To the Owner of Pink Truth:

I really would like to know why you are so negative. My stomach turned as I read some of the headlines on your website.

Obviously, you had a bad experience, but why perpetuate negativity. Any business anyone gets into, not just Mary Kay there will be dippy days. I tell my consultants that. It is not a walk in the park, but with persistence and continually learning more, you can be successful. It is up to you.

Obviously, you were not successful. But speaking badly about others is not Biblical nor the right thing to do, even if you are not a Christian. You are obviously making a living off of encouraging disappointment and others misfortune.

Instead of being so negative, why not encourage people. Read any other company – everyone has dippy days and times. It is how you handle it, determines how you succeed. Please consider stopping making money off of people who are discouraged.


  1. To the Owner of Pink Truth:

    From a reader, Hi!

    I really would like to know why you are so negative.

    FYI: none of your business.

    My stomach turned as I read some of the headlines on your website.

    I wonder why? Could it be you are realising your internal niggles are being validated by an external viewpoint?

    Obviously, you had a bad experience, but why perpetuate negativity.

    There’s no negativity here. Just people’s “I Stories” facts and opinions.

    Any business anyone gets into, not just Mary Kay there will be dippy days.

    I’ve never heard a serious businessman/woman talk about “dippy days”! That’s the kind of childish speak used by faux business “owners”.

    I tell my consultants that.

    Did any of them side-eye you like I did?

    It is not a walk in the park, but with persistence and continually learning more, you can be successful. It is up to you.

    At yet Mary Kay multitudinous last names’ own figures show differently.

    Obviously, you were not successful.

    {Crowley} Obviously {/Crowley} You have never read anything written here.

    But speaking badly about others is not Biblical nor the right thing to do, even if you are not a Christian.

    If I’m not a Christian, I’m not bound by your scripture. If I am a Christian I’d like a cite, book, chapter and verse to back up your rather sweeping statement. Otherwise it sounds like a thought terminating cliche to me.

    You are obviously making a living off of encouraging disappointment and others misfortune.

    So, you admit Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company isn’t all sunshine, unicorns and roses.

    Instead of being so negative, why not encourage people.

    we are encouraging people. Encouraging them to leave, not just Mary Kay but any MLM, with heads held high and newly refilled wallets because we show them how to return products.

    Read any other company – everyone has dippy days and times.

    I can’t imagine Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Warren et c. standing in a meeting or in front of their investors talking about “dippy days”.

    It is how you handle it, determines how you succeed. Please consider stopping making money off of people who are discouraged.

    I guess that you, Ms. PTC have a reason to not have people who are discouraged find a way out? Could you personally be profiting by their misery?

  2. Which is more biblical?

    1) Promoting a business in which profitability depends on exploiting one’s own downline, where it is mathamatically impossible for more than 1 in 250 participants turn a profit, or

    2) Steering people clear of the folks above who are literally exploiting and harming their own downline for personal financial gain?

    Jesus himself instructs us to hold each otther accountable. See Matthew 18:15-17.

  3. “Dippy days”? Is your downline a kindergarten class?

    And, Tracy, with all this money you’re making by spreading discouragement and misfortune, you could at least spring for coffee and donuts once in a while.

    • Wait… there are doughnuts? I love doughnuts!

      Whenever someone said/says “dippy days,” the Dippin’ Dots ice cream always comes to mind.

  4. Dippy days. Is this second grade??

    I think a lot of critics stumble in here (lol) and things hit too close to home.

    But I think being massively in debt from warehousing too many boxes of expired products to keep your rank qualifies as more than “a dippy day”.

    • Agreed, a “dippy day” would be you overslept, the pants you wanted to wear have a stain on them, Dunkin is out of your favorite donut, and then you get to work and have one screwball customer after another. An average aggravating day that everyone has and which you get over quickly.

      The debt, troubled relationships, and neverending grind of a career-track MLMer aren’t dippy; they’re dire, and trying to minimise that is probably what drives a lot of eyeballs to this site for some real talk instead of cutesy excuses.

  5. It’s not a walk in the park? What happened to “the products sell themselves”? If anything is not Biblical here, it’s the lies we were told by our recruiters and directors.

  6. Any business anyone gets into, not just Mary Kay there will be dippy days. I tell my consultants that. It is not a walk in the park, but with persistence and continually learning more, you can be successful. It is up to you.
    So you admit that when your consultants try to talk to you about their increasing financial distress caused by constant pressure to buy more, you just shut down the discussion by telling them to keep on doing what is causing them harm. Why? Because you covet their money. Disgusting. You are unfit to counsel anyone on what is Biblical.

  7. “Please consider stopping making money off of people who are discouraged.”

    Please consider letting your downline decide for themselves if continuing with Mary Kay is beneficial for them instead of gaslighting and guilting them into staying on the hamster wheel. Also Jesus called, he doesn’t like people using Christianity to manipulate others into scams like Mary Kay. If a business is good it will speak for itself, you shouldn’t have to lure people in with “oh it’s a Christian company!” 🙄

  8. Beware of NSDs and SDs running Bible studies or posting scripture verses that “sound like” they’re referring to Mary Kay.

    “For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.” — Romans 16:18



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