Your Mary Kay Failure Is NOT Your Fault

Here’s a post from a private Facebook group. The poor Mary Kay consultant has started and stopped her “business” over and over for the last 11 years. She keeps failing. She wants to make MK be her full-time gig, but can’t get there. In fact, she says every time she ends up FURTHER AWAY from her goal.

Is this her own fault? Did she not work hard enough? At Pink Truth, we know the answer. Almost no one succeeds in MLM, and the ones who do “succeed” are simply profiting off the failure of others (i.e. those who bought inventory they couldn’t sell). I’m posting this to help women understand that they are not alone. This woman’s story may very well be YOUR story, and you don’t have to feel alone or embarrassed.


  1. The “if not allowed, please delete ” is just depressing. MK’s no negativity EVAR law is so opposite to any legitimate business, where weighing the pros and cons is a vital part of making good decisions.

    When I think of the courage it must have taken this woman to ever so meekly express her dissatisfaction… I just want to give her a beer, a slab of chocolate cake, and a box of tissues.

    Come on and post here. You’ll get the validation you’re looking for, and way better advice than “throw a party! Put bait boxes in salons! Listen to this NSD speech from 1988 and get jacked!”

  2. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result each time. If you are repeatedly restarting your “business” because you aren’t getting the results you want, you might be insane.

  3. If it were so easy to succeed in Mary Kay, why are Cleta, Heather, Rachel, Megan, Aubrey, Chatney all still on the director hamster wheel and not NSD?

  4. Hey ladies, off topic but I just wanted to say.. I was like her chasing a dream to work from home for like 10 years and never succeeded at it but for a different company. I almost went to mary kay but this site helped me say no! Thank you!

    I always had a cosmetologist license under my belt and now I am back to work at a nice hair salon with full benefits!!

    For Women like me who feel they “wasted” time chasing the work from home dream. You are not alone. I understand exactly how you feel. But from this day forward make a change and move on to get a job.

    I go to work thanking God that I no longer have to think of ways to make sales from home!

    I do haircuts and love it! ❤️

    As they say, Better late than never!

  5. “I’m really tired of playing this game with myself.”

    Stand in the mirror and repeat 10 times. Then return your inventory and walk away.

    The only “advice” you’ll get from your FB group:
    – Don’t give up.
    – See more faces.
    – It’s a numbers game.
    – Stay positive.
    – Have a sale and BOGO
    – Put out fish-bowls.
    – Contact your family and friends and tell them you’re in a challenge.


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