Leaving the Pink Cult
A long time Mary Kay consultant finally decides to leave the pink cult.
I was in MK for 17 years before deciding to leave. My highest level attained was DIQ. I was in my 2nd month of DIQ when I decided to leave. I should’ve never submitted DIQ. It was never in my heart. Being an audiologist was in my heart.
I left because in all honesty, God put the conviction on my heart to leave. It was while I was reading my daily devotional. I had been on PinkTruth a few times before that reading the stories and had spoken with friends of mine who were former directors. They disappeared quietly. Of course, no one ever spoke of them.
I was always suspicious of how we were to “operate” as we moved up the career path, but I knew in my heart it was just wrong after attending a director’s meeting the month before I left. DIQs were invited and since I was now with the “big girls,” I wanted to see what it was like. We speak of empowering women, but in reality, they spoke of their consultants as “numbers.” It was only about production and number of recruits. Being there confirmed what I had suspected, but didn’t want to admit.
My director/recruiter was my friend for about 5 years before I joined MK. Needless to say, she shunned me ASAP and blocked me on FaceBook. It’s sad, but I completely expected it. She knows she’s living a lie and she will need to come to terms with that someday.
Although I was able to return about $4,000 of product, I was in debt to the tune of about $6,000. It will take awhile, but we will be able to pay it off. Fortunately, I have a very understanding and supportive hubby. I had a good customer base that bought tons of my product at 50% off before I returned the rest.
Thankfully, I ALWAYS remained in my real “job” as an audiologist which I’ve done for over 20 years. Some directors at a retreat (a few months before I left, I was a team leader) had suggested I not renew my professional license so I couldn’t use it as a back-up. I literally LOL when they said that. Glad I ignored that stupid “advice.” I work part-time and absolutely love it. Real money, making a real difference.
I “lost” many of my MK girlfriends, but I knew I would. I had seen the shunning many times before. I realized that they weren’t real friends. And thankfully, 99% of my real friends were outside of MK & loved me even more when I left MK. 🙂
I’ve gone through the typical roller coaster of emotions after leaving the MK cult, but have done very well and really love my life. I’m 100% here for my family and while I felt guilty about the missed time with them when I was chasing the MK dream, I can be the wife/mom I need to be now. I educate those who ask about MK, or when the opportunity presents itself. I let them know my experiences, refer them to Pink Truth, and will welcome them with open arms when/if they leave MK.
“[After leaving MK] I’m 100% here for my family and while I felt guilty about the missed time with them when I was chasing the MK dream, I can be the wife/mom I need to be now.”
This recurring theme directly exposes the MK lie of “God First, Family Second, Career Third.”
I am so very grateful that OP did not quit her day job! Imagine that a regular j-o-b actually allows more time with family than involvement in MK!
Quoted out of order:
“I had a good customer base that bought tons of my product at 50% off before I returned the rest.
“Although I was able to return about $4,000 of product, I was in debt to the tune of about $6,000.”
Selling at 50% off is of course zero profit. But it’s the only way you can sell the stuff. Any higher price is non-competitive, whether the competition is products sold in drug stores or Mary Kay sold on E-Bay. You cannot earn a living selling Mary Kay.
The people at the bottom, who outnumber everyone else combined, are supporting those above them by buying products they’ll never earn anything from. That’s the reality in Mary Kay or any other MLM.
This writer sold “tons” of product and still came out $6,000 in the hole. No doubt many are in the same boat and don’t know it. They might think they’re doing well because they have decent sales numbers (at little to no profit), but they’re ignoring the red ink on the bottom line. This writer had a better grasp of reality, and it saved her
I wear hearing aids. Without them, I had become withdrawn because I couldn’t participate fully. in life. I am thankful that OP did not stop being an audiologist. She does, indeed, make a real difference.
So happy she left MK!
Kudos to you for being honest!