Become a Sales Director in 9.5 Hours a Week

Check out this scheme for becoming a sales director in Mary Kay. And amazingly enough, it takes almost no time at all! Only 9.5 hours per week for six months (or less!!!). And at the bottom they tell you becoming a sales director is GUARANTEED! The impossible part of this plan is meeting new people who will hold classes and become your recruits. The plan suggests you can spend 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday meeting 3 to 5 new people. Good luck with finding people that quickly who will want to have facials or hold skin care classes.


  1. Meet 9-15 people per week? That’s like saying, “You can make over $100K per year just selling Mary Kay products! All you have to do is sell $800 (full retail) of product every week day. No weekend sales needed! Work a few hours a day, and take your nights and weekends off! Easy peasy!”

    Just like they don’t explain how to find 9-15 new people in 90 minutes work, I don’t tell you how you are going to find and keep buyers willing to pay full retail and spend $800 per day between them.

    This reminds me of Steve Martin’s advice on how to be a successful millionaire, “First, get a million dollars…”

  2. I have a friend who has been a consultant for about 15 years. I just saw on Facebook that she’s in DIQ now. Just makes me feel sad for her. She’s a talented salesperson. She could be making great money in a real sales job. Instead, she’s falling for this nonsense.

  3. Ah yes, it looks so easy on paper (not really). Putting a skin care class together alone takes longer than 9 1\2 hours by the time you get enough people to attend to make it worth your while, then there’s the prep, drive time, set up, cleanup, etc. Maybe this works in the land of rainbows and unicorns, but definitely not in the real world!

  4. Honour your family by

    delegating housework
    delegating laundry
    delegating banking and billpaying
    planning special time with your spouse and family

    I can get behind having a cleaner because housework sucks. So does laundry.
    Planning time with your family, sure especially when you have small children. Some of our most productive connecting times were eating sandwiches in the car because my husband could only grab a 30 minute lunch break.
    But having a potential stranger knowing my financial details doesn’t sound safe.

    • AND turn them into unpaid office help! Think of the bonding opportunities when you are on the phone and your hubby is unpacking another product shipment!

  5. Monday … in HALF an hour you are to meet 3-5 people and make 3-5 phone calls. Does that include the time to drive to Target where you will lurk in the cosmetics aisle to make contact? And do those phone calls include no answers? Because you have THREE TO FIVE MINUTES EACH.

  6. Wait, I thought Sundays were for worship and family time. So right after your Sunday family dinner you are supposed to “delegate” clean up to your kids and husband so you can go make phone calls for 2 hours? Hogwash! Not to mention, Dad has to get the kids bathed and ready for bed. My guess too is he has a real job and has to be at work by 7 or 8 am., so let him have a nice Sunday evening off. Also, other families are having their family time so why would I want to bother them on a Sunday evening? Good grief.
    Your director will say “it’s only for 6 months” also Hogwash, because in MK you are ALWAYS bugging people with phone calls trying to get orders, bookings, and profiling. Besides warm chattering, phone calls were the thing I hated most about MK.


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