Written by Parsons Green At this year’s Leadership Conference for Mary Kay Sales Directors, several female employees of Mary Kay Corporate wore PANTS during their presentations. The outcry from the sales force was great enough that Ryan Rogers posted this Read more…
Written by PinkPeace One day I was listening to a Bible teacher expounding on a passage in the Sermon on the Mount, namely Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard it was said, you shall not commit adultery. But I say to Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Chelsea Adkins, NSD never to be, has publicly claimed that she will be a Million Dollar Sales Director this seminar year. She found this old million dollar pin in her cluttered home office and then offered Read more…
Apparently EVERYONE knows what a scam Mary Kay is, and they still sign up for it. “So to whatever Mary Kay executive or minion is reading this right now, I’ll ask you straight out: how do you live with yourself?” Read more…
You know I love to get my hands on these things: the real, live numbers that prove how few people are actually making money in Mary Kay. Now let me set this up for you to prove that almost no Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Mary Kay consultants are taught by their directors that products fly off the shelf. However, how do you find customers to sell to? Sharilyn Johnson asked in a consultants group for tips on how to find Read more…
Written by Lynn I am sick and tired of all the fake I have seen in Mary Kay. I’ve watched my director go from someone who seemed caring and thoughtful to pushy and rude to anyone who isn’t on board Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose Heather Daniel-Kent, perpetual nsd hopeful in Mary Kay, has been running the director treadmill for years. But every New Year brings out that old New You energy, and she’s really really committed this year. She’s going Read more…
This critic thinks we should become agents of change. Little does she know, we’ve been doing exactly that for 18+ years. We’ve been educating women on the truth of Mary Kay, and that’s some change I can really get excited Read more…
When selling the Mary Kay opportunity to potential recruits, we hear about how wonderful and luxurious the prizes are. How women get big prizes “just for doing my job!!!!” But the truth is that it takes ordering hundreds (or more Read more…
Who is going to pay that much money for that pin? 🤨 Get the jewelry appraised by a professional. Mary…
Amen to what Tracy said. Here's what happened when I debuted as a sales director. It's what happened every time…
Some will discourage you from becoming a sales director because they make much more money from you if you stay…
$550 for a crappy bar pin that anyone that earned it would have, unless they lost it and really? I…
If "getting in on the ground floor" is a prerequisite to success, that's a big tipoff that this is a…