reign supreme among the children of men.” — MLK, Nobel Peace Prize 1964

  3. No way her unit does 1 million by seminar. She’ll be lucky if her unit hits the $350,000 mark. Positive affirmations mean nothing without the work.

    • “Positive affirmations mean nothing without the work.”—

      Yep. Even if the “work” is scamming people, the statement still applies.

      Remember lurkers: In MLM companies like Mary Kay, you cannot just lie to a few. You must work hard, and lie to a lot because this isn’t an easy get rich quick scheme. Now get out there and sell that opportunity to sell the opportunity, and get those opportunists to order as many products as possible so you can make a commission.

      • Why are consultants whining about pants not looking professional when they cosplay being a businesswoman and make these silly crafts, posters, etc. which are anything but professional?

      • So they painted cheap little boxes from a craft store. In the past, Jamie had them stringing bead bracelets spelling out “Believe”, “Dream”, etc.

        Consultants PAY to attend events where they are treated like children. Events are all about motivation, manipulation and photo ops.

  4. I’m sitting here a Philly Phanatic sweatshirt, so maybe I’m destined to become a baseball mascot!!! I’m an Aries, too!!!

    Time to start envisioning!

  5. Also, thats a pin, not a pen. Take 4 seconds to proofread, please. I mean, it probably took her ages to hunt up that pin she’s never seen before from wherever she’d stashed it, find just the right storage basket, arrange the pin on it just so, clear off that dresser, arrange the background, take pics until the lighting and background blur were just right, and compose the post.

  6. You’re taking it as a sign that a pair of sweatpants…that you OWN…and were probably recently laundered…were at the top of your drawer. 🤨 Ma’am.

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