Why are you all haters? Seems to me like you all are the mean girls looking to tear something down. I would much rather support a brand that gives back to women and cares about the environment. Not every product every company makes is the best…trust me I’ve paid a lot more for other brands than Mary Kay and hated the product.

How do you feel about this concept that Mary Kay gives back to women??? Does donating to a cause like domestic violence negate all the financial and emotional abuse that MK promotes and encourages?


    • And this, “Bernie Madoff was a philanthropist who donated to many charities, including the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, Yeshiva University, and the Madoff Family Foundation. However, his Ponzi scheme caused many of these charities to close.”

  1. Why are you all haters?

    Why are you a fawning sycophant? Or is this your first day on the internet?

    Seems to me like you all are the mean girls looking to tear something down.

    Nearly every company has a site discussing aspects of it. Here we talk about the negative aspects of Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company while at the same time those who have been members of it do recognise the few positive aspects of being in the company.

    However, you are welcome to start your own safe space if you wish.

    I would much rather support a brand that gives back to women and cares about the environment.

    IIRC, corporate donates somewhere in the region of $2 million dollars out of an alleged $4 billion profit towards women’s groups. That’s not an overwhelming percentage by any means.
    As for the environment, there’s only three items mentioned on the website, trees, water and the Global Shea Alliance, all of which are worthy but does that negate the local pollution effects of returned products going to landfill?

    As for giving back to women in the financial sense, here’s the Canadian Mary Kay Income Disclosure for 2023.

    Not every product every company makes is the best…

    And many companies have websites calling them out for that and yet you think Mary Kay should be exempt from criticism.

    trust me I’ve paid a lot more for other brands than Mary Kay and hated the product.

    And plenty of people have paid for Mary Kay’s products and hated them. Anecdote does not equal data.

    Did you press enter too soon? It feels like you were just getting going Ms. PTC.

  2. As for caring about the environment… wut.

    We’re talking about a company that runs based on large frequent orders by its consultants. Hundreds of products that are…

    In their plastic package, be it tube, compact, or jar, with cap…
    With a plastic shrink band around the cap…
    Inside a box…
    With a cellophane overwrap…
    Possibly in an overpack box; I remember that from the cosmetics department of the store I worked at…
    Inside a shipping box…
    Full of packing peanuts…
    Delivered by trucks that run on fossil fuel.

    In the even that our consultomer hooks a victim… I mean potential customer for a party, she will need to bust out the:

    Disposable makeup trays
    Disposable applicators
    Disposable washcloths
    And also burn more gas getting to wherever they’re going.

    And what about all that excess product that goes bad before they can sell it or use it? All that plastic, and product, and cellophane, and styrofoam will languish in the landfill… forever.

    That doesn’t even take into account stunts like the compact switches. Ok, so they had recycling bins at MK events (using up more jet and car fuel and resources at hotels) but if someone couldn’t or didn’t want to go, or pay to check a whole bag of nothing but worthless compacts, where did the majority end up? If they’re not recyclable curbside, they’re gonna go in the trash.

    I’ve noticed some brands starting to use refillable or recyclable packaging (La Roche Posay and Clinique come to mind) as well as tools made of eco-friendly materials, with minimal or all paper packaging. If MK cared, they’d be looking into stuff like that instead of coming up with ways of forcing their “sales” force into buying more eventual landfill fodder.

  3. “I would much rather support a brand that gives back to women and cares about the environment.”

    According to research for the FTC, MLMs like Mary Kay must take from 249 sales reps, on average, to give back to one sales rep.

    Mary Kay Corp does not have some magic pot of money. Their revenue comes almost entirely from the pockets of the MK sales force.

    PTC, this is not the philanthropy you think it is.

    • I’m really glad to have found this site JUST to understand this. I remember I used to receive the Applause magazine and flip to the NSD page and see their commission checks in excess of $60,000 for one month. I felt terrible about myself because as a teacher, I wasn’t even earning that much in a year. I had two small children to feed. Why couldn’t I just “do better” with my MK?? And I really wondered, HOW did the company pay these top dogs this amount of money? But I wouldn’t let myself think about it too hard, because whatever time I spent thinking about that was time I was NOT spending on IPAs!! …but really, how could they pay THAT many people THAT MUCH money???
      You’ve just explained it!!

  4. I am 100% a hater. Drinking gallons of hatorade a year, actually.

    MK donating to anti-abuse charities is deeply ironic, considering the emotional and faith-based manipulation used to carry on the churn n burn system. I’d bet my bottom dollar the tactics of an emotionally abusive partner and an MK upline have overlapped more than once.

    • Absolutely! I can see how the brainwashing I experienced in MK also affected my (lack of) clear thinking on my two (failed) marriages. It’ll get better! Marriage is hard! Just pray for him! … You can do it! You just need to get to another event! It’s because you have tried ____. And on and on.

  5. Mary Kay is only able to “give back to women” because they make their money off the backs of women, most of whom will spend more than they make trying to achieve the Mary Kay dream. Nice try.

  6. I am not a mean girl. I don’t wear pink on Wednesdays.

    However, I do want this company and other MLMs to fail because of their predatory practices and lies. This company preys on women versus giving back. They take from others to give to their 1%.

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