You Suck the Life Right Out of Dreams

From a reader named Sandy:

You all suck the life right out of dreams. You don’t have to work Mary Kay, you don’t even have to like Mary Kay but there are plenty of us who do.

If you put the effort in, you profit, if you put no effort in, you don’t.

No one has walked on my toes and no one has pressured me. I love the product, my clients love the product and I get along great with my sister consultants. I buy for personal and family use, always have for 20 years. I never felt the pressure to recruit or buy more than I could afford.

Sad you had bad experiences and sad there are consultants out there putting negative pressure on others. They should not be in the business. God Bless and good luck with your futures.


  1. Being a personal use consultant is way different than trying to do MK as a career, than trying to make a living off it. There’s little demand for the stuff and the market is supersaturated. That’s where the pressure to recruit comes from – it’s the only way to earn any kind of money in MLM.

    Your experience doesn’t invalidate the lived experiences of the career trackers, the ones who were hustled into DIQ, the ones who were treated like garbage by their former friends when the bubble popped.

    Oh, and the “you succeed if you put the effort in” is a lie. It’s how they blame and shame the victim while protecting the predatory system that sets them up for failure.

    Pink Truth isn’t sucking the life out of dreams. It’s consoling people who wake up screaming after a nightmare.

  2. Sandy, no one puts a gun to anyone’s head to make them read pink truth. They’re obviously searching for something to end up here. If Mary Kay were truly the opportunity their consultants present, we would not be needed.

    • ^^^ yep! We’re not sticking our feet out to cause people to stumble onto this site!

  3. “I never felt the pressure to recruit or buy more than I could afford.”

    Whether or not you felt the pressure, it is indeed there. MK policy requires minimum orders to qualify for the product discount. If you fail to meet minimums, you lose your discount. It’s that simple.

    And just because you can “afford” to lose money on your MK business, that does not make it okay for you or others to continue to promote this as a “money-making opportunity”. MLMs like Mary Kay actually produce true net financial losses for over 99% of participants. Hiding or downplaying this reality when promoting the business is not only dishonest but patently wrong.

    This is just one of many reasons why so many folks support Pink Truth’s mission of exposing the dishonesty and outright lies coming out of of Mary Kay.

  4. You all suck the life right out of dreams.

    It can’t be a very good dream if the existence of this site sucks the life out of it. A dream worth following can withstand anything critical said about it.

    You don’t have to work Mary Kay, you don’t even have to like Mary Kay but there are plenty of us who do.

    Thank you for your permission to not like something, very gracious of you. it’s not Mary Kay’s make-up I hate, it’s the sales model.

    If you put the effort in, you profit, if you put no effort in, you don’t.

    Nope, wrong. You can work incredibly hard for “your” Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s fauxotunity and still fail to make a profit otherwise Ms. Mason Porter wouldn’t need to file for bankruptcy.

    No one has walked on my toes and no one has pressured me.

    Good for you, I guess.

    I love the product, my clients love the product and I get along great with my sister consultants.

    Fine, fine and fine.

    I buy for personal and family use, always have for 20 years. I never felt the pressure to recruit or buy more than I could afford.

    so a long term personal use consultant and you want me to believe that never once in those twenty years were you approached to take your biz to the next level?
    I think that not only were you approached but you tried and failed. Possibly several times and now you are left alone to putter along because your director knows that you’re a consistent $225 plus tax per quarter, possibly more. Especially in June when everyone needs to stretch that little bit more.

    Sad you had bad experiences and sad there are consultants out there putting negative pressure on others.

    What is sad is that people are drawn into nightmare scenario that is the MLM model. The constant pressure to buy products is a feature not a bug.

    They should not be in the business.

    The business model should not exist which would solve one part of the ethical problem.

    God Bless and good luck with your futures.

    Another bunch of worthless platitudes, nothing new or original. “I’m not like other consultomers”, I’m a special Snowflake energy.

  5. I immediately thought of an Andrew Dice Clay skit when the OP mentioned sucking the life out of something…

    Sweetheart, if that is what it takes to expose the lies and deceit of the MLM model, which does include MK, you had better bee-lieve that I will do it and continue to do it. There are far too many people our there who have lived through the nightmarish cult of MK.

  6. This critic actually uses less emotional manipulation than usual and does not have 10 exclamation marks after each sentence.

  7. So sad. MK is selling dreams that will more likely than not ever even come close to being achieved. Directorship is rough enough and NSD has a 99% rate that any consultant will EVER achieve that. I remember when a now NSD was finishing up qualification and the guilt trip out on the SD was absolutely stunning. And all for THAT one person and everyone Else below are left with their own personal huge debt of roping others in to be strapped with debt as well. And only one person benefited …the NSD. This business is terrible. I was a SD for 7 years and hated the person I became and lies I had to tell. I wish this business would fold or at the very least do away with personal direct sales.

  8. So she’s never even tried to earn a speck of income from Mary Kay, but is convinced she could if she wanted to. Do I have that right?

    Sister, you are among former Directors and Cadillac drivers, who know what lurks behind the curtain–the curtain you’ve never bothered to take a second look at.

    You think you have 20 years’ experience with Mary Kay? You do not. You have one month of experience, and you’ve repeated that 240 times. It’s not the same thing.

    You should sit and listen before you stand and talk.

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