Mary Kay Scripts Are Different When You’re In the Fog
Written by A Former Consultant
You’ve heard them, you’ve been taught them, and you’ve even said them yourself. Now that you are out of the Pink Fog, here’s a translation of some of the favorite scripts in Mary Kay… what you said then and what they sound like now that you realize the truth about Mary Kay Cosmetics!
THEN: Has anyone ever taken the time to pamper you with a Mary Kay facial?
NOW: Please please please tell me you haven’t tried Mary Kay so I can sucker you in to buying something! (And even better, so I can recruit you.)
THEN: I know you are a busy person, but your Mary Kay facial will take only about 20 minutes. What would be better for you… later this week or early next week?
NOW: 20 minutes? LMAO! You are going to be nailed down for at least two hours–this week OR next week!
THEN: I know you think it’s your glamour that looks great, but it’s actually the TimeWise that prepared your skin for the color. Think of it as painting a house. Before you apply a coat of paint, you must prepare the surface. You must clean it, sand off the old paint & and apply the primer first or the new paint will look messy and uneven. Your skin is the same way.
NOW: Listen, I’ve to make some money tonight, and that mascara won’t even pay for my gas. I’ll tell you a Miracle Set will cure the common cold if you promise to buy one!
THEN: Now I want you to think about your favorite out to dinner dress. Add all the accessories… the jewelry, the shoes, the handbag. How much did you spend on that outfit? Over $100 I bet. How many times have you worn that outfit in the past year? Not much huh. Will you still be wearing it five years from now? Probably not. Well, wouldn’t you agree that it you deserve to invest that same amount of money on your face that you wear every day and that you will have for the rest of your life?
NOW: Oh good lord, I said that? Talk about dishing out a guilt trip. I probably nodded through the whole darn statement too.
THEN: There are several different ways to pay for your purchase tonight. I take cash, check, Master Card, Visa & Discover. Or we can do a little creative financing to make sure you can take your items home tonight!
NOW: Oh, I’ll find a way to get your money one way or the other. Hell, I’ll take a post dated check for next year and a bag of recyclable soda cans if I have to!
THEN: Now it’s my responsibility as your personal consultant to make sure everything you are taking with you this evening is the right color/right formula for you, so I need to set up your follow up facial. I’ll give you my datebook, and you write in a time & date that is best for you.
NOW: Hey, I gotta find a way to get more money out of you. Wait till I try to sucker you in to having your girlfriends come over and join you so they can buy stuff too!
THEN: I noticed you really enjoyed your facial tonight. You are such a sharp woman and I think you would be great at doing what I do. Is there any reason why I couldn’t give you some information about the company? I’ll even give you a free lip gloss if you give me your opinion about what you read. What color would you choose?
NOW: Recruiting alert! Recruiting alert! RUN! RUN! DON’T DO IT!!!!
THEN: I know you think a $100 starter kit is a lot of money, but wouldn’t you agree that there have been times that you have gone to a department store for one item and walked out with over $100 in your shopping basket? I’m sure that purchase didn’t change your life, but your starter kit will.
NOW: Yeah, we’ve all dropped a C-note at Wal-Mart, but at least we could walk away after that! And change your life? Oh yeah it will. You’ll never see your family, have an entire room of pink tubes you can’t sell, and give yourself a credit rating lower than the price of a gallon of milk in the first year.
THEN: You really want to start your business with a full inventory. It’s a proven fact that women will spend more money if you’re able to deliver the product they want on the spot. When you see a pair of shoes at your favorite store, you don’t want pay for them then have to wait several days before you can wear them do you? So what level are we going to start at, diamond star or emerald star?
NOW: We all know we don’t make jack in commission unless we get you to buy a ton. So take out that loan, apply for that second credit card, or take out a second mortgage on the house. Frontload up sister! (And by the way, we all know that we will wait 2 weeks for delivery when we buy a pizza stone with a lifetime guarantee, so no customer is going to drop dead of dry skin if they have to wait 2 days.)
THEN: I know how you feel, I felt the same way. But you know what I found?…..
NOW: …I found that I DO NOT miss this business one stinkin’ bit!!!!!
You’d better have these scripts memorized! How about the “four point recruiting plan?” Raise your hand if you remember that one. I was always the star student at meetings and could stand up and recite any script the director called for.
They were just that – scripts. Join MK and live a scripted life.
On that note, I noticed in the discussion board that they are rolling back the T statuses. I wonder if I will actually terminate a month earlier than expected?
Also, on the topic of brainwashing language, the language of “terminate” further encourages the guilt trip. Intrigue, you don’t want to terminate, do you?” It’s subtle, but sick.
Thanks to the scripts, the seasoned MLMer has an answer for every criticism. Which is why you should NEVER answer their questions. And all this about the MLMer “helping” the recruit when it is clearly the other way around.
Insist that these losers turn a true business profit before you will talk to them. “Show me this can work for you, then we’ll talk. At least two years of your personal Sched C showing meaningful profits will do. Until then, please look elsewhere, as I don’t have time for this. Not another word, understood?”
If everyone did this, MLMs like Mary Kay would soon wither on the vine.
Again, I ask: In this information age we live in, it’s not 1985 after all, everything is literally a few clicks away – How do they manage to STILL recruit enough people into MLMs, any MLMs??
MLMs use cult tactics like the BITE model:
To those vulnerabe, even education and affluence are no match for these tactics.
They catch people in vulnerable times … SAHMs who want to “contribute to the family income”, broke college students, people after deaths and divorces … and tell them that they have problems and Mary Kay is the answer. And they LIE about the business model and the income.
I had these exact scripts memorized. The interpretation of the scripts are spot on! It’s like you read my mind.
Dear Reader, please, please PLEASE know that you are normal when you think the thoughts. This is how ALL of us felt. And if this was my reality 30 years ago and it’s your reality now, know that you are being manipulated and that MK is a scam.
It’s so flattering how these scripts assume I am a woman who won’t wear a fancy dress twice, who loses control while shopping, and can’t handle the idea of waiting for a new pair of shoes. Women, am I right?!
Claims to “empower women” and uses all the stale sexist tropes to try to guilt trip them into buying crap.
lol! I never used the scripts. They made me sound so fake and I don’t talk like that. That said, my director was a Master at the scripts and was one of the most charismatic women I have ever been around. She could literally sell ice to eskimos and then have every single one of them in her unit by the end of the evening! It was actually amazing to watch her work. But I also knew I could never be like her.