Ignorance, Gossip, and Slander

There are some half-truths and a lot of mistruths and misinformation all rolled into one big convuluted mess on this site. Yes, sales is hard. Contacting your network of people is hard. Investing money you don’t have into a business is hard. Putting time and money into a dream for a better life for years is hard.

Conversely, working a low-paying, dead end job is hard, being broke is hard, being held back in a job due to race, sex, color or age or being let go or not getting a job due to those factors is hard too. Living a life of lack is hard. Staying in bad or dead end marriages or relationships is hard. Living with bad health due to overwhelming, long term stress is hard too.

That’s why women buy into a dream of a better life only to face ignorance, gossip, slander and non support from other women.

God forbid that you purchase products or services from a friend and help them when you can support a wealthy corporation with a CEO with his 20 cars and 7th vacation home.

Bottom line, people should do what they are willing to persist and push through. Push through critics, haters, and short-sighted fools. Keep going and don’t quit. Don’t listen to people who earn less than you. It’s better to try and fail (and get up to try again) than regret that you didn’t try at all due to letting people who quit influence you.


  1. Dear Friday PT Critic: Please read yesterday’s article. Interesting that you start giving credit at half-truth, and go down from there. I call this selective story telling.

    Most hilarious to me: “God forbid that you purchase products or services from a friend and help them when you can support a wealthy corporation with a CEO with his 20 cars and 7th vacation home.” You’ve just practically described the CEO of Mary Kay, Ryan Rogers!

  2. It’s called going into DEBT! “Investing money you don’t have into a business is hard.”

    “That’s why women buy into a dream of a better life only to face ignorance, gossip, slander and non support from other women.” And it’s definitely BUYING a DREAM. Since when is pointing out the reality versus the purchased pink dream not supportive?

  3. “God forbid that you purchase products or services from a friend and help them ***when you can support a wealthy corporation with a CEO with his 20 cars and 7th vacation home.**” She’s the one supporting the corporation. Have you see the house that the WHITE, MALE, NEPO-BABY CEO of Mary Kay lives in? His vacation home in Colorado? His private Jet? The vacations to Cabo?

    The helpiest help you can do for a friend in an MLM is to help them see that they are not in a real business, they are losing money and help them get out of that morass.

  4. There are some half-truths and a lot of mistruths and misinformation all rolled into one big convuluted (sic) mess on this site.

    And yet, you failed to correct even one.

    Yes, sales is hard. Contacting your network of people is hard. Investing money you don’t have into a business is hard.

    Please read yesterday’s post from David. His wife has sunk over $30,000 into her “business” searching for elusive success.

    Putting time and money into a dream for a better life for years is hard.

    Is $30k worth of debt worth it?

    Conversely, working a low-paying, dead end job is hard, being broke is hard, being held back in a job due to race, sex, color or age or being let go or not getting a job due to those factors is hard too.

    If you are in the USA, it’s going to be harder to get ahead if you are one of those people now. As for being let go, remember what Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company did in Australia and New Zealand back in 2020? Shut down without warning!

    Living a life of lack is hard. Staying in bad or dead end marriages or relationships is hard. Living with bad health due to overwhelming, long term stress is hard too.

    No-one is disputing that.

    That’s why women buy into a dream of a better life only to face ignorance, gossip, slander and non support from other women.

    Being a woman doesn’t automatically require me to support some-one for any reason. I’m still entitled to say no to something I don’t agree with. As for ignorance, please tell me where these figure’s from Mary Kay Corporate is wrong.

    God forbid that you purchase products or services from a friend and help them when you can support a wealthy corporation with a CEO with his 20 cars and 7th vacation home.

    Supporting you is also supporting the whole C-Suite headed by Ryan Rogers, though.

    Bottom line, people should do what they are willing to persist and push through.

    And spend themselves into debt chasing costume jewellery.

    Push through critics, haters, and short-sighted fools.

    And ignore those who are trying to save you from debt, social exclusion and marital difficulties.

    Keep going and don’t quit. Don’t listen to people who earn less than you. It’s better to try and fail (and get up to try again) than regret that you didn’t try at all due to letting people who quit influence you.

    Don’t listen to your family and long time friends, listen to our siren-call of faux-pearls and pink cars. Enrich us and Ryan at your expense.

  5. Supporting whom? It’s so cute that boss babes think supporting Mary Kay is supposed to help the stay at home mom when in fact what it really did was help her nepo baby grandson buy his 17th yacht.

    • “God forbid that you purchase from a friend and help them when you can support a wealthy corporation”

      Yet, the friend, herself, bought them from a “wealthy corporation” to begin with.

    • I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here’s an article about most expensive homes in Dallas. Ryan is #65 ($16M) and daddy Richard is at #39 ($18.5M)

  6. If I didn’t listen to people who earned less than me, I would be ignoring a whole lot of people. I can make exceptions, though, and would be more than glad to ignore you.

  7. This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end jobs and Mary Kay. But aren’t those last two the same? And I’m sitting in a building with 100 people who are not in dead end jobs. And we actually do help people who need it. Out vision is Thriving Communities for All.

  8. So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than a “dead end job”? Please share, nobody knows who you are.

  9. “Don’t listen to people who earn less than you.”

    Yesterday’s post was about a woman who went from $80K a year plus benefits, as a nurse, to $9K a year and no benefits selling Mary Kay. Most of that $9K went to pay off the debts she accrued from her Mary Kay hobby. (I can’t bring myself to call it a business.) She’d have made better money working at MacDonald’s! Yet she still couldn’t see how she was harming her family. Truly a tragic situation.

    So please tell us, Letter Writer, how much ARE you earning, after all your Mary Kay expenses? My guess is that pretty much everyone earns more than you. But if I’m wrong, please come back and show us the numbers.

  10. Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more time, money, and effort than it benefits you, QUIT DOING IT. That’s how it works in the real world.

  11. Instead of “investing” (throwing money away) in a MLM, why not invest in yourself and get a good paying skill, like in cyber security? A great paying trade skill? Look at where you will be in 5-10 years down the road. What makes you think you will exceed your director who is at the same level for numerous years? Look at how many claim bankruptcy. Seriously! I spent two red hot seconds as a consultant back in the 80s. I was 18. I saw the scam right away. Joined the Air Force, after being an accountant, at 22. How many of your directors and above retired at 20 years with benifits and guarenteed retirement check? None! Absolutely Z E R O retired at 42. There are way better paying opportunities out there ladies! However, you need to do the legwork to get the well paying skills.


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