Lauren Wagner in DIQ …. Attempt #6

Written by Parsons Green

Lauren Wagner is trying for DIQ again! This will be her sixth time in five years.

This is what it was like for Lauren trying to finish DIQ four years ago.

In this video, Lauren’s director, Megan Coleman begs for ten women to get on the phone with her and Lauren so they can discuss the Mary Kay opportunity with them.

If Mary Kay is such a great opportunity, why do you need to bribe women to listen to your pitch? Megan mentions that Lauren reached out to her to join Mary Kay because she once received a facial from Megan. Megan did not even remember her!

Lauren is doing great selling Mary Kay. She posted she had a goal to sell 24 mascaras in 24 hours. In two weeks, she’s sold five.


She’s trying to beat her best February total this month, which was $1,148. To be on track in DIQ, Lauren and her team need to have $13,500 in production.

Lauren can only count $3,000 of her personal production toward this total, so there is only so much she can order under her own name. So she’s definitely got a lot of work to do.

I think we’ll be be seeing a seventh attempt in year six.



  1. Lauren can’t even be called a slow learner because she is not learning! Six times in five years and all the begging and cringy posts are doing nothing but making both her and the MK “opportunity” look pathetic.

  2. Cringe. First, this…

    “Looking for five women this week [who] I can use to create a FB group to share the new spring products that launch on the 15th.”

    WTF? FB group? Warning Will Robinson! Can you say SPAM potential? To make real money in retail, you need to sell product to strangers, and lots of them. Forcing customers to join a FB group to buy your products shows just how small your market really is…and how naive you are about retail marketing in 2025.

    You then go on to push a mascara promotion that does not even include the price! And of course, “…to help build another steady source of income for my family.”

    So there it is. Solicitation for pity puchases to provide financial support for your family. But sales to F+F will never be sustainable…so much for “steady” income.

    What’s your plan to grow a business that does not depend on charity from F+F? You can only draw from that well so many times.

  3. … women I can “use” … that sums it up right there.
    I am sure I held the record for being in DIQ the longest, the most, whatever. Now I know why I was an eternal DIQ – I wouldn’t “cheat” to finish. When my director(s) told me to “do whatever it takes,” I did not understand that also included Cheating. Their interpretation of “whatever it takes” included buying inventory for phony people, etc. But they were also telling me we didn’t do that. I remember being so confused. When I did finally “finish” DIQ it was because I put in 3-4 peoples’ orders and paid for them with money that had been “gifted” to me from a third party. I felt like this was “ok” but I still was somewhat uneasy with it. It felt fake. I felt like a loser. I “maintained” my unit for three months… lol they kicked me out because I didn’t make production one time as a director.
    Get out while you still can, people, or better yet, don’t even start. What a heartbreaking & costly way to learn. I was also a slow learner, though I do think I got the lesson!

    • I truly believe that absolutely NO ONE finishes DIQ without cheating. There is NOT ONE person who finished DIQ with completely legitimate recruits. Every has added a friend or family member to their roster, telling them “you never have to do anything with it, I just need you to sign up!”

      • I think you are right. I was always “in training” and getting people to “listen to the opportunity” that way, and I was surprised when they would sign up. It was even more crazy when they would order an emerald star ($3,600 wholesale) or something big. It really is a numbers game, if you’re willing to run the scam.

  4. “Solicitation for pity purchases to provide financial support for your family.”

    Yes, she seems to “solicit help” rather than actually being a good salesperson. And she’s expecting her fourth child, so she’ll be asking for more help.

    Note the “Okay, God, I will be obedient this time.” Shame, SHAME, on the women who take advantage of Lauren, manipulating her by convincing her that God placed her in MK, therefore, she must be “obedient.”

    • I feel stressed for her. When my director recruited me, way back when (May 2003), she was pregnant with her sixth child. She “never had to be a teacher” because she was a MK sales director. I always wondered how exactly that worked financially. My response to myself was, It’s not really my business. They’d tell me – just get in The Big Girl’s Club (directorship!) and you’ll understand!
      Now I know the answer. She wasn’t really making that much money. She wasn’t in a cadillac. There was a whole lot more to the story than “not having to be a teacher because she was a sales director.”
      Anyway, Lauren Wagner, if you stumbled over here to PT – take a closer look and get out! Your babies and family need you! MK is NOT the answer!

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