Can’t Find Mary Kay Customers

Written by Parsons Green

Every week in the Facebook groups, it’s the same old story. A consultant can’t find customers.

If you can’t find customers, you can’t sell product. Here’s a recent example of the valuable advice the Mary Kay Community has to give.

Have you talked to your director? 

If your director had effective training, wouldn’t you be booking and selling like gangbusters? And talking to your director doesn’t find you any customers! There are no new ideas when it comes to MLM.

Don’t Quit

If you quit and send back product, your director will get a chargeback.

This is supposed to be fun! Everyone needs Mary Kay.

Why does anyone need low quality product sold by someone who wants to recruit you?

Have a themed party! Sit in a public place with a basket of products.

Spend more of your money trying to offload this crap.

Did you work your business? If not do an IPA!

If the business was working, she wouldn’t need help.

If inventory causes you financial hardship, do what’s best for you!

Shocked that someone actually suggested sending inventory back. That’s some stinkin’ thinkin’

Hold pampering sessions at rest homes!

She’s done this for four years and is ready to quit herself.

Stay for your discount!

At $225 every three months, you can find better quality products at Ulta, Target, Sephora or even CVS.

Make every encounter a ministry.

Tell everyone you meet about Mary Kay. I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s never heard about it and they’d love to sign up.

Facial Boxes

More time and money spent making boxes, most of which will get tossed in the trash. Those that don’t will likely have slips with links to Pink Truth and AntiMLM on Reddit.


Mary Kay does not care if you sell any of these products to customers as long as you continue to order your product from them. Why would you support a company that doesn’t want to help you?



  1. You know how much those Eskimos just love snow. You just need too keep promoting yourself until they simply must have some of your overpriced special snow!

  2. I too have clinical depression. It’s normally pretty well controlled by medication and behavioral therapy but I understand all too well that feeling where getting out of bed feels like all the labors of Hercules put together.

    Please look after yourself first. I hope you have medical and psychiatric help for your depression and PTSD. If not, look into that first.

    Don’t let anyone guilt you into hanging onto your inventory. Your director knows that chargebacks are a thing and if she’s spending money she doesn’t have, that is so not your problem.

    Lean on your support- husband, doctors, family, old friends, and make the decision that’s right FOR YOU, not for Mary Kay.

  3. Lee Bradley Not everyone makes a success of this business

    The FTC shows this to be true, Mary Kay Corp’s own figures show this to be true so why do these ladies constantly tell us otherwise?

  4. I notice that those suggestions are all for DOING MORE of what is not working – attend more meetings, make more phone calls to director, more warm stalking, get more contacts, bring your potentials to more meetings – to a woman who has said she’s having a hard time getting out of bed.

    And some are ignoring her stated reality … she’s not getting return calls to her messages for the few contacts she has. They have no answers for that, only Pink Platitudes.

    • YES YES YES!!! This exactly! All of the things that don’t work are being presented as the solution. If these dumb things worked, people would already be selling stuff.

  5. First, PTSD is no joke. I have come through that, and I spent days where I couldn’t get out of bed. Months when I couldn’t sleep in my own bed. My reality would go dark and all I would see was the trauma, like I was living it again. I was literally trapped in my brain and could not see my surroundings. Constant panic attacks. Go to a MK meeting during that? Yeah. Right. Get on the phone to invite a stranger to join me for the impossible meeting? What are these people smoking?!?

    Second, I joined Mary Kay in 2006. It was not easy. But I had great success with my friends and family, and with referrals from parties, and some success with warm chatting and facial boxes, etc. I even had good results from bridal fairs and other festival booths. By the time I quit in 2019, it was almost impossible to get return calls, warm chatting was a complete waste of time, sales had plummeted, and no one would recruit. Bridal fairs yielded no leads–everyone actively avoided eye contact and even if you got a name or two, they either ignored you or called you on your nonsense (everybody wins, duh!). The Kay Bots will say it was my stinkin thinkin and try to give me a skunk to hold. The reality is the anti-MLM movement is gaining traction, the general public is getting wise, and fewer and fewer women are willing to subject themselves to a low-level cult.

  6. This is sad. I appreciate the few ladies that encouraged her to return her product and focus on her happiness and mental health. Truly empowering a woman means supporting those decisions that best benefit her and her family- not the bank account of her director and MK.

  7. I only read a quarter of the article. I couldn’t take anymore. Hard to tell if I’m reading a family soap, a religious story, or about folks trying to sell merchandise for someone else, and turning it onto all of the above!

  8. Hey, Georgia Broussard — her husband is not going to go around town and collect slips from those facial boxes. If anything, he’ll dump those stupid boxes in the trash and beg her to send back her product.

  9. I found it interesting that a few of these ladies are in their 2nd or 3rd time trying a Mary Kay “business” yet, they still haven’t figured out that the company hasn’t changed in 60 + years and the business doesn’t work.

  10. I rarely reach enragement when I read those things, but today, I am ENRAGED. The Pink Gaslighting is disgusting. Those women should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. If nobody wants the product, then nobody wants the product. If people like the product and think it is over priced, they will not pay retail for the product. Any other song and dance will not change these things. Trying to manipulate people will not work in the long term, maybe some will be pressured or guilted into buying something one time, but you can expect them to avoid you. It seems people are interested in making one sale and they will sacrifice hours of time (and money) to do it in MK. Are a few sales really worth hours of meetings, parties, stalking people, calling people? Lastly, if you hate a job, is is worth it? People quit jobs with huge salaries because they hate the job or it takes too much time from their life. How much more should this be true with MK, if you hate not getting sales, feel icky manipulating people, spend a lot of time doing it AND still lose money? The don’t give up mantra is like dangling a carrot that isn’t there, but having people think they are just around the corner from success sets them up for years more of failure.


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