Behind the Applause
Written by Parsons Green
Mya Hull is a sales director who was featured in a profile piece in this month’s Applause magazine!
The article doesn’t give specifics as to what cars she’s earned or the level of success she’s achieved, but she has to be successful because she’s featured, right? (But let’s be real: We know what a “senior” sales director who isn’t in a Cadillac makes. Probably about $30k per year before expenses.)
Well Mya clues us in that she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay.
Let’s see what Mya (and others) have said about her business on social media.
Used her first Mary Kay check to buy a Justin Bieber ticket and earned three cars in her first year – including the Cadillac.
Flash forward to 2023 Mya was trying to finish another round of Cadillac qualification and failed.
By January 2024 she had requalified for the Chevy Trax, the lowest tiered career car, and admitted she had contemplated leaving Mary Kay. But now feels that finishing this goal was like an answered prayer.
Despite objectively being a “failure” in Mary Kay, Mya wants you to pay her to show you how to do it!
Mya has been inspired to be the next Mary Kay sales director who offers consulting services! Please join the 41 Sisterhood! For only $700 Mya will offer you six one on one consulting sessions! (I wonder if it’s a coincidence that amount is also equal to the wholesale amount needed for a new consultant to be considered a Great Start Consultant).
Based on Mya’s track record of success (LOL), would you sign up?
I’ve noticed that when these people are struggling, they throw the word “obedience” around a lot. To whom? God? I doubt that Big G wants you to keep throwing good money and effort after bad. Their uplines, who won’t let them quit lest their own units fail? The ghost of their real one true goddess?
Doesn’t the whole subservience thing run directly counter to the whole “sugar-sharp boss babe She-EO independent contractor in charge of her own destiny” spiel they use to get recruits?
Obedience? That word always bothers me coming from an adult female.
These paid coaching sessions are about building a social media presence. This seems more like “influencer” talk than sales talk. No mention of solutions to the big challenges in MLM of finding and keeping paying customers. No mention of how to overcome the problem of too many people selling the exact same overpriced product to the same customers as you. No mention of the most important skill in retail success: attracting strangers, and lots of them, to purchase your products.
MLM is all about exploiting relationships. You can only go so far with this before F+F have had enough. It is simply not a sustainable business model to rely on charity from your F+F circle. Influencers may have a bigger circle, I suppose, but who really follows MLM influencers? Their content is just so boring! Other than unsolicited political advice, I can’t think of a group sooner to be “unfollowed” than an MLM promoter.
The fact that product sales is not once mentioned in her session descriptions show that selling MK products is really not the point after all. So I ask again…if they are not for selling products, what business are these MK ladies in anyway? It’s a fair question.
I was wondering if Mya got her hands on some-one’s Master Resale Rights(MRR) course.
She debuted as a director when I was hanging around Linda Toupin’s national area. She was part of a whole crop of new directors who flew to the top of the leader boards and were touted as the “next generation of Mary Kay,” and were “displaying wisdom beyond their years.” Linda had them front and center, teaching everyone at all of her events. I was so jealous!! I couldn’t figure out what they were doing to be so successful when I was still struggling!
And then you scratched the surface. Most of them were massively frontloading all their consultants (this is when $4,800 wholesale started to become a “normal” full-store inventory first order), providing even less training than seasoned consultants, and suffered massive chargebacks as a result.
I think Mya may be the only one who’s still around after all these years. And she’s clearly hanging by a thread. So much for the next generation…
And she BARELY qualified for the car this time around. MLM is a dying “business.” Just not fast enough for my liking.
I wonder what Mya thinks of Katie inheriting Linda’s unit.
What I’ve heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
“she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay.”
Maybe that’s why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her up, “pour into her”, give her a public pat on the back…in other words, keep her from quitting! Just like MK invites long-time (but STILL low-level) Sales Directors to be speakers at conferences and events. The key message in their speeches is always, “Don’t give up! Don’t quit!”
As for the coaching sessions: I was never in MK, but I thought only Nationals were allowed to sell such training/products. How is MK Corp allowing this? Weren’t certain SDs terminated for same/similar activities?
Mya has a website and store where she’s selling:
— 41-Day Plan ($41)
— Prayer Journal ($14)
— Social Media Hooks ($4.10)
— Year-long Membership ($41, reduced from $492) You read that correctly.
Don’t forget the $41 coupon, good for one-on-one coaching. The website is difficult to read, with light-colored font on light background.
Expect the usual buzzwords and phrases: support, celebrate, show up authentically, navigate emotional ups & downs, strategic, align with your purpose, consistency, clarity, build confidence, blah blah blah.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong…