Maybe I’m a Kaybot
Maybe you think I am one of the Kaybots. And that’s fine. And maybe I shouldn’t even take the time to respond. But I feel I should.
I became a consultant in May. I know what you’re thinking, oh you poor dear, you don’t know what you are in for. Well, I do. See, I did do my research. And I found this site, and I read everything, and I see one overarching theme. Bitterness. Now, I am of course not saying that y’all’s experiences aren’t real. Of course I believe you had those experiences, because that is what you are saying, and I would like to believe that people are honest in sharing their experiences. So let me share mine.
Mary Kay changed my life. And I don’t mean becoming a consultant. I have been a customer for over 7 years. My skin has never looked better. And yes, I have tried other products, and no, I don’t think that Mary Kay is overpriced. My makeup and skincare lasts me twice as long and has the same quality. But what do I know right? I know that I have never felt more beautiful.
When I joined, I was not pressured to buy inventory. My director told me it was totally up to me. But I decided to go for it. And I haven’t placed a $600 order since then, because I haven’t quite gotten the sales. And my director told me NOT to buy more product than money I had. Funny huh? Because how in the heck are you going to make money if you keep spending more than you have made? Interesting.
My director is one of the most honest hard working people I know, and she is an incredible woman. I have never ONCE in my entire time being involved with Mary Kay, felt pressured in to doing or buying or participating in something I did not want to do.
So I am sorry to all of you for your bad experiences. And I hope ragging on Mary Kay helps you feel better. But, in my heart, and saying this from my heart, Mary Kay Ash was a wonderful woman who started an amazing company that helps women look and feel beautiful. And just like no one can take away your bad experiences with Mary Kay, you can’t take away people’s good experiences either. #mymklife #mypinktruth
“When I joined, I was not pressured to buy inventory. My director told me it was totally up to me. But I decided to go for it. And I haven’t placed a $600 order since then, because I haven’t quite gotten the sales.”
Hmm. OP, how are you qualifying for your discount, shipping and commissions? You may not have ordered $600 again, but you must keep ordering at least $225/quarter, or you will be paying full retail plus shipping on every order.
“And my director told me NOT to buy more product than money I had.”
How nice of her. Only spend as much as you can. Wouldn’t it be better if she said, “Only order what your customers need.” Wait, that won’t work either until you have at least $225. Do you hold those orders until you have $225, or do you order more than you need so you can qualify for the discount and free shipping?
If Mary Kay does not get you with front-loading, they will get you with qualifying minimums. Either way you end up ordering way more than you need, which is just the way Mary Kay Corp wants it.
Mary Kay wins, you lose.
Maybe you think I am one of the Kaybots. And that’s fine. And maybe I shouldn’t even take the time to respond. But I feel I should.
Oh Joy! 🤦♀️
I became a consultant in May. I know what you’re thinking, oh you poor dear, you don’t know what you are in for.
Just a newbie who thinks they know everything. And can explain it to us.
Well, I do. See, I did do my research. And I found this site, and I read everything, and I see one overarching theme. Bitterness.
You did not read everything. Because “bitterness” is NOT a major emotion here.
Now, I am of course not saying that y’all’s experiences aren’t real. Of course I believe you had those experiences, because that is what you are saying, and I would like to believe that people are honest in sharing their experiences. So let me share mine.
Could you be a little more condescending? Like ma’am , seriously!🤔
Mary Kay changed my life.
And it’s going to chance yours even more in the future.
And I don’t mean becoming a consultant. I have been a customer for over 7 years. My skin has never looked better. And yes, I have tried other products, and no, I don’t think that Mary Kay is overpriced. My makeup and skincare lasts me twice as long and has the same quality. But what do I know right? I know that I have never felt more beautiful.
Self-validation is a good thing. I am happy that you feel good in your skin. Every-one should.
When I joined, I was not pressured to buy inventory. My director told me it was totally up to me. But I decided to go for it.
I’m so glad your director is one of the “Good Ones”.
And I haven’t placed a $600 order since then, because I haven’t quite gotten the sales.
So several months in and you haven’t managed to sell $600 in product and you think you can make money off this gig??
And my director told me NOT to buy more product than money I had. Funny huh? Because how in the heck are you going to make money if you keep spending more than you have made? Interesting.
