Mary Kay Entitlement on Display: Lost Director’s Jacket

Mary Kay director Casie Hembree messed up. She left her uniform in a public hotel bathroom in San Antonio when she went to Leadership Conference in January. The director’s jacket was left at the Marriott Riverwalk San Antonio.

But Casie is so on top of things, that it took her over a month to figure out it was missing. Leadership was January 7 to 9. On February 12, Casie realized she didn’t come home with her jacket.

More important than the jacket are the pins on it. While they’re crappy, near worthless diamonds (because that’s how MK Inc. rolls)… they were earned through years and years of deception of new recruits, and you can’t replace that! She had 8 diamond bumble bee pins and 3 unit club bar pins.

After posting on social media that the jacket was lost, someone reached out to Casie to let her know it was found and turned in.  Casie Contacted the Mariott and was told that lost and found items are only kept for 30 days. After that, housekeeping employees are allowed to take the items. The hotel doesn’t keep records of who takes what because they don’t need to. If you can’t figure out in 30 days or less that you don’t have an item, it’s not their responsibility to continue to track it for you.

But Casie isn’t happy with that. This is giving shades of Dacia Wiegandt with the level of entitlement. Casie wants the hotel to recover the jacket for her.

Casie is in the process of harassing the hotel general manager, who certainly has better things to do than try to find a jacket that Casie couldn’t bother to keep track of.

I bet Mary Kay Inc. is so proud of her for forgetting that her entitled behavior reflects on this company she says she loves so much.

And other Mary Kay ladies think the hotel should be doing more too.

I’m so tickled by the entitlement of “Marriott should do more”…. when Casie couldn’t even be bothered to keep track of her own jacket. As a reminder, if she had called sooner than 33 days after she left the hotel, she’d have her jacket in her hands.



  1. Sounds like a First-World Problem. Yes, I know the sick feeling of losing something sentimental, but I think the hotel is done with it. A simple ID tag sewn inside with name/phone number would have helped.

    If she cries and whines enough, maybe MK will give her a new jacket, minus pins. Or why don’t her “sister directors” chip in and buy her a replacement jacket?

    “armed with photo evidence”…as if a crime had been committed.

    • Mary Kay can give her a challenge to meet to get another jacket. Or her team can sell/recruit more to raise the money. Or she can run a go fund me…I’m sure there’s MK women who have extra money because they’re loaded from their MK success. I’m sure her MK friends would love to replace it for her. LOL

      • There’s probably even some Lazy Loosers who have QUIT and would give her their jacket! And that $0.05 pin Made in China that tells her 20 year commitment to this nightmare…. oh, woe is me…..

  2. This story has blown up on the anti MLM group on Reddit and the comments are hilarious. Obviously her business isn’t jumping if she hasn’t needed this tacky jacket in 30 days. I feel sorry for the hotel staff that did nothing wrong but is being blamed- maybe Casie shouldn’t wait so long to unpack her suitcase!

        • That’s so low- and all of her fellow consultants using the word “theft” should be ashamed of themselves.

          The Marriott Riverwalk stays so busy and hosts numerous events simultaneously. The staff has better responsibilities than to deal with a jacket that was left in Lost & Found for over 30 days. These women are showing their true colors and it isn’t pretty.

          • “Theft” hits harder than “absent-mindedly left behind”, it’s appeal to emotion fallacy. Now Casie is bravely fighting for her property against a corrupt organisation, not being a careless person.

  3. Casie is in the process of harassing the hotel general manager, who certainly has better things to do than try to find a jacket that Casie couldn’t bother to keep track of.

    Casie should remember that the manager has the power to ban her permanently from that hotel and the potential for all Marriott Hotels to put her on a “Do Not Rent” list. Also this could directly affect the chances of Mary kay consultomers being able to hire rooms with the Marriott Group.

    Still, it was Casie’s fault for not travelling back in her beloved Jacket so all the businessman, stewardesses, random people would understand what a Proper Professional BusinessWoman looks like.

  4. Why didn’t she notice it was gone when she was packing? When she was unpacking? Are her pins insured? When was the last time the jacket was dry cleaned? What is the cash prize? Do you get more of a prize if you bring three friends to drop off the jacket?

    I also think Casie only realized it was gone when she was packing for a family vacation to Switzerland! I love that she is dealing with this drama while she is there.

  5. Wouldn’t it be funny if, after 30 days, the jacket was still with all the other lost items and she actually got it back because nobody working in housekeeping actually wanted that piece of crap?

  6. The jaw dropping level of entitlement in her post is astounding. The comments are just as bad. The sneering condescension they display regarding a “maid” getting that stupid jacket and worthless jewelry makes me nauseous. These women flaunt their Christianity and do nothing but negate that with every word.

  7. My guess: the jewelry has been sold.

    The jacket:
    – has been sold, or
    – is at a thrift store, or
    – was shipped to another country

    • It’s interesting to me how all the responsibility falls on the hotel and its employees. She takes no responsibility for her carelessness, which is the real cause of this.

      • Casie is really milking the “Victim” aspect of this. Poor lil Casie against the power of a Scary Big Corporation.

  8. i mean, to be honest marriot should have contacted MK corporate so MK could have found out which director the suit and jewels belong to. they do that when they find business attire. at least where i work. kind of surprised they didn’t do that in this situation. i’m sure the jewels have been pawned, the jacket was probably kept to wear (i think it’s cute) but if not, they probably sold it online.

    • Why is it Marriott’s responsibility to keep track of her jacket? It wasn’t important enough for her to think about the jacket for over a month. It’s not their job to figure out that it belongs to a goofy MK sales director.

    • Why should Marriott staff contact Mary Kay Corp when
      1) Marriott followed the T&C that Casie had agreed to even if she didn’t actually read them.
      2)It was left in a public space not a private room where the owner could be identified
      3) The jewelry isn’t worth much retail
      4) Am I expected to bee-LIE-ve that Future Senior Sales Director Careless Casie didn’t have a single Jacket Wearing Event of over 30 days?


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