Give Chelsea Adkins a Chance
Written by Parsons Green
Chelsea Adkins has a big goal this seminar year! She wants to be a million dollar director. AGAIN.
In Mary Kay math, this doesn’t mean her team has sold a million dollars, even though that’s what she says. It simply means her team has ordered $500,000 (wholesale cost) of MK products. As we all know, most of those products will sit in basements or closets and will go unsold. Chelsea herself is the poster child for over-ordering of products (done to “finish” a goal) and then running sales to get rid of the products and have no profits.
Chelsea became a sales director in May 2015.
She recently admits she wasn’t the best sales director, but NOW she’s developed the skills needed to help YOU reach the top. So please give her a chance. It’s only $20 this month to sign up!
Chelsea currently has no directors in her downline. Her most recent director Kierstin Houston had her debut at Seminar 2024….
… and almost immediately lost her unit. But don’t worry. With Chelsea’s help she’s already promoted herself back to Team Leader!
I hope you sense my sarcasm here, because it’s actually sad that Kierstin is one of many who loses her unit but doesn’t get a clue. They stay on the hamster wheel of recruiting and trying to earn back the title of director. Because they’re taught that it’s all THEIR fault that they weren’t successful in MK. What better example of this sad cycle of failure and trying again, than Lauren Wagner trying DIQ for the 6th time.
Chelsea admitted in February that they’re not on target or even close, but they will be shutting this goal down!
She even has a trinket box with a quote from Jamie Taylor to show she means business!
“I’ve not only mastered this business, I’ve finally mastered the art of transfering my skills to teach other people how to master this business as well”
If you’ve mastered this business, why do you need to recruit? Can’t you just demonstrate your mastery by selling a million in product yourself? That would certainly draw others to want to emulate you and seek your wisdom.
But you haven’t mastered the business of selling Mary Kay products, or you would not be recruiting. So…what exactly have you mastered, Chels? The art of recruiting into an endless-chain recruiting scheme?
She would argue that she HAS mastered the art of selling. The problem is that she makes little to any profit from sales because she has never-ending sales promotions. As Parsons said, she has loads of products and the only way she can move them so that she can keep her wholesale orders up is discounts and giveaways. Perhaps it is THIS that she has mastered – make no profit from sales but strong arm manipulation and deception to recruit like crazy. We know from her posts that she deceives because she claims you make 50% of what you sell EVEN THOUGH she does not. She would argue that technically you can, but we know it’s not the reality of any IBC. If you actually could make 50% profit I would expect someone like Chels to lead the way and show us how it’s done. But she can’t. If she can’t, you can’t either.
Good points! So in other words, she’s “mastered” the art of running an unprofitable business while presenting it as profitable.
No true business person would refer to this as “mastering this business”, but I suppose in MLM business-speak this makes perfect sense.
“Reality doesn’t matter when you know what god has called you to.”
I thought it was impossible for mortal minds to know the will of god? Sorry, Chels, reality matters. You can’t know what god has planned for you and you’re just using him as a cover for digging yourself in deeper and deeper.
Reality, is, you know, real, and it’s the ONLY thing that matters. Human bodies need food, clean water, shelter, clothing, medical care. Those things have to be paid for with money, not fairy farts and eyeshadow. Especially if you have dependents (her younger siblings) who need you to provide these things.
Come on, Chels. At least entertain the notion that god wants you to quit MK and establish yourself in a real career while you’re still young. There are a million options out there for an ambitious young woman where you can spend the next eleven years rising in the ranks, earning promotions, networking, and having actual money and benefits and retirement prospects. Reality is better without begging.
A perfect segue to some of my favorite quotes:
“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do…..because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” — Susan B. Anthony
“It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” — Carl Sagan
“I believe in Spinoza’s god, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a god who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. [or Mary Kay womankind] ” — Einstein
Bonus: The first season of “Genius”, about Einstein, is currently free on Prime Video. It’s an excellent series.
Oh, and that picture of Sad Panda Chelsea will never not be funny 😀
Sad panda with a peen straw from her bachelorette weekend — and it’s all over social media.
Does one need to be up to their neck under water to realize they’re on a sinking ship?
Also: I don’t think I need to define what insanity is.
Chelsea is asked to speak at every company event, and they even sent a film crew to her town for a day and a half to record a recruiting video. The company won’t be giving up on her any time soon, and that’s how they like it.
Of course not. Jamie Taylor needs her to keep her own rapidly shrinking national area afloat.
Be sure to follow up on this in July, so we can hear what nonsense Ms. Adkins spews about why she didn’t meet the goal or how she pretends that she did.
“Chelsea currently has no directors in her downline.”
So, Chelsea is still at the same level (Sales Director) as she was in 2014? But has “mastered the business” and “can develop leaders”?