But you just admitted that you haven’t sold what you already bought. You’ve already lost money.
My director is one of the most honest hard working people I know, and she is an incredible woman. I have never ONCE in my entire time being involved with Mary Kay, felt pressured in to doing or buying or participating in something I did not want to do.
Well apart from spending $600 on product you have not sold even though you only need to place a $225 order per quarter to remain active. And ypu are going to have to buy that some time soon adding to your debt. Never mind your director needs her “team Caddy” so that will be more money.
So I am sorry to all of you for your bad experiences.
Sure, Jan GIF.
And I hope ragging on Mary Kay helps you feel better.
And totally missing the point of the website!
But, in my heart, and saying this from my heart, Mary Kay Ash was a wonderful woman who started an amazing company that helps women look and feel beautiful. And just like no one can take away your bad experiences with Mary Kay, you can’t take away people’s good experiences either. #mymklife #mypinktruth
The women here who were in Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company have frequently spoken about their positive experiences in the company as well as the negative. But you are just another hard earned feather in some-one else’s cap. When you most likely fail, we will be here to help.
OP, what you’ve just described is a hobby. You love the products and they work for you? Wonderful! I’m happy you’re getting them at a discount and spending time with honest, hard-working women that fill your cup.
But if you haven’t made enough sales to do another $600 order, you’re not making any money. You’re losing money. I’m not mad that you have a hobby you love. But by no means is it a business. Because Mary Kay nor any other MLM will ever be a profitable business for the vast majority of consultants. It’s mathematically impossible. So stop lying to yourself and everyone else about it being a business, and I’ll stop “ragging on” MK.
I’m also pleased that you’ve found an honest director. No one on this site maintains that those do not exist—they absolutely do, and I know some of them. They are, however, the outliers because the system requires them to be so. Most directors and nsds are not honest with others, especially if they’re being honest with themselves. As Data Junkie points out at least once a week, no MLM ever has produced a downline which is, in aggregate, profitable. It’s simply not possible. Directors and nsds who know this must, by necessity, be dishonest. Directors who don’t know this aren’t being honest with themselves. They all sell the sizzle of a business, when the product on offer is, at best, a hobby.
Bless your heart! A newbie who thinks you know more than everyone else. How novel.
Frosty Rose is right — you have a hobby, not a business. If you really did your research on Pink Truth, you would have discovered that MLMs like MK are not businesses at all. You don’t OWN your business — MKC does. You’re a reseller of their products.
If you really did your research here on Pink Truth, you would have found no bitterness (except in coffee talk). Sure, we might be a wee salty about things, especially towards those directors and NSDs who continue to perpetuate lies and falsehoods. In fact, I think I was a more bitter person while IN MK than out.
I really hate how the word “bitter” is used to shame women for experiencing natural emotions. Why can’t we have the full range of emotion? If I’ve been scammed, you’re damn right I’m going to be bitter about it.
The societal expectation for women to always be nice and accommodating has done nothing but hold us back. It’s a form of patriarchal behavioral control.
Sing it, sister. I’m not sure why you got “Ridiculous Downvote” ™ for stating that women, in fact everyone for that matter are entitled to a full range of emotions without being ridiculed for expressing them.
Telling some-one that not expressing an emotion is “better” than confronting it and working through to a successful conclusion isn’t helpful. It is in fact how bitterness and other perceived negative emotions are repressed until they come boiling over often to the detriment of both the emotion-feeler and those closest to them.
Preach it, TAG. Women are individuals with their own concerns, issues, and problems, just like the menfolks. Yet somehow “bitter” is one of those adjectives never applied to men.
The so-called “negative” emotions are not bad – they are an indicator that something about your situation is wrong and your brain needs to closely examine what is prompting that feeling, then come up with a plan of action to deal with it in a constructive way. I don’t owe anyone any justification for feelings. They are valid, natural, and valuable.
Oh, and to the Ridiculous Downvoters ™ : Don’t you have a roast to cook for your 1960s alpha-male husband who’s going to bring his drunkard boss home for dinner with no warning, guaranteeing wackiness to ensue? Watch out, Little Timmy put a frog in the dish cupboard to scare you so that you throw a bowl of stewed tomatoes all over Drunkard Boss’ hatchet-faced priss of a wife, thus promulgating more wackiness!!!