Written by Parsons Green

This consultant asked for advice on Facebook. Is it better to keep a customer for the potential 50% profit on her orders or should you recruit her for 4% commission on her teams sales.

Kara Smith mentions that the recruit’s team commission will definitely bring in more than she’d get in commissions on her orders. The commissions can range from 9% all the way up to 36%! Caliah Jinaye Knapp says you can only get 50% once from a customer but you can get 4% from multiple recruits. And according to Stephanie Carter Piccini this is passsive income!!!!

Gina Russo reminds her that recruiting isn’t just for your personal gain, it’s what Mary Kay asked them to do. You shouldn’t be selfish in wanting to keep her as a customer, if it’s a better opportunity for her to be recruited.

Rachel Marie Nelson admits it doesn’t make sense. But if you work the business, you gain more value by recruiting. Plus! It brings you joy.

Jadelyn Andrews reminds everyone of a dark side of Mary Kay. If you don’t offer the opportunity, someone may snatch your consultant up and sign her up!

Donna Mahannah Adams seconds this and adds if you want to advance you must recruit.

Sue Brenstrom Neff states that recruiting is a way you duplicate yourself. If you’re successful, you can train recruits to be just like YOU. But does warn that you don’t want recruit someone who doesn’t work the business.

Gina Russo and Genie Anne Moore then bicker about what you need to do to remain an active consultant so you can earn these commissions from your down line. Genie is a former Pink Cadillac Director and is taking away from her IPA to argue semantics on Facebook.

Tera Geraghty asks if you’d rather have 100 consultants or 100 recruits. You simply will make more money having a downline working for you.

Gail Mason blurts out that you must recruit. The opportunity could change so many lives. Just think if you were the consultant who recruited Gloria Mayfield Banks! Gail herself turned down five facials but signed up the day she said yes. She’s not just in Mary Kay, Mary Kay is in her. (Catch up on what a positive person Gail is here.)

Lona Holdridge says you might have a consultant who needs the money. Offering her the opportunity is the best gift you could give.

Gail Martin agrees. She’d be mad if she found out how generous Mary Kay was and no one offered it to her.

And finally Shalome Dow explains that in one month of DIQ her commission was $975. If she had been a director, it would have been $4000.

So the truth is out there. The only way to make real money in Mary Kay is to recruit recruit recruit! Get those consultants to sign up, order inventory, and then move on to the next target. It’s what Mary Kay is all about.



  1. I was so angry when a national recruited one of my customers out from under me. Pretty sure I glowed I was so angry. I just couldn’t understand the lack of integrity! And then, my last month of DIQ, I recruited someone else’s customer. Because I was DESPERATE! I had to make those numbers. But it was just that once, right? Once I hit director, everything would be smooth sailing, no more desperation, no more compromising my integrity… Oh, sweet summer child that I was!

    Consultants, directors, and nsd’s poach recruits because they have to hit numbers. Whether or not they were good, honest women of integrity before the MK disease.

    As to why all consultants haven’t heard the comp plan? Because it’s confusing as all hell! 4% here, 9% there, bonuses if you do x production, super-secret overrides if you hit y production with z recruits in a month. Then it all zeros out on the first of every month! It’s utterly exhausting, and leaves everyone in a desperate race to the end of the month.

      • Yes, she was and is. But so was I. So were we all. We all lied to recruit, made up consultants to finish diq, stole customers and stole recruits. It’s the logical extension of “find a way, make a way.” Integrity has no place in the Mary Kay marketing plan.

  2. Gina Russo And with all due respect, it doesn’t really matter what career level you have achieved.

    Gina, you go grrrl! Point out the sham system which takes more than it gives.

  3. “Caliah Jinaye Knapp says you can only get 50% once from a customer ” Are they ADMITTING that there are few repeat sales?

  4. Real franchises don’t let you open in saturated areas. but I guess it sounds better than “I’m building my multi level downline.”

  5. The one and only time I made more from personally recruiting a customer is when she became a director and was supplementing her production with her own personal orders. I was a team leader. As a customer she would order maybe 3 times a year $50 here or $100 there. As a director she was ordering $1,000- $2000 + a month to keep her unit and car. This was back in the 90’s. I was at the 9% commission level, and while that was less than 50% it was consistent. After a couple of months I realized she was buying products to keep her unit. She wasn’t listening to me as her recruiter for advice because I was below her level. She was listening to her Senior Director who always said” Find a way, or make a way” I felt guilty for recruiting her. It was just one of the deciding factors that made me quit. I lost touch with her
    ( because I was a quitter! lol) but I did find out that she lost her unit and also quit a few years later.

  6. This. Is. What. Proves. It’s. A. Pyramid.
    At some point (the bottom) there has to be a large number of customers, and there are never enough. The math has been shared many time on this site, and simple logic reveals that if everyone signs up, there’s nobody left to buy!

    • Exactly! But MKC doesn’t care because know their “sales” come from consultant orders. So recruit, recruit, recruit.


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