Pray For the Mary Kay Jacket

The saga of the missing Mary Kay director jacket continues. You can catch up on the story about how MK sales director Casie Hembree carelessly left her jacket behind in a public bathroom, and didn’t figure it out for 33 days. But this is all Marriott’s fault for not researching and tracking her down and getting it back to her. No, they are naughty because they held it for 30 days, per their policy. After 30 days it was considered abandoned and was given away. Enjoy a little commentary on Casie’s FB Live.

I can’t help but be amused by the suggestion to call the police. The police do not care about the jacket you abandoned in a hotel bathroom.



  1. I am a believer in the power of prayer, but I am happy to let someone else add this to his or her prayer list. BTW, loved the comments in the video.😊

  2. Mary Kay Ash would be so proud…for seeing the power of these trinkets on full display in Casie. Casie has tied up her MK identity in these silly pieces. She must now be insufferable at MK events telling everyone all the pieces she would be displaying, and then a rehash of how she lost them and the injustice of how Marriott handled it. CRINGE!

    “Thank you for not thinking I am crazy.”

    Crazy is as crazy does.

  3. So, Case, what kind of income producing activities have you been up to in between long videos blaming everyone else for your mistake, chasing after your daughter’s lacrosse stick, and falling for every troll who texted the number you posted on the internet?

    Keep it up and you won’t need a director’s jacket any more 🤭

  4. Latest update….not sure on the jacket, but the pins have been found in a pawn shop and a detective in San Antonio has them.

    Not sure on the jacket, honestly I didn’t watch the whole video on her FB page.

    • According to the latest update on Reddit, she got all of her unit club pins back and all of the bumblebees except one. Conveniently, she has a MK event this weekend where she is required to wear the jacket so a friend who has an extra is sending it to her. It makes zero sense that the police would get involved as the jacket was lost, not stolen. The consensus on Reddit is that this is all shenanigans. It’s more likely that she found the jacket (minus one bumblebee) after she made this huge public stink about losing it.


        The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in a pawn shop and they send her a picture. It had all three unit club pins and 7 of the 8 Bumble bee pins. Director spoke to the police detective, who was able to being the process of getting the pins out of the pawn shop and back to her. (They think the person who pawned the jewels kept one bee for herself.)

        Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a cheating husband to his wife in the divorce proceedings, and he then sued the hotel. Hotels are now barred from having any type of cameras except at the entrance and exits and the front desk.

        She is not sure yet who pawned the jewels but there should be video footage because it was done at a pawn shop. She and the police detective are also not sure if the pawnee was a Marriott employee, or a contractor, but they are still working on that.

        She also wanted to mention that homeowner’s insurance policies are not really designed to protect from jewelry loss. Hers only covered $3000.

        She has a Mary Kay event this weekend where the jacket is required and she has a friend who has an extra one that she is sending to her to wear. Hopefully that makes it in time.

        u/septembertoremember’s synopsis.

        • Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a cheating husband to his wife in the divorce proceedings, and he then sued the hotel. Hotels are now barred from having any type of cameras except at the entrance and exits and the front desk.

          There’s no way that happened. Hotels are going to cover their collective asses in the face of multiple lawsuits waiting to occur if cameras were barred form hallways, lobbies and hospitality areas, let alone gyms, pools and spas.

          Also, the film would go to the wife’s lawyers not her.

  5. I’m thinking the jacket could be reproduced/found at Goodwill/eBay – for a lot less than the $2500. So, I guess the value is all in the “pins.” Praying for pins, that’s NOT idolatry.

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