If You Spent As Much Time on Mary Kay….
From a Pink Truth critic:
If you spent as much time and effort in your own business rather than running down Mary Kay you may find yourself as successful as the many thousands of women who do direct sell Mary Kay products. The company has changed my life and many other womens lives I know. I support my husband, 2 children and pay off a mortagage all through my business.
Why have I been so successful, because I believed in myself, and the products. I find many of your comments are obviously coming from bad experiences resulting from no self discipline, effort and time that is required to successfully manage your own business. Mary Kay do not suck people in, you are all criticising something you really dont seem to know alot about. With any Independent business you get out of it what you put in. Maybe you should look at yourself rather than the company!!??
“I support my husband, 2 children and pay off a mortagage all through my business.”
Doubtful. Sched C or it did not happen.
“Why have I been so successful, because I believed in myself, and the products.”
You must also “believe” in profiting off the losses in your own downline. How does that feel?
She is so adamant that she is financially successful in her Mary Kay business. Let’s say she is being truthful. That means only one thing. Data Junkie, you are right. I think she is one of the top few who “made it” and that means that one thing – she is benefiting from her down line who are losing money so she can support her husband, 2 children and pay off her mortgage.
That makes her a vampire which sucks dry it’s victims so it can live an immortal life.
She disgusts me.
May Pink Truth shine so these vampires be burned and vanquished.
“If you spent as much time and effort in your own business rather than running down Mary Kay you may find yourself as successful as the many thousands of women who do direct sell Mary Kay products.”
Given that at any one time, there’s something like 3 million IBCs out there, thousands of successful ones make up one snowflake out of an avalanche.
Not to mention the 50-80% of MLMers who drop out every year. Just think of how many folks are out there who did the initial inventory purchase and have since dropped out. Those don’t show in the income disclosures, so things are far worse than they appear. Churn and burn baby!
Also, just because 0.4% of MLM participants don’t lose money, does not mean the hourly equivalent for this group is even close to minunum wage. After expenses, there are very, very few MLMers even in this top 0.4% who are making any real money. Possible? Yes. Probable? No.
If you spent as much time and effort in your own business rather than running down Mary Kay you may find yourself as successful as the many thousands of women who do direct sell Mary Kay products.
Here is Mary Kay Canadian Income Disclosure Statement for 2023. As you can see, over 98% of participants make an average of $208 per annum BEFORE expenses. If some-one was earning her fabled executive income on sales alone, we would know about her. Why? Because she’d be front and centre alongside the NSDs who’d exploit her selling power as another cudgel to encourage their down-lines to buy more.
<i<The company has changed my life and many other womens (sic) lives I know. I support my husband, 2 children and pay off a mortagage (sic) all through my business.
It is believed that for every one person who makes a profit in an MLM company, 249 women either lose money or just about break even. Your alleged success comes at their poverty.
Why have I been so successful, because I believed in myself, and the products.
No, you are successful because you have exploited other women.
I find many of your comments are obviously coming from bad experiences resulting from no self discipline, effort and time that is required to successfully manage your own business.
I suggest you go back and re-read some of the post which clearly say that our commentariat were successful and had thriving businesses. That wasn’t why they quit.
Mary Kay do not suck people in,
Then why the relentless rally-car of “Recruit, recruit, recruit!”? Why split women into DISC so you know which scripts to use and abuse?
you are all criticising (sic) something you really dont (sic) seem to know alot (sic) about.
I think the tables are turned here, you don’t seem to know a lot about how Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company.
With any Independent business you get out of it what you put in.
Except you don’t have an independent company, you are just another rung in some-one else’s ladder to success. You get stood on on your way up and stood on on your way down.
Maybe you should look at yourself rather than the company!!??
I think you need to take off your pink coloured glasses and look at the realities of Mary Kay and how the system exploits women.
Show us your Schedule C, with any personal information blacked out. Then we’ll believe you. But it will never happen.
Lather, rinse, repeat. We will continue to look into MK and other MLMs out there because they are predatory companies with money-losing schemes.
Show us your Schedule C, and maybe someone will believe your rot.
Five minutes five days a week. That’s all the time I dedicate to this